JW Dating site snippets...

by Lilycurly 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    LMAO, this is so funny.


  • Brigid
    "I`m self-employed and manage a firm for Insureance-Broking and Financial-Services

    Holy crap! How'd you like to be an unsuspecting worldling trapped in an elevator next to this guy! "You want a bible study? how 'bout a bible study? No? Insurance? Financial planning? C'mon....I got it all here-yer not leavin' without buying something!"


  • Lilycurly

    "I think it is kind of neat to have this web site, so we as witnesses of Jehovah are able to communicate to others with our same beliefs via the net. But were we not warned about the Internet? Do any of you ever wonder if this truly is a safe site for witnesses? I guess we will all learn as we go."

    "I stopped going for about 4 years when I was 15. I am back again, and it has been great. I have had the privilege of being able to go back out in service and last month I placed 3 Bible Teach books in 2 days. I was pretty excited. They had to kick me out of the car to do it, but I got the hang of it.'

    "Oh yeah, my goals in this life, here on this earth.. (which I sincerely hope doesn't end too soon. I have a lot of work I want to do. i.e. try to bring back my brothers.) I want to get baptized as soon as possible..."

    "The most important things I treasure that I have gained in my life is Jehovah and the Bible. I found Him when I was 21. I was empty without Him."

    "Very important that my friends would develop 'fruitage of the spirit' [Gal.5:22,23]."

    "As far as brothers I love a "manly" brother who is not afraid to take the lead or get his hands dirty.A brother that is not embarassed to show how he feels about Jehovah, and is firm for what is right. Field Service and Meeting attendance must be a priority, as I organize my life around Spiritual things and would need to be with someone who feels the same way. If you want to work part-time so you can Pioneer lets do it!"

    "not frightened of showing his wife affection openly, Like jehovah- to be my rock, "

  • Elsewhere
    "not frightened of showing his wife affection openly, Like jehovah- to be my rock, "

    LMAO! Where's Dr. Freud when you need him?!

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation


    "I am a 46 year old brother. Raised in the truth, and still never married."


    "Absolutely love children, but as for me none in this system of things."


    "Together we can explore the deeper things of God in front of an open fire, talk about the new world, and perhaps speculate on what the ‘Sign of The Son of Man’ might look like."


    " I prefer quiet periods but also regularly play Kingdom melodies and Bible tapes.I'm always early at meetings and take punctuality seriously. Aside from my clothes, books, a simple tape recorder and a laptop (for business purposes) I deliberately own nothing I don't use. This gives me clarity and peace of mind."

  • love2Bworldly

    OMG LMAO You people are hysterical! My co-workers are wondering why I'm sitting at my computer cracking up hysterically.

  • love2Bworldly

    OMG LMAO You people are hysterical! My co-workers are wondering why I'm sitting at my computer cracking up hysterically.

  • Lilycurly

    "i love to dance everything involving latin flavor to you name it--something with strong rythm, of course have a few drinks along the way. "

    "The number one quality quality that I look for in a spiritual mate is affection. Idream about things like cuddling, stroking, having us be each other's seat, perhaps listening to some classical(love it!) or some other type offine music; dancing, retiring together..so taking the lead is not always easy. However, I feel very confident that with the right encouragement and support I will rise to the occasion(based on experience)."

    "Physically, I am attracted to a woman with full hair."

    "I hope to find a faithful lover of Jehovah. One who was aquired and continues to polish her fruits of his spirit."

    "It has been almost 10 years since i started learning about the Truth and i am still learning. I am amazed at the information that the faithful slave has provided us. I can't imagine how my life would be without Jehovah's help, yet i can not understand why so many people are afraid to listen to His word. I find that very puzzling. And even more so that just the mention of his name can scare people off."

    "Somebody that loves Jehovah strongly and is loyal and sincere, and hey! it will be extra bonus if she can cook! "

    "Looking for a siste rwho is humble,balanced,not too independent,submissive,and respectful and forgiving."

  • Lilycurly

    It just never stops!!!lol

    " am looking for a sister who is about my size"

    "Someone who wants a partner to study with and go out in the ministry alongside her. Someone who will give me the
    privilege of reading the bible to her every day..."

    "Do you want to hold hands in the hall, and link arms when singing praises to our glorious Creator? That's the sort of lady I am seeking."

    "she love the troh and jehovah
    shes humbel, happy and ...
    shes lhave good looking
    she have humour
    she whant be a whoman
    only for one man"

    "She must be spiritually minded and a partner in crime someone whose heart will make me do my best for her to love one another every day as we grow older and make it through the end of this system of things .Does it sound romantic for you? indeed I am romantic and passionate. "

    "gotten a little flak from my pic w/the goatee. that' gone now. i was inactive for a while, never disfellowshipped though, but i'm back full force, since over a year. drop me a line if u wanna know more.. ;) "

    "..and willing to try just about anything that Jehovah doesn't prohibit."

    "I'm not perfect, that will take another 1000 years or so."

    "´m real nature boy...native viking and i´m looking 4 nature girl....maybe YOU... you don´t need to be viking... ; )"

    "Jehovah is in my heart at first place, but my heart is waiting for filling the second place, in order to complete a threefold cord – for eternity."

    "Maybe a nice little cute girl with long hair and big.......? :D just kidding"

    "she would also respect the marriage arrangment and be prepared to raise a family with my help of course.im in it to the end when this system is finally done away with.and living forever in paradise,is where we would be ,hand in hand with my wife and our family.and i mean everyone included. "

  • serendipity

    Hi Lily,

    When I need a laugh, I read through profiles there too.

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