How many former JW witness current this forum

by PyroJoe 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I left after an almost 20 year affiliation with the Watchtower. It was all about doctrines and the lack of Christian love shown to JW's by the Governing Body.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Walked away 17 years ago.

  • ferret

    40 years in 25 years out. and happier than ever.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    27 years in

    23 years out [since ' 83]


  • ferret

    Oh by the way welcome PyroJoe

  • lovelylil

    Hi pyrojoe,

    Welcome to the board. My husband and I both left together about 2 years ago. We were in for 12 years. We have two kids ages 11 and 13, they never got baptized. My hubby was a MS and I was a Pioneer for about the last five years. Left for many reasons including: hiding of child molestors in the org. (which I have first hand knowledge), sick of studying books and wanted to learn what the bible really said, constant changes in doctrine including the 1914, finally woke up that it was just another religion. Did not bring anyone in, thank God for small blessings. And now have a personal relationship with God thru Jesus Christ and do not affiliate with any certain "Religion". I am free to choose where I want to worship and when. Hope this helps. Lilly

  • AuldSoul

    I disassociated myself in December of 2005. A date I will always remember. I'm 33 years old and all my family have cut me off completely, with the exception of my beautiful wife.


  • jschwehm

    Left in 1996.

    Former Pioneer and Bethelite.

    Jeff S.

  • looking_glass

    Hey Joe -

    born and raise a JW (3rd gen). I was a JW until about ten years ago when I faded. I have had family members that have both been df'd and have da'd themselves. Most of my family (small as it is) are still JWs. Yes, there is a 4th gen - my sister's kids.

    The idea of leaving whether by df'ing, da'ing or fading, it is a tough decision. The most important thing is to build up a support group, so that you do not feel alone. I suppose it is like the woman who is leaving an abusive relationship, we tell her to get as much in order a possible and then one day just leave. Try to put your life together as much as possible with support groups and/or friends and then leave. Much luck to you. And welcome to the forum.

  • coffee_black

    Third generation jw. Out officially since '93 at age of 41... happier now than I ever.


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