The "Memorial" Is A Perversion Of Christ's Intent

by metatron 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Remember, in the early days - everyone would eat the bread & drink the wine. Just like the bible said to do.
    It was the new management of the WT who had to changed the invitation list. They were the ones who shut this symbolic door of everlasting life.
    They made up the new destination, became leaders of another flock and lured the poor souls away.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    sorry double post

  • Paul FB
    Paul FB

    Tell me, has anyone out there, who has got got JW paremts or parent, managed to get their parents/parent to read the D'Vinci code ??? Ok, so it's a bit of tall tale,(or mabey not !!), but every time I try to convince my mum to read it just for the hell of it, I always get the same respones - ie "Load of rubbish Paul, not going to read such crap".

    I now it's just a book, quite a good read though, but you would think that the JW would practice wat they teach - ie - they are always banging on about how we should listen to other peoples beliefs, and yet they don't seem to do this themselves !!!

    Sorry for bringing this up here, I probably should be bringing this up in a different forum, just not sure how to do that as I'm very new to owning a PC

  • MerryMagdalene

    I, too, appreciate your posts, Metatron. I think it has something to do with the subliminal message, "Listen closely, this is the voice of God."

    Anyway, I remember as a child my mother stressing the importance of accepting what was offered, gazing respectfully at it a moment, thinking of Christ, then passing it to the next person UNTOUCHED. DO NOT PARTAKE. It is not for you. YOU are not THEM.

    Division is rampant among JWs. Jesus stressed union: the oneness of himself with the Father, oneness of the little flock with the other sheep, oneness of all his disciples with him, and, through him, with the Father. But JWs emphasize seperation: a sharp delineation between Jesus and Jehovah, a sharp delineation between the 144,000 and the great crowd, a sharp delineation between JWs and other Christians, between males and females, and between the various levels of heirarchy in the bOrg.

    This is just the night it is most strongly emphasized, in a repugnant display of rejecting union with Jesus so they can continue holding on to the skirt of the "faithful slave," with whom their true salvation apparently rests.


  • tmo1965
    The JW event is not a memorial of Jesus death or last supper. It's an organized annual rejection of Jesus.

    This is exactly the way I see it. Very Very sad.

  • Sunspot

    The Memorial announcements should read:

    "Come One come all: get all dressed up and gather together with us on the evening when we turn our noses up at Jesus invitation for all his followers to do this in remembrance of him."

  • blsrose

    this is great!! in all my 30 yrs. of being held captive by what?? not sure now, i always felt odd about the ones who some how KNEW they were to partake! reminds me of a church i TRIED to attend, and some of the people were speaking in the spirit--so fake!! Same thing, some kind of need to be accepted , or looked up to, humbly, of course. And why, if Revelation is symbolyic, isn't that number !!

    i took a friend with me one year, not long before my "awakening" and watched her during the whole thing, she tried to understand, but she just shook her head !! made me wonder what she saw that i didn't!! And i became very aggitated when one of the "sisters" pounced on my confused friend practically demanding a study with her!! I couldn't wait to get outside and appologise to my friend, I felt ashamed!! How rude!!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i like to use the anolgy. with jw's that if someone invites you to eat dinner at thier house with their family. and you reject the food. that is an insult. and i would never invite that person in my hiouse again. or even worse is to invite a friend over for supper. and pass the food to everyone else. and have your guest. sit there and watch the whole family, enjoying a fine dinner. with an empty plate infront of them . sniffing the meat and potatoes. talk about RUDENESS. well the wts has perfected it. and hate christ. and his offer. to all man. john

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One

    I totally agree. I remember going to a memorial not long after getting married. I was having to control myself to keep to just a whisper to my wife about how much bs the guy was trying to support by jumping from one verse to another without keeping a single one in context, skipping sentences in the middle of some verses that would have undone the point the guy was making if he'd have read them along with the rest of the sentences in each verse he mentioned.

    It was also really weird seeing the emblems get passed by everybody but nobody partaking. I told my wife I'd thought about taking the emblems, but that wasn't setting to well with her at the time.

  • cyberguy


    You really hit the nail on the head! The JW celebration truly is an empty ritual, and a perversion of Christ’s intent! The way I see it, in the JW-system, Jesus has been replaced by the Organization. It becomes “the Way, the Truth, and the Life!” Nobody gets to the Father unless you go through it! Furthermore, for nearly all its present members who claim to be part of the lower caste-system of “other sheep,” the Bible was not written for them! I’m sure you’ve heard expressed in public talks over the years! They only have a relationship with God by “holding on to the skirt of a Jew” –whatever that is suppose to mean!

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