When you were a witness, did you ever wonder where the GOOD witnesses were?

by BizzyBee 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I learned the hard way that whenever anybody said "you should get to know this family, they are really spiritual" whenever I moved into a new cong that they were the last people I'd want to know.

    It was always a big show they put on for everybody, when you got to know the real people, they weren't very nice.

    I always looked for the people that were a bit on the outside of the cong. They were usually the kind good hearted people.

    I knew some people that gave experiences on assembly parts, and knew what they did away from the KH. How they could get up there in front of everybody and make themeselves sound so good is beyond me. I could not be so dishonest.


  • lovelylil

    I was asked twice, two years in a row to give some of my experiences at the conventions. The only thing was that they did not exactly match the WT criteria. When I objected, I was asked to "fudge" the experience to make it fit. Thanks when I knew for sure that those experinces were made up crap to try to influence people. I refused to do it. And was harrased. The elder in charge and the CO kept calling me and asking me why I wont do it and insinuating that I was hiding some sin and therefore did not want to go up on the platform and look good. I finally said to the CO, that it is because you jerks are trying to get me to lie. Well, he stopped calling.

    A friend of mine, a pioneer gave an experience the same year that was TOTALLY made up. I know because her original experience was nothing like the final "edited" on. LOL

  • daystar

    I was a good Witness. I assumed that with few exeptions, we all were. I never really got the idea that they were all corrupt, though I began to see signs in my teen years.

  • The Mayor of Turiwhate
    The Mayor of Turiwhate

    Lowden sums it up perfectly:

    "Nobody can live up to those standards - we all fail from time to time, and sometimes quite miserably."

    There was a time when I sincerely thought that I was the only one failing to meet the standards, and that everyone else was a good JW - except for me.

    (The again, there was once a time when I believed in Santa Claus, too!)

    It must be said on this matter, though :

    - JWs are no different from any other religion in failing to live up to their own standards (But man alive, they surely think that they are different!)


    "I believe in Unicorns, Tooth Fairies, good JWs - and all other Mythological Creatures."

    The Mayor of Turiwhate.

    PS: There are others around who would take matters one step further, and declare that the only Good JW is a dead one!

  • sass_my_frass

    They all kind of creeped me out to be honest. Not as much as the district convention drama characters, but they were never all that real.

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