In ref. to child abuse

by jw 93 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Kudra

    I think you are totally missing the point:

    Molestation happens in just about every group. Religious or otherwise. Jehovah's Witnesses, when they learn of it happening in their group do not inform their members because they are afraid it will "taint the good name of the congregation" or "bring reproach on Jehovah". Thus, the molesters are allowed to run rampant in the congregation without anyone (parents of young children) knowing who they are.
    The elders, by not informing any vulnerable parents, put a good image above loving and caring for the members of the congregation.
    After allegation and allegation about a certain accused molester they will not deal with (disfellowshipping etc) or report to the police even if many different young ones have come forward JUST because there weren't two witnesses to the crime. Do you think there ever would be extra witnesses to a molstation crime?
    So the Jehovah's Witnesses are accused by all of us for perpetuating a situation in which child abuse can flourish.


  • jw

    Lots of Jw's are cops. They were cops before being a jw. And they they still are cops as a jw. They just don't kill people.

  • lovelylil


    please you are not a grown man and you are not fooling me. Grown men do not say Duh! My 13 year old says that.

    And if you had children and were grown you would know that no 7 year old boy has his mother bring him into the bathroom. I was in the same kingdom hall since my kids were born. Why would I think an elder would not protect my child when I can guarantee you, I would have protected his child.

    As far as hurting him, If you read my other posts, I have post traumatic stress disorder and freak out if anyone hurts any child. Ever heard of temporary insanity? Believe me, I will hurt anyone that hurts my child, it is called a mother's instinct.

    You so so foolish and uneducated in your posts. I don't know what kind of home you live in, but my kids would never be molested taking out the trash. Come on, is that even a real response or are you just pulling my chain?

    You just do not want to face the facts that there is a problem in the JW org. just as bad if not worse than in the Catholic church. And its because so many of the members are naive, uneducated, and believe the Org. will protect them and then reality hits them and they realize they are on their own after all.

    Please don't respond to this post. I have no interest in speaking with a child. One last thing here is a prayer I have said many times since leaving the org:

    Thank you Jehovah God and Jesus for keeping my children safe, knowing I could not handle them being molested like I was as a child and for releasing me from the bondage of one of the largest false religions of Babylon the Great - the Watchtower Organization. (Evil Publishing Empire). And for helping me to realize that this EVIL organization did not even DESERVE to have any contact with my precious children who you gave to me as a gift. AMEN

  • looking_glass

    JW - this sentence makes no senses ...

    You stated - I personally have posted child molesters on the internet but unfortunately the legal system made me take it down because even though I was a witness they had no crimminal conviction.

    Were you an eye witness to the event, if so, WTF??? So are you saying you were present while someone was abusing a child? If you were a eye witness then you should have gone to the authorities and contacted local agencies. If you were saying that you were a Jehovah's Witness, I don't understand the purpose of stating your religion. Maybe the person was never charged with a crime because no "witnesses" were willing to come forward.

    It appears to me that you are engaged in this thread in order to provoke people in a heated debate because you get a charge out of it. To each there own. For someone who seems to take issue with this forum as hostile and unnecessary, you are participaing it as well. That would lead one to question your true motive. If this site is such a waste of time, why are you here arguing with everyone.

  • Hellrider
    Ok all time to get real. Child abuse is not limited to Jw's.

    Of course not, and noone is saying that. What we are saying though, is that the highranking JWs, the WTBTS have systematically been protecting known pedophiles in the congregations on a worldwide scale to keep a pretty facade on their religion. And the practical result is that pedophiles have been allowed to molest pretty freely within this closed community that the JWs have. I know this, as I have seen it myself. A pedophile CO (!!) from our neighbouring congregation wasn`t stopped until he went on to molest children outside the cult. Not until then was he stopped. He was then stripped of his privileges and DFed (although it later became known that he had been doing this for years, and that the elders knew about it). He was later reinstated, did it again (!!), and was DFed a second time.

    If you truly want to stop child abuse first start with the family , and be honest we all have a relative that is a pedophile.

    I refuse to believe that it is that common. Maybe it is in JW-land, I don`t know, pedophiles tend to be drawn to closed communities, but in the rest of society I truly don`t think it is. Not in every family, at least.

  • stevenyc

    JW, was your comment about becoming a child molester directed at me? steve

  • candidlynuts

    jw do you have a problem with victims of molestation within the Jehovahs witness organization becomeing activists in trying to change organizational policy to protect current and future children?

    people start working on problems that they know and experienced. the policies of the Wtbs need to be changed so that you wont get disfellowshipped if you turn a molester into the police or warn other parents of the danger within the hall.

    yes it is a world wide problem. and it takes many battles to win the war.

  • cyd0099

    I can't believe I almost fell for that. Tricksy little troll, you almost got me.

  • looking_glass

    Lovelylil, it must have been bed time, so the computer was shut off and no more mass postings. After I read your post, I had to agree with you. Some little kid with nothing to do but yank some chains. Funny how we fell for it. Interesting how the human psyche works.

  • jw


    please you are not a grown man and you are not fooling me. Grown men do not say Duh! My 13 year old says that.

    Please say you are not a christian!

    And if you had children and were grown you would know that no 7 year old boy has his mother bring him into the bathroom.

    I believe already responded to that!

    I was in the same kingdom hall since my kids were born. Why would I think an elder would not protect my child when I can guarantee you, I would have protected his child.

    Trust NO ONE.

    As far as hurting him, If you read my other posts, I have post traumatic stress disorder and freak out if anyone hurts any child. Ever heard of temporary insanity? Believe me, I will hurt anyone that hurts my child, it is called a mother's instinct.

    Not very christian of you. You can protect children with out violence!

    You so so foolish and uneducated in your posts. I don't know what kind of home you live in, but my kids would never be molested taking out the trash.

    Apparently you missed the part where I stated none of my kids were ever molested. And if you must know it was a child of a stranger in passing!

    Come on, is that even a real response or are you just pulling my chain?

    You just do not want to face the facts that there is a problem in the JW org.

    I never said there was not a problem in the JW organization!

    just as bad if not worse than in the Catholic church.

    Soo true, All the gays are in the catholic church.

    And its because so many of the members are naive, uneducated, and believe the Org. will protect them and then reality hits them and they realize they are on their own after all.

    Why would anyone think an organization would protect them?

    Please don't respond to this post.

    OMG and why not!

    And by the way I hear St. Johns wort is great for post traumatic stress disorder !

    I have no interest in speaking with a child.

    Soo insulting. A christian would not have said that.

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