Dancing stories

by greendawn 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin

    Indeed, we white men cannot dance, but with enough alcohol in our systems, we believe we can dance.

  • tijkmo

    well i can 'not dance' without the help of alchohol

  • Jim_TX

    Well, the title of this thread _is_ 'dancing stories', so here goes.

    Waaaay back when Travolta hit the silver screen with disco, I decided I wanted to learn how to dance disco. I went to a local place called Fred Astaire Dance Studio, and asked them if they could teach me to dance disco. They musta seen dollar signs, cause they immediately said, "Sure!"

    Over the next few weeks - which turned into months - I was then taught every form of ballroom dance known. I learned Fox Trot, Tango, Rumba, Waltz, East Coast Swing, etc. I was very good at it... or so they said, as they scheduled my next lesson.

    My instructor was a cute little gal... most of the time, while moving across the floor, with her - at arms length, I would zone out - thinking of other things... once she said, "That was Fox Trot.", as we were dancing some other dance - like Tango. I came back with a
    I thought about it, and even though it was on a Sunday (hears the wimmen-folk place their hand over their forehead, shreek and pass out), I decided to do it. (Yeah... I missed the 'meeting' that day.)

    Know what? I had a good time... and took First Place in the Tango dance competition. They even gave me a Blue Ribbon, which I kept for a long time, too.

    Anyway... I had fun doing ballroom dancing. Never _did_ learn Disco, though. I finally quit going to dance classes when I moved out of town - to work 90 miles away in another town.

    Jim TX

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    I cant dance to save my life, my other half reckons that my "dancing" is a cross between bouncing and shadow boxing

  • luna2

    Sounds very...um...unusual, Doctor. Ask her to take a little video of you next time so you can post it here. lol

  • LaCatolica

    haha..My husband became a professional salsa dancer right after he left the organization. His mother blames his rebellion on dancing. He performed many times and even went international and she NEVER once went to see him or cared. How supportive! Now, I'm involved in a ladies salsa group and she's already giving me "advice" on why I should reconsider. She feels that being out "there" performing is bad and I should be careful not to get involved with the wrong crowd. Haha..."she don't know me very well, do she"...(she's loosed up a bit, but those comments still come out her mouth)

    I love dancing and being on stage...It lifts my spirits and makes me feel great!

  • Bstndance

    I was once told by the elders that I was spending too much time at the dance studio and not enough time out in service. LOL!

    There were just jealous.

  • mrsjones5
    Being a JW for the first half of my life, of course dancing was considered the devil's work.

    Not all jws ore of this attitude...go to a mainly black congregation and you'll find folks who love to dance and actively do so (this is from my own personal experience).

    My Mom and Dad love to dance and taught their children a few steps. Myself, I love to dance to almost anything. Especially love line dancing - don't need a partner to boogie!


  • lucifer

    the Salsa is so fun to try and do, and if you can learn it, it's even more fun lol

  • z



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