Holy Crap! My bank account has been emptied by fraudsters!!!!

by nicolaou 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • trevor

    “ Holy Crap! My bank account has been emptied by fraudsters!!!!

    What shall I do Batman?”

    “Just stay cool Robin, while I get the Batmobile. These clowns won’t get far! POW!!! ZAP***”

  • happyout

    Sorry this happened to you, Nic, but glad your bank is taking care of it.

    I NEVER put my SSN on anything anymore. It's amazing how many people ask for it that don't need it, doctor's and dentists offices, various other agencies. I leave that spot blank, and I have never once been refused service because of it.

    I go to one gas station only, and use my Amex. I check my credit card websites weekly, and also my bank accounts several times a week online. I put a fraud alert on my credit account because after donating blood to the Red Cross, I received a letter telling me a lap top that possibly had some of my identifying information had been stolen.

    It's rough out there, you can't be too careful.


  • Sunnygal41

    can you say identity theft????? better make sure that's all they made a copy of.........

  • damselfly

    It's scary stuff. I had my GST cheque stolen from my mailbox a few years back. It took forever to get that straightned out. I ckecked my account after your post, Yup that $1.39 is still there.


  • ballistic
    A shame, but mind you ... after 4 wives I don't have to worry, everything has been emptied - twice over!

    LOL, sorry I know it's not meant to be funny - but it's like, "look on the bright side!"

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    That's real bad nic.

    Make sure you look at the card slot next time you use a cash machine.

    I am extremely paranoid about doing this - I practically try to rip the slot to pieces before I put my card in! I also won't use an ATM if there are people too close by, check for small hidden cameras and everything else the banks suggest. I think I worry more about my account being emptied this way than I do about it happening when I'm online.

  • Stephanus
    Make sure you look at the card slot next time you use a cash machine.

    What should you be looking for, specifically?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Fraudsters sometimes insert card readers into the slots so you need to check if the slot looks like it has had anything added (the fraudster has to leave a slight overlap so that they can remove it). Also if a reader has been inserted, the ATM will often ask you to re-enter your PIN number - so if you're ever asked to do this - to be on the safe side, DON'T!!

  • ballistic

    Watch out also for this trick is major cities. Someone will point out a fiver on the floor by your feet and they time it to the second before your widthdrawl is despensed (they know the machines very well). As you bend down to pick the fiver up, they are literally gone like a shot with your cash widthdrawl.

    That hasn't happened to me, but once someone had stuck a piece of card (actually a flyer for a strip club) in the dispense slot. And the homeless guy who sits by the machine begging gets to his feet and comes over to "assist". Unfortunately because I was already wound up by someone tampering with the machine and not liking carrying lots of cash at that time of night, I just put on my ballistic glare on and pointed at his face. And he back stepped away.

  • DanTheMan

    Nic, that sucks man!

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