Were you a nodder?

by merfi 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • merfi

    You know.... one of those JWs who nods slightly in agreement with a point the speaker makes? I've seen this LOTS at assemblies etc but we do have a local nodder; we call her Bonnie Bobble-head cuz she reminds me and the kids of the bobble-heads for car dashes. heehee

    I sat next to someone at an assembly last Nov, and she not only nodded, but made various "mm" and clucking noises as well (got really bad during a story about an elder who *gasp* recited the Pledge or something, which was of course his first false step and he's out of the bOrg now. tsk tsk). I was having the giggle bad over that one....


  • Finally-Free

    We had an elder that we called a bobble-head. I'm surprised he doesn't have brain damage yet - or maybe he does.


  • limbogirl

    My mother is a bit of a nodder...no clucking noises, thank god, but definitely bobble-headed agreement.

    I, on the other hand, was a different kind of nodder....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah, I nodded at almost every meeting and convention.... nodded asleep!

  • Lilycurly

    No way!

    But my dad is, I found it SO irritating. I sometimes had to refrain not shake my head negatively at was was said. And there he was nodding, with a little knowing smile and agreeing noises. Aaarg!!!

  • Woofer

    My mom is a big nodder . . she also had this red pen that she would hit us over the head with if she caught us sleeping at the assembly.

    Hey, its hard to stay awake with a belly full of subs, pudding and Shasta!

  • KW13

    yeah, mum would make a fuss if i fell asleep

  • greendawn

    The JWs are in their essence yes men because if they are not they will end up outside the org. So it's not surprising if they often nod in agreement.

  • BluesBrother

    Blues of the zzzzzz nodding class. When I go, which I do sometimes to Sunday meetings to accompany my wife, I generally take 3 caffiene tablets - might then get through without nodding off.(yawn)

    I have not seen an old fashioned nodder in agreement for some years around here. I thought they had all died off. Nobody these days looks that interested.

  • xjwms

    The only time I was a nodder is if...

    I had eye contact with the speaker

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