Why Most Christians Can And Do Celebrate Birthdays

by wanda 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomlover

    I never thought I was really missing out on much by not celebrating b-days until last week.

    My oldest turned 8 and we had a little b-day party. You should have seen that kids face! She was on top of the world having a blast! It meant so much to her to honor her that way.

    If my dysfuntional family had showed me that I was special even on one day a year, I think I wouldn't have had such issues as I got older.

  • Mary
    unclebruce said: But Mary CT Russell wasn't a Jehovah's Witness!

    Now come on.......of course he was! Don't you remember reading about how the "chain" of faithful Dubs goes all the way back to Abel?

    If you really want to see a present Dub's head spin around, ask them if Jesus was a Jehovah's Witness or a Jew......they don't know what the hell to say to that!

  • unclebruce

    Yes Mary,

    Sorry, I keep thinking an american Judge invented the term "Jehovah's Witnesses" under the influence of some fine Canadian hooch.

    I've often been given cause to remind Western Christians of the bibles Jewish orientation & origins (it's funny how in everyday life don't generally think of Christians being a branch of Judaism.)

    OK a trinity question: Was CT Russell ever baptised? Was Rutherford ever baptised? Was Fred Franz ever baptised? (were the JW father, son and holy geist ever dunked?)

    fluid on the brain, unc

  • Mary
    OK a trinity question: Was CT Russell ever baptised? Was Rutherford ever baptised? Was Fred Franz ever baptised? (were the JW father, son and holy geist ever dunked?)

    Hmm........not sure about Russell but I'm pretty sure that Rutherbeer and Freddie Franz were dunked.........I guess that only makes them a Deity, not de Holy Trinity. :-D

  • Gill

    Aha! But, doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that the day of ones death is more important than the day of ones birth!!!!

    And....all that money wasted buying the birthday girl/boy a present...couldn't that have been donated to the Kingdom Preaching Work AKA the coffers of the WTBTS!!!!!??????

    My daughter turned 21 a few weeks ago and we asked my JW parents to come round for tea etc We promised not to dance naked around a christmas tree and that we would NOT be sacrificing any goats that evening to Lord Satan, Master of the NON JW people of the Earth.

    I was informed that we were all 'stupid donkeys' by my 'ever rational JW' mother, and that Jehovah would see what we were doing and we should be afraid.

    All I can say is WTBTS and all JWs YOU'RE ALL NUTS!

    (Was I really stupid enough to be a JW for nearly 40 years?!......Someone slap me!)

  • blondie

    *** w73 7/1 p. 396 Organized to Praise God ***
    This letter was signed by J. F. Rutherford, who was baptized in 1906, in symbol of his dedication to God, and who eventually succeeded C. T. Russell as president of the Watch Tower Society.


    jv chap. 6 p. 67 A Time of Testing (1914-1918) ***
    In 1906, Joseph F. Rutherford was baptized, and a year later he became the Watch Tower Society’s legal counsel.


    w91 12/15 p. 11 Rejoice in the Kingdom Hope! ***

    This can be summed up in the words of F. W. Franz, president of the Watch Tower Society, who was baptized in 1913:


    jv chap. 33 p. 716 Continuing to Keep on the Watch ***

    F. W. Franz, who was baptized in 1913, well expressed the feelings of Jehovah’s Witnesses


    From 1870 through 1875 the Russell family, and others, participated in an analytical study of both the Bible and the origins of Christian doctrine, creed, and tradition. "Millerite" Adventist ministers George Storrs, and George Stetson, were also closely involved. Russell's group believed they had found significant errors in common Christian belief. As a result of such study, the Russell family believed they had gained a clearer understanding of true Christianity, and were re-baptized in 1874.



    Charles Taze Russell was baptized. In 1874 along with his Father, Jospeh and sister, Margaret. It is reported in the 1907 Convention Reports. During the "Praise and Testimont meeting" Margaret Russell Land, testified.
  • unclebruce

    Thanks blondie .. for the food .. at the ...time

    I'd wondered about that now and then ..for quite a while.

    cheers, unc.

  • Mary
    I was informed that we were all 'stupid donkeys' by my 'ever rational JW' mother, and that Jehovah would see what we were doing and we should be afraid.

    Well here's a little tidbit you could ask your mother next time she calls you a jackass 'stupid donkey' for celebrating a birthday: Ask her if Charles Russell is in heaven right now ruling with Jesus. She will of course, answer in the affirmative. A good response to that is: Well if Charles Russell celebrated birthdays knowing they were of pagan origin, then apparently it didn't bother Jehovah or Jesus very much, or they wouldn't have granted him eternal life as one of Christ's brothers. So why would Jehovah or Jesus punish us for doing something that they granted someone else immortality for?

    Then just sit back and watch her head spin around.

  • wombat

    Unc...I know that you don't need reminding...but me old Mum turns 89 on Friday. Everyone is making such a fuss of her.. Got a couple of distant rellies staying here at the moment for the big occasion. She's got heaps of cards from all over the world.

    But of her 31 immediate descendents -children, grand-children, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren (2), she will get 7 birthday cards. 5 of those are from my off-spring.

    Jehovah be praised.

  • unclebruce

    Jehovah be rooted! (speaking Australian has advantages at times).

    Celebrate your mum for all its worth geoff .. you're a lucky man


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