Better off Poor in UK than Rich in US!

by Seeker4 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus
    Better off Poor in UK than Rich in US!

    But of course! In Britain, you're surrounded by all that culcha.

    I suppose if dying on a NHS waiting list is a definition of "better off", then it must be true...

  • M.J.
    When we were in California the hotel staff were shock when my wife and I declined to wait 20 minutes for the hotel courtesy car and walked the 10 minutes to the Getty Museum.

    Yeah but that's so California..(LA especially). Ever see LA story where they get in the car to go next door? LOL.

  • stillajwexelder

    But of course! In Britain, you're surrounded by all that culcha.

    What is the difference between an Australian and a Yoghurt

    - a Yoghurt has got a culture

  • Stephanus
    What is the difference between an Australian and a Yoghurt

    - a Yoghurt has got a culture

    Australians and Americans pronounce yoghurt the same way.

  • sammielee24

    Cost of food - I just finished some shopping and also ate out this week so here's a comparison - California prices and I always try and shop for the best deals/lowest prices...

    Lunch for two people - 1 subway sandwich - 12" - 5.99 and 2 bottles of water @.99 each = abt $8.00 for lunch.

    Lunch for two people 2 days ago at a burger joint - 2 supersize cheese burgers 1.39 each (mayo/lettuce/tomato) plus an order of fries abt 1.50 plus a soda cost about $8.00.

    Today I paid for dinner for two people - $1.32 for 3 very small zuchinni; $1.00 for 1 measly green pepper; $1.53 for 1 measly red pepper; $2.84 for salad greens; chicken breasts $5.57 for a total of abt $13.00. No bread, no leftovers and I make it if you are really trying to be on top of it all, you would find for example that the same red pepper if organically grown would now cost double what I paid and a carton of 12 cage free eggs runs $2.22 instead of the $.98 for regular eggs.

    You can pick up a lot of boxed and frozen, starchy/fat/processed foods for less than you can the fresh or more healthy stuff - I know many of us have done it. It costs a lot to eat healthy and for those families trying to make a dollar go a long way, I understand why they eat the way they do. The breads and fats taste good and fill you up. That being said, I realize that dessert can be a bowl of sugar free jello and a can of beans is still more healthy to eat, but in the long run, I can understand the appeal and rationale for buying fast food especially when you have a bunch of kids to feed on a limited income.


  • ballistic

    It hard to work out as I'm not familiar with your currency but it does sound like fast food is cheap there.

    When I said it's cheaper to eat healthy, I was really comparing English prices on say a meal like a take away of fish and chips for 1 person: £3.50

    as opposed to:

    2 weeks supply of potatoes (2.5 kg) £1.33, a weeks supply of cabbage (0.5 kg) 0.56 pence and some frozen chicken (a very low fat meat) again about a weeks supply for one (1 kg) £2.50

  • M.J.

    I'm probably in the minority, but I'm sickened at the thought of consuming a BK Whopper, forget about wanting fries with that. Think of 40 grams of fat sliding into your body. I haven't ordered a fast food burger since I was a kid.

    I know of a few people who were raised on that stuff, not having a parent who would cook for them. It's no wonder people are unhealthy.

    Donuts in the workplace are also a true source of evil!

  • serendipity

    Others have touched on what I think the culprits are. The other thing I wonder about is how much meat a Brit eats VS an American? I also wonder about the fat content of the diet and the sugar content of the diet. The weather is also milder in the UK compared to most places in the US. I wonder how that factors in. And environmentally, is the UK less polluted?

  • ballistic
    The other thing I wonder about is how much meat a Brit eats VS an American? I also wonder about the fat content of the diet and the sugar content of the diet.

    - see my post above - I even know the prices.

  • juni

    Some things Americans can change for themselves i.e. diet, excercise, unhealthy habits.

    Other things i.e. work hours, health care (sucks), not a lot of mass transit to get you where you have to go, are out of our control because we have candidates who talk good about changing these problems to get the votes, but nothing ever does once they're in office.


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