A New Voice

by apfergus 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • apfergus

    Well thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! I do keep in regular contact with my parents (only my mother is a JW, my dad was never involved), and even though the whole JW thing can put a strain on my relationship with my mother, both my parents have been fairly supportive of me. I know that my mom really wants me to come back. Every time I'm back home from school she always winds up getting me to go out to dinner with someone from the old congregation in the hopes that something will make me want to come back. She has NO IDEA how unlikely that is, and I do my best to hide my complete lack of interest from her to avoid breaking her heart all over again.

  • sass_my_frass

    Hi love. It's good of you to be kind to your mum. None of us wanted to break their hearts but in my case, it was a choice between theirs and mine.

    So are you studying? How's it going?

  • Dismembered

    Greetings and Welcome to JWD apfergus. It's always a pleasure to see the numbers of this board continue to swell.


  • luna2

    Hi, apfergus. Welcome to JWD!

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Welcome Fergus! I envy you guys that had/have the backbone and intelligence to get out at your age; this way your JW-experience can be one of the most valuable and insightful lessons of life. VG

  • deeskis

    hi fergus, and welcome

    glad you got out when you were young. i was 21 when i got out and only found this forum late last hear. i still had some issues with my upbringing, and have found some great information and support on this site.

    best wishes


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am going to express my complete ignorance here - but what is LGBT? I have surmised a few possibilities, but I had not seen the designation before.


  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • serendipity

    Hi apfergus, welcome to the forum!

  • merfi

    It's GLBT.

    But I'm clueless too. What is it?


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