Is this a site for active JWs or for ex JWs?

by ><> 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ><>
    ><> many, so quick! Thank you all.

    I appreciate the links and I will visit them.

    I've read many things about the JW organization and to me it's quite plain-as-day that it certainly fits the criteria for being a cult. My frustration is..why are so many people, more importantly, my friends, still in it? I just don't get it. Is it common for ex JWs to try and get current members to snap out of it? Does anyone ever try? My guess is that it isn't because they aren't allowed to associate much with people who have left. (Is this true?) And I assume anyone who leaves, it then labeled as "disfellowshipped" and I understand they can't associate with the "disfellowshipped".

    On the same note, is it true (or a myth), that JWs are advised not to have close ties or friendships with non-JWs? If this is true then it may explain why the people we call friends don't reciprocate our friendliness very much. It seems to us they there is this "wall" and we can't have a real friendship. It's strangely cordial and there's a strong sense that they hold back. (It may very well be because I'm Catholic and I know very well how the JW org. feels about the Catholic Church.)

    Up to now, I haven't said anything at all to our "friends". I want to though..I just wouldn't know how to begin. What I'd like to say can you believe any of this stuff?!

    On an entirely different matter, do any of you feel as though the internet has helped exposed the organization? Certainly this would be a great cause of concern for the organization.


  • SickofLies
    I've read many things about the JW organization and to me it's quite plain-as-day that it certainly fits the criteria for being a cult. My frustration is..why are so many people, more importantly, my friends, still in it? I just don't get it. Is it common for ex JWs to try and get current members ;to snap out of it? Does anyone ever try? ;My guess is that it isn't because they aren't allowed to associate much with people who have left. (Is this true?) And I assume anyone who leaves, it then labeled as "disfellowshipped" and I understand they can't associate with the "disfellowshipped".

    Many have tries to get friends out, I have tried many times with my parents to reason with them. It is not an easy task, the Watchtower Society (WTS) is very good at training any active JW's to automatically close their ears to any decenting idea's or litature. The task is almost imposible for most JW's however, their have been some sucesses.

    On the same note, is it true (or a myth), that JWs are advised not to have close ties or friendships ;with non-JWs? ; If this is true then it may explain why the people we call friends don't reciprocate our friendliness very much. ;It seems to us they there is this "wall" and we can't have a real friendship. ;It's strangely cordial ;and there's a strong sense that ;they hold back. (It may very well be because I'm Catholic and I know very well how the JW org. feels about the Catholic Church.)

    This is true, for the reasons I talked about above, by only srounding themselves with people that agree with them, their silly world view seems more rational and any idea's that go against the WTS are quickly squashed by their 'faithful' compainions.

    On an entirely different matter, do any of you feel as though the internet has helped exposed the organization? ; Certainly this would be a great cause of concern for the organization.
    Yes, the internet is our greatest tool.
  • ><>

    SOL, you scared me with your first post. Thought you were serious at first...well it is Apirl Fool's and I love a good foolin!

    You've been helpful with your replies.

    What's the JW view on higher education? It's been printed before that members are discouraged from college. If this is true, it's easy to see why they would.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I assume anyone who leaves, it then labeled as "disfellowshipped" and I understand they can't associate with the "disfellowshipped".

    Disfellowshipped or disassociated, makes no difference whether they're forced out of chose to leave of their own accord. Anyway, its the WTS' way of controlling their members and keeping them from thinking for themselves or hearing any opinions that would surely differ from WTS teachings and doctrines. Its the WTS method of damage control. It's actually carried to an extreme degree by the fact that even among members of the WTS, they are coached to be very leery of anyone considered to be "weak" or showing signs of inactivity, which could be indicative of a "cooling off." They are encouraged to NOT show mercy or kindness towards these people, but rather to steer clear even of these ones who are also considered to be congregation members.


  • jgnat

    And the answer is....Help them think for themselves! The bad news is, there's no such thing as snapping them out of it. I'll repeat my advice:

    Research the history and background of the Watchtower Society and Steve Hassan's book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and come up with a two year plan to introduce independent thinking in their lives.

    My frustration is..why are so many people, more importantly, my friends, still in it? I just don't get it.

    Because of the mind's seemingly endless ability to make excuses for it's delusions. I also believe that a misapplied use of "faith" keeps many attracted to religiously based cults, stuck. They misread any doubts as a lack of faith, and any criticisms as from Satan.

    Also, read up on cognitive dissonance.

  • greendawn

    The JWs have a very unstable erratic ideology that they keep changing substantially over the 120 years that they have existed by rejecting large parts of it and replacing them with new ones that often directly contradict the previous beliefs. The real truth does not change in this very casual way.

    In addition they have avery dictatorial attitude anyone criticising them is very quickly expelled and shunned by all JWs. Answers to their questions are never given because there aren't any.

  • ><>

    The mental trauma that Frannie speaks of is disturbing to me. You also mention the lack of love and mercy. Not very Christ-like.

    So, where does one who leaves the org. typically go next? Another Church, atheism?


  • Kenneson

    Hello and welcome!

    Where do people go when they leave the organization? On my part, I returned to the Catholic Church. In addition to being on this board, I also participate in the Fellowship of Catholic ex-Jehovah's Witnesses founded by Jeffery Schwehm. You might be interested in looking us up at

    Make sure you look at the articles and conversion stories. There is also a Catholic/JW Discussion Board. If you have any questions, contact Jeff.

  • crazyblondeb

    I left for many of the same reasons as everyone else. Also, my stepdad, who was a ministerial (spelling sucks) servant, had been molesting me for years. I was raised in elder's meetings. That's where they drag you when you have done something they consider wrong. There, they drill you like you were in the army. If it has anything to do with sex, they want ALL the details. Then, they let you know how it is all your fault. They protect child molesters at all costs. Check out

    When I left, and many years afterwards, I turned to drugs, suicide attempts, and anything that is self-destructive. My marriage failed because I couldn't trust. Plus he was an ass. I'm still battling demons everyday. There are days and nights when the only thing that keeps me going is my family here, and on another board. They are my link to sanity.

    Welcome to the board!

    blessed be


  • ><>

    Kenneson, how interesting that you found your way to the Catholic Church, I know the org. has an odd obsession (or fixation) with the Catholic Church constantly reminding it's members that they are the "Babylon II". You're obviously a smart man, not buying into the crap.

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