Meet ROBERT KING in your own home!

by Nathan Natas 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Carmel

    set an example, how about you?


  • unclebruce
    He looks and sounds like a dub. He's just a dub with a burr under his saddle.

    IP_SEC is our true LORD and saviour!

  • Stephanus

    "Robert King" IIRC, he used to post here as one of the Dub apologists on this board. Can't remember his nick, though. He got a bit spooked and moved when someone found out his real name and address.

  • Stephanus
    Can't remember his nick, though.

    I've been back through some old posts, and I'm pretty sure Bobby used to post here as the much beloved poster You Know (or YK for short). His stuff was probably more anti-apostate than pro-Tower - he was becoming less enamored of the Tower towards the end of his posting career.

  • Stephanus

    Don't no-one here 'member old YK?


    of the "Blast from the Past" class

  • JAVA

    YES--I remember YK, and went round and round with him several times. He was a jerk then, and after watching the link to Robert King, I can see that nothing has changed . . . except that he's making $$$ from the "sky-is-falling" crowd.

  • heretic

    This guy has the creepiest way of speaking ever. i bet hes got the full lettuce leaf handshake. i wouldnt trust him around my kids. RK you are a creepy b*st**d. and hang it up on the doom and gloom speil. im tryin to keep my dinner down.

  • zagor
    Yes folks, that's right - Robert King, acclaimed author of "King Himself Has Become Jehovah" is now available to meet you in your own home.

    ROFL, man couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes, lol.

    Actually, it was very good to see something like that because it is a vivid example of why JW are successful in converting people. It doesn't matter how dumb something you say is as long as you say it with authority. There is something strange in people's psyche that surrenders control of their own minds to anyone who speaks like they know what they are talking about. All guards fall. Isn't that strange?

    The other thing they've perfected to a fine art is the use of catchy phrases which have long lasting impact, and are "remotely" controlling peoples minds long, long after speaker shut his mouth hole. Just remember things like "stay alive till 75" , "millions now alive will never die" or new stuff like "last days of the last days" These things are recited in private circles like Gospel and have stronger influence than bible itself. People have made life-impacting decisions made under influence of such statements.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Zagor, thanks for noticing the play on the title of Bob's book.

    I can't take credit for it. I just spent a few minutes using Google to locate the person who first used that reversal, but Google seems to be becoming less and less effective for finding information here. So - Clever Person - if you are out there, and I know you are - I wanted to give you credit for your humor.

    I agree with Zagor and Heretic about Bob's delivery. Perhaps Bob has been working really hard with his Theocraptic Misery School assignments, or maybe he's been watching televangelists on the tube, but Bob is SO sincere, and SO concerned. Maybe Bobby's studied some neurolinguistic programming trance induction techniques (aka "Speed Seduction"). I don't know. I pray that the angel formerly known as Carl Sagan will visit Bob one night in a vision, accompanied by the angels Isaac Asimov, Richard Feynman and Ayn Rand and that they direct Bob to the land of rationality. Bobby will shriek "DEEMINS!" and begin the incantation "Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah..." but to no effect. When dawn breaks, Bobby will find himself stepping up to higher levels of respectability and esteem as a used car salesman.

  • kid-A

    If I may be so bold as to ask, what have any of you done to help people lead a good, clean and moral life?

    Ah Mr. Kim. I see you are back sitting on the throne of god (or is it a 'port-a-potty'?) , judging all us mere mortals with your righteous proclamations. Good clean and moral life?? And just

    how do you define these parameters? Your own value system is no better or worse then anyone elses despite your god-complex. Look our Robert King, Mr. Kim has kicked you off your porcelain throne

    and declared himself jehoobie!!!

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