
by pudgey1 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OpenFireGlass
    do you believe in god but think the bible is rubbish?

    1 Timothy 2:11,12 ... is that rubbish?

  • trevor

    If God made the bible for us then why has he made it so difficult to understand?

  • pudgey1

    Haha ive never read that scripture before made me laugh

    but hey submissiveness can be good....sometimes

  • praiseband

    Some thoughts - maybe he wanted us to have to really think and interact with each other. After all, he also gave us a brain to learn and to reason. You can read any of the "Dummies" how-to books that explain how to do about anything. But until you've actually implemented the instructions and used them in your own individual and unique life they're only words.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    do you believe in god but think the bible is rubbish?

    Don't be "thrown" by the various beliefs regarding the Bible. Like the saying goes "Opinions - everybody's got one".

    I can understand why some consider the book as "rubbish" - I can understand it, but I don't believe it's rubbish (just maybe parts of it).

    I consider myself a Christian, never been a JW. I believe our Creator inspired certain portions of the Bible, men "inspired" other portions..., but that doesn't make it less valuable. We need to seek out those 'treasures' in the Bible that are there to help us understand life and our relationship to the Creator. my soapbox and 2 cents

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