JW Dating site snippets...

by Lilycurly 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lilycurly

    LOL!! Oh God!hihihi

    Here are more...

    "I want to do a lot more spiritually. I am planning to give up my job earlier in 2006 and spend more time in the ministry, while my circumstances allow. In the new system we wont have things they way we do now, so I figure that a $4000 per month checking acccount for the lady to spend on clothes isn't really the way to go!

    "I`m self-employed and manage a firm for Insureance-Broking and Financial-Services together with my brother.As a "back-comer" from Satans world it`s not always easy for me to do Jehovas will but John 16:33 really helps"

    "Appart from all the obvious Truth related requirements, I am looking for some one into horses, in fact Must be able to Ride a horse!"

    "I always admire the brother and sisters during prayer at the Kingdom Hall when they would hold hands and embrace lovingly. "That is the way it should be.” "

    "I love to answer at the meetings and I've been told I give good talks. I help out with the snow plowing at the Kingdom Hall parking lot(that keeps me busy.... the past winter rocked us good last year!) I especially try to encourage those who are weak in the Truth, (if they start heading out the door, they're mine!)" hahahaha

  • Elsewhere
  • Lilycurly

    The Sensual and Passion on was actually from a man, I think...hihi. He was describing his ideal mate. Good luck!

  • MissBehave
    "I am a 46 year old brother. Raised in the truth, and still never married.

    And I still live with my parents. In the basement.

  • Woofer

    Why is that person looking at the brothers and sisters holding hands during the prayer instead of having their eyes closed???

    Sounds spiritually weak to me!

  • delilah

    Appart from all the obvious Truth related requirements, I am looking for some one into horses, in fact Must be able to Ride a horse!"

    Nevermind if he doesn't have a job, they can always pioneer together...and let Jehovah look after them...Horses??? What the hell do horses have to do with dating????

  • kid-A

    "I want to do a lot more spiritually. I am planning to give up my job earlier in 2006 and spend more time in the ministry, while my circumstances allow. In the new system we wont have things they way we do now, so I figure that a $4000 per month checking acccount for the lady to spend on clothes isn't really the way to go!"

  • delilah

    Wait, here's a horse for them.... it's Ed, the hobby horse.....

  • lawrence

    Kid A - great pictures!

    delilah - they need the horses to ride off into the Armageddon Sunset. The hell with the dude having a job, how about a brain?

  • Elsewhere
    The Sensual and Passion on was actually from a man, I think...hihi. He was describing his ideal mate. Good luck!

    *** Queue Me So Horny by 2 Live Crew ***

    Oh, so horny....Ohh, so horny....Ohh, so horny.
    Me love you long time.


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