Brooke's night at the Memorial!

by ButtLight 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    First...this was probably the funniest thread I've read in months. I had tears running down my big ole chipmunk cheeks (upper, not lower) at the pic and the whole story.

    Now for the FEW of you who are dissing Brookie for going at all...she of all people should be able to go and do WHATEVER THE HELL SHE WANTS TO after being treated like scum by elders, ms's, elders wives, cong. members and especially her loving relatives. Don't knock her if you don't know what she has been through. Why do you care what she does? Maybe that is her "therapy". I give her so much credit for doing a lot of stuff I THINK about doing but don't have the guts to do myself. (Though some of these thoughts do include hand grenades and automatic rifles so it is a good thing it's only thoughts for that sort of thing).

    If and when Brooke decides to "attend her DF'ing"...if and when that does occur...I will dig out one of my old JW "outfits" and take a few oxicodone combined with some other drugs and go with her to camcord it...if she decides to make her thoughts known to the cong. I really have no doubts that she could pull it off.

    I love you Brookie. I love you butt for being her good friend. I love you too JH...even though I know not what this "bet" is.

    AND FURTHERMORE...for the person wondering if she looked like a man...GOD...GO GET YOUR EYES CHECKED. YOU HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH YOUR EYESIGHT!! good to good to vent.


  • candidlynuts

    you tell em mumsy!!!

    mmmmwah good to see you!

  • HadEnuf

    Nice to see you to Emu person. I miss everyone but had to take a break from the board for psychological reasons. Don't want to end up back on that Psych ward by getting too riled up. Oh hahahahahaha...they're coming to take me away...they're coming to take me away.....

  • candidlynuts

    jsut remember...........under the white coats? they're just men..

    get them naked and enjoy!

  • Hecklerboy

    Why couldn't there have been hotties like that at my hall? I would have definetly worked the mics on your isle.

  • ButtLight
    I love you butt for being her good friend.

    Ahhhh heck, i love you too mumzy! (just so you know, it was all a joke about her being a tranny lol)

    I know you want to post brooke, come on, do it, do it!!

  • JH

    Brooke drank all of these, since she last posted.

  • stillajwexelder

    and her friend buttlight is too!


  • Jourles
    Brooke drank all of these, since she last posted.

    No doubt.....that little caffeine whore.

    (I bet she is so wound up reading this thread she is busting at the seams)

  • collegegirl21

    Brooke you'll have to come with me to my memorial... I'll drink the wine with you ;) Then we can go out and get hammered... see you in chat sometime :) LMAO - You are amazing!

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