Crisis of Conscience

by south african beef 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Ive just ordered "Crisis of Conscience" from Amazon.

    I am already totally free from dubdom but will this book make sure that I never return?

  • garybuss

    I know one Witness who got baptized AFTER they read Crisis Of Conscience.

  • phil78

    I had to order mine in from the US. I had already left and just wanted to make sure i wold never want to go back. The book is definately full of anti GB experiences. I still have not fully read it. Its pretty full on. To go back or not is in your own heart, not in this book. We were all part of the witness religion because we believed without question everything we were told and everything we were told to read.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    If you are already free from the WTS then this book will seal it.

    I don’t know how anyone could get baptized AFTER reading this book unless it’s for family reasons, they obviously know its not the truth and just doing it to keep others happy.

    I've read both Ray's books, its the best thing I've ever done. It really opened my eyes.

  • rekless

    spoken as if a US congressman.

    I'm sure my friend and distinguised gentleman from South Dakota is jesting.

  • garybuss

    You wrote: I'm sure my friend and distinguised gentleman from South Dakota is jesting.

    Nope! True story.

  • rekless

    Hi Gary, I should have known you knew some one that returned after reading it. How you doing? I just can't find time to see you. We have to come in and take care of Joanne's mom who is a assistance living home and have to take her shopping and so forth. I feel bad that I've never met you. Time and lack of. dan

  • garybuss

    Hi Dan, Save my number. I'm self employed so I can get away to meet you pretty easy. Just let me know.

  • deeskis


    Just read your other post, welcome to the board, glad you've and your wife have found happiness. I too was born in, Scottish, moved to Australia when I was 21 (24 years ago) and faded. My family in australia and Scotland are still in, my parents shunned for around 18 months but are pretty good with me now.

    I had read various books on cults and the witnesses when I first left and although i was completely over it i felt that maybe there was some elements of truth in the religion. I only read COC and could not put it down. I can't understand how anyone could read it and "not have the blinkers fall off".

    My mum saw the book on my bookshelf and had a quick flick through it. She said "i know they've made mistakes but so did king david". They still feel it's the best there is!? Whe I told them some other stuff about un and child abuse they laughed and denied it but i found out later that they did go onto the internet to check some things there's always hope.

    Best wishes


  • Mary
    I am already totally free from dubdom but will this book make sure that I never return?


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