For those of you who went to Bethel, how was the food?

by TresHappy 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    How were the Doomsday Dumplings?

    Seriously, was the food good? I used to hear it was awesome; somehow I don't believe that!

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I was not a Bethelite but I did have breakfast and lunch there once. I can't say that it was anything memorable. In fact, I don't even remember what we ate. So, I guess it wasn't that good or that bad. There was a member of the gb sitting at the table he was rather unfriendly. Don't even remember which one it was.

    Guess I'm not much help. I'll ask my brother, he was there for four years.


  • blondie

    They posted the menu so if it was something you didn't like you could eat some of the leftovers you scavenged (gleaned) from another day.

    It was not bad for institutional food. I have eaten in school cafeterias, prison cafeterias, and hospitals; and it was better than that type of food.

    I loved tostadas. I was a visiting worker and I would be sure to bring sour cream for my table. I loved the yogurt and the fresh strawberries, pizza night.

    But time was limited eating at the are only required to attend breakfast.

    It wasn't cordon bleu, but it was better than many places I have eaten.


  • TresHappy

    I used to hear how great it was; I imagined a family style breakfast with heaps of scrambled eggs and biscuits while conversing about Jehovah...was I delusioned or what????

  • blondie

    No time talk, just shove it in and chew. Morning worship consisted of 20 minutes gabbing about the day's text before you could eat. If you had some distance to walk to your work assignment from the the dining area...............lot of non-morning people at was job folks.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Food! My favorite subject!!!

    When I rolled (literally) into the House the food was flavorful and we had more breads. Then they hired a NUTRITIONIST cause many bethelites had high cholesterol and the alike. That messed it up for us. Now everything was measured ... NO SALT and little sugar. We use to eat lots of cinammon rolls and bear claws for breakfast ---- maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Then to one a week. Sucked big time. We almost rioted...bastards.

    What sucked big time was the fake eggs ... they use the powder eggs stuff. That stuff is alright once you get use to it.

    Sucked: Boiled Eggs...just load it up with SALT and KETCHUP

    ok: Muesli

    ok: Hash Browns ... just load it up with SALT and KETCHUP

    Overall ... OK. It's just oriented to a HEALTHY lifestyle ... you know, the people who eat to live and not live to eat. I am the former.

    - wac of the maybe they let me go for being 280lb? bastards!

  • JW_Researcher

    I loved it.

    As Blondie said, one could "glean" food they wanted to eat and if something was not too good you could eat the leftovers.

    The cheesecake and other desserts were exceptional, IMHO.

    For most of my stay our table was a joke... breakfast and lunch were assigned seating and supper was open seating.

  • gaybeat

    Well when I went they were cleaning the kitchens so no food. Then I walked down a dark hallway that reminded me of going inside the alien ride in Universal Studios.

  • cruzanheart

    I visited for a couple of days once upon a time, with my parents (of course!), and I got to help out in the kitchens because one of the people we were visiting was a pastry chef. Man, those cinnamon buns were good! However, I thought the diet in general had WAY too much starch in it -- I put on a couple of pounds instantly. I figured it helped the guys doing manual labor all day, though.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I've been there a few times and had a couple of meals there. The food wasn't too bad.
    They used to brag that most of the food they served was grown on the Watchtower Farm upstate.

    One meal they served while I was visiting one time was fish. I asked the table head if they caught the fish at the farm.....I just got a dirty look....

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