Crisis of Conscience

by south african beef 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    Ive just ordered "Crisis of Conscience" from Amazon.

    I am already totally free from dubdom but will this book make sure that I never return?

    Probaby. Unless... Carmen Electra starts studying and attends your Hall.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    There is actually a person who reviewed the book on and said that it was a great resaon TO become a witness. Good gosh! Ray Franz says it clearly enough in his books, removal from a religious structure DOES NOT mean that you will be better off. It must be REPLACED with something better. For lack of a better term, many are to lazy even consider having to "replace" anything. They rather stick with what is "tride and true", and let their own choice actually become simply what someone else has chosen, not themselves. Hense those who rather stick to organization no matter what. They enjoy the security it brings.

  • freedomlover

    I actually read "gentile times reconsidered" first, and then CoC. Coc really helped me feel better about why I believed it for so long, and it helped impress upon me that it's the organization that is the problem not just individual idiot elders being jerks - which is what the "faithful slave" wants you to think.

    It's a MUST read though......enjoy!

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Thanks everyone for your comments so far - I now can't wait to get the book!!!!

    I liked the post about perhaps I would go back if Carmen Electra was going to the KH but how can i agree with that when I've got such a gorgeous wife in Bubble?!!!!

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    I already despised almost everything about the Borg but... I still believed in the FD&S dogma and that the 'Sauls' in the GB were still anointed. So I felt it was my duty to somehow weather it out.
    But then someone gave me James Penton's Apocalypse Delayed and that gave me hope.
    Then when I read Don Cameron's Captives of a Concept, I considered the possibility that I was free to leave.
    Reading CoC shortly afterwards really clinched the deal for me: it was my ticket out. I remember thinking on page 27 in December 2005: I will never set foot in a Kindom Hall ever in my entire life again.
    CoC delivered everything it promised and I also found it offered consolation. I needed that, since the whole process only took a couple of months; everything happened so fast.
    This has made CoC the single most influential book in my life (till now).

  • stillajwexelder

    CARMEN ELECTRA ? I have just gone weak at the knees

  • uninformed


    When Bill Clinton was president, they used to boast of his ability to "compartmentalize".

    He was a piker compared to you.


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