"Waiting on Jehovah"

by jst2laws 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    Hey Just2, Who loves you baby. You're getting close to being out. You may feel lost, and when you do make the final break God will make your way apparent. Farkel gives some good advice to not play their game of DA/DF. Maybe fading away is more appropriate for your circumstances. Of course, every case is different. The big thing is how to do the most damage to the org. One suggestion. Have you shown them the linking of UN and WT? Anyhow, keep us posted my man!! Dino

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hello Just Two...
    It's more than probable that you may have frightened your two old friends. It's been my experience that many loyal JWs harbor misgivings that are vaguely unsettling in their subconscious that they're unable or unwilling to articulate until someone articulates them for them. What you've done, perhaps, is crack open a door that they would prefer to remain shut, and invited to take a hard look inside.
    It amuses me whenever I hear another JW mindlessly chant ``wait on Jehovah'' as a justification for doing nothing. There are tons of examples where WT propaganda deplores passivity while applauding ``decisive action in support of pure worship.''

  • LDH


    You are right! Jehovah is the one waiting on us!

    As you may have discerned, I am a big believer in calling it like I see it. Within the past few months, I too, have been labeled an apostate.

    It's the only answer the fearful have; they'd rather shut me out than develop a doubt of their Mother-like organization, the WBTS.

    Congrats to you, and hang in there for the long haul.

  • comment

    "Waiting on Jehovah" is really a weird phrase when you think about it.

    "Hi, Jehovah, how's everything here? Good! Can I bring you some more garlic bread? Let me top off your water too..."

    "Waiting for Jehovah" would seem more grammatical.


  • biblexaminer

    just2laws, hang in there. I emailed you.

    ZEV, tie a knot at the end of the rope, and wedge the knot under your arm.

    I have tied a knot, but I also tied a noose, and I am putting the WTBTS's head in it!

  • waiting

    Hey Just2,

    You and your wife can find such support in each other. It would have been much harder for me to leave without my husband by my side. Someone to speak to, to yell at (about jw relatives), etc.

    And Zev?

    Even if you have to leave - or stay - alone in your thoughts, at least your mind is free. Congratulations!


  • zev

    more than my mind will be free soon enough.

    thanks for the words of support.

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • Vitameatavegamin


    Interesting post. How long were you a JW? just curious. I can imagine how upsetting the prospect of having family cut you off must be. That is my biggest fear-losing contact with my family. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I have often wondered if many people in the org. stay in because of that fear. It seems so wrong, that there is no graceful way out. It's like once you're in, that's it. But, I think I am guilty of hanging in because of family ties. I feel there really is no way out. It's kind of like being in prison.

    Well, wish you the best,hope it goes well. By the way, how long were you an Elder??

    Thanks! Vita

  • jst2laws

    Sorry I have not been free to keep up with your responses.


    likely try to bury any salient points deep so that they don't have to face the realization that they have been living and supporting a lie.

    It was interesting how much they agreed on several issues, but kept coming back to how they were “worried” about me and they “want the old (my name) back”. I kept telling them this is the same me. I’m just speaking up now.

    Outnfree, thanks for the encouragement.

    ZEV, you do what seems right for you. We may have all entered the same door to this bondage, but there are many doors going out.

    Uncle-onion, we will keep in touch. Dino and Room 215, LDH, and waiting, thanks.

    “Comment”, very unique perspective.


  • jst2laws

    Hello Vita,

    How long were you a JW?.....how long were you an Elder??

    Baptized 37 years ago, started as a bookstudy conductor 36 years ago, was an elder since the arrangement was re-instituted in 72. I was suppressing doubts as a Bethelite in the 60’s and 70’s. Vita, it is a powerful system, using fear as you mentioned, guilt, hate, love and even greedy lust for material gain in the paradise earth soon to be all theirs.

    Yes, I believe there are many who “stay in because of that fear” of loosing their family. You also said it is “kind of like being in prison”. You are free, Vita, but that is freedom to make choices. You can withdraw gradually and cautiously so you do not loose your family. But you have probably considered that and still feel in prison. If it is any help, many of the scriptures that the society takes out of context could be of encouragement to you. Countless times in the last three days with my visiting friends I reminded myself and quoted for them Heb. 13:6 ““Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Hope you are still trusting your ‘helper’.

    Biblexaminer, I received several e-mails but I’m not sure which was you. Write again so I can connect you with the e-mail.


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