The NWT....

by Sunspot 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Narkissos
    To each major word we have assigned one meaning and have held to that meaning as far as context permitted.

    Not only this is wrong as a statement of fact (there are scores of inconsistencies in the NWT, as in any other translation), it is also stupid as a statement of intention.

    As any dictionary shows, most words do have several "meanings" (both synchronically, in different phrases and contexts, and diachronically, as a result of language evolution) and require diversified renderings into any other language.

    To "assign one meaning" you would have to ignore the other "meanings". Which can only be done arbitrarily, by deliberately choosing to misunderstand in x % of cases.

    Of course they mean "assign one English equivalent". But the result is coded text rather than plain English.

    For instance, *consistently* translating nephesh or psukhè by "soul" results in hijacking the English word "soul" from its usual English meaning (the NWT "soul" doesn't mean "soul") and making it available for the sectarian "definition" (the so-called "biblical 'soul'").

    (Bible translation is a good place to watch man's impossible desire to overcome language with language -- and its frustration.)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just my opinion...

    The NWT seems to win and loose at the same time. Fresh imput on Bible translation is allways welcome in my opinion, and to a certain degree this is present in the NWT. Differant passages of the Bible have been rendered more accurately than in other versions, and I find this a plus. Like in the instance of the The Johannine Comma.
    I've found it to be a very bland and biased translation as well. The words seem almost artificial and in particular certain words have been used in order to maintain JW "pure" language. It dosn't get any better than Ray Franz saying that his uncle Fred actually refered to the version as biased. For those who want a more liberal translation of the bible, I would suggest the Good News Bible instead of the NWT. For those who want a more traditional, you have your pickings.
    In the end the NWT is simply what is to be expected, a Bible with a JW bias. Just like the many other mainstream christian churches and scolars have translated with their bias, the WTS has done the same.
    In my opinion the biggest mistake is not the NWT itself, but how it is put on to the membership as the only good translation. You can't produce a Bible translation that is unbiased no matter how hard you try, NWT included. When this fact is not accepted the real troubble begins.

  • hamsterbait

    What really did it for me was finding out that Revelation says the Great Crowd is standing "in the divine dwelling place" where the 144000 and other angels are (ie Heaven)

    and the anti trinity translation of the scripture where in the greek Jesus says " whatever you ask me in my name will be given" which in the NWT is "whatever you ask in my name will be given to you"

    AS FREDDIE said "you have to understand the Bible properly before you can translate it."



  • lovelylil

    Drew, you make a very good point. All the religions that make their own translations are biased. It is good to remember this no matter what bible we are using.

  • jw

    Click here: - Dictionary Search Tool - DictSearch - Search in on-line dictionaries Well have you tried to get a copy of the dead sea scrolls and try and do research on ancient greek language?

  • jw

    I am not an elder and I have the greek book.

  • lovelylil

    Hi JW,

    Since you have the NWT and the Greek book, why don't you read them together so you can find the 200 verses that the WT changed in the NWT? It was very eye opening to see that the original Greek was totally butchered in the NWT. You may find this as well.

    I guess the "elder" who told me usually only "elders" have the Greek book was not that knowlegeable then was he?

  • jw

  • lovelylil


    what is your point with your last post? I have the whole book on the dead sea scrolls. Is there something specific you are trying to point out, please explain? Thanks, Lilly

  • mrsjones5

    I may have said this before but I like my NIV Women's devotional bible better than the NWT that I have which I keep in my garage...if I had a firepit I'd probably burn it.


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