How does one write to the "societey" for an annulment?

by Frog 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frog

    I've decided it's worth a try...I don't want to regret feeling that I once again acknowledged their control over my life, so I intend to draft it in such a way as I'm telling them, but still if they should honour it then that would be a bonus...

    But, I'm not sure who to address the request to at the Sydney headquaters?

    Has anyone had success with an annulment request before? Any suggestions, regrets, things to be warey of?

    Thanks in advance for your helpful advice! x

  • SickofLies

    If you really don't want the WTS to know your a JW just don't go out in service, they keep no records at bethel of memberships. Other than that you need to get you publisher card from you local hall, and do away with all the elders that know you. Once this is done you are no longer a JW and are free, apart from that I know of no other way to leave with having it announced.

  • beanorama

    this aint the catholic church - as long as you dont tell - they dont ask - party on

  • What-A-Coincidence

    The Society keeps tabs on FULL TIME SERVANTS like Pioneers. Other than FTS's and the obvious ... regular pubs are not "linked" to their umbilical cord persay

  • jwfacts

    Hi Frogger,
    Here is my unsuccessful annulment letter, with the address for the Aust branch.
    Here is a simpler approach that did work.
    You run a risk putting anything in writting, so I would recommend that your current position is safest. You are not counted in the figures as you are not a publisher, though you went to the memorial so you will be counted in that number, but would have regardless of your status just for attending.

  • diamondblue1974

    Way to go...dont ask for an annulment...tell em!

    Any other way in my view is almost allowing them to be in control and after so many years of being out and all the hard work in readjusting your belief system, the less control they have the better.


  • jwfacts

    I screwed up by 'requesting' an annulment. Definitely tell them. Word it something like
    "This is to inform you that I am annulling my baptism on the grounds that I was illegally coerced into baptism as a minor, based on misleading statements in the Watchtower publications. As such I was never truly a follower of the Watchtower Society, making any announcement that I am "no longer" one of Jehovah's Witnesses incorrect and defamatory. Please ensure that all personal records held about me are destroyed."

  • Frog

    that's super brilliant Paul, thanks matey! frog x

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    "This is to inform you that I am annulling my baptism on the grounds that I was illegally coerced into baptism as a minor...

    Chuck in a "After consulting with my lawyer I wish to inform you..."

    Mention legal action, it will scare them.

  • jwfacts

    Hope it works.

    Include that cute picture of you getting baptised, saying 'look, I was just an innocent kid'.

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