Comments You Will Not Year at the 3-12-06 WT Study(Witness/Nations)

by blondie 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the MARCH 12, 2006 WT Study (February 1, 2006 issue, Pages 22-26)(WITNESS/NATIONS) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "You will be witnesses of me ... to the most distant part o f the earth. "-ACTS

    Do You Remember?

    - Why is Matthew 24:14 such a remarkable prophecy?
    - What efforts did early Christians make in preaching, and with what results?
    - How did the Bible Students come to understand the need to bear witness to all
    the nations?
    - In considering the activity of Jehovah's people in the past service year, what
    impresses you?


    1. When and where did the disciples first hear the prophecy recorded at Matthew
    2. What dangers and challenges would the disciples face?
    3. Why are Jesus' words found at Matthew 24:14 truly stunning?
    4. Who were told to carry out the work of witnessing, and what comfort did Jesus
    5. What did the disciples not know about the witnessing work?
    6. What happened at Pentecost 33 C.E. and shortly thereafter?
    7. Why was the conversion of Cornelius a significant development?
    8. How does the good news affect individuals?
    9. What privilege and responsibility did the early Christians recognize that
    they had?
    10. What efforts did some early Christians make to give a witness to all
    11. How did Jehovah bless the efforts of the disciples?
    12. How did the early Bible Students understand the command to preach?
    13, 14. What clearer understanding of God's will and purpose was presented in a
    1928 issue of The Watch Tower?
    15. How has the witnessing work expanded since the 1920's?
    16. What was accomplished in the past service year? (See chart on pages 27-30.)
    17. How are Jehovah's people responding to Jesus' words about preaching the good news?
    18, 19. What experiences can you relate of some who responded favorably to the
    good news?
    20. Why may we rejoice that a witness to the nations is being given on such a
    vast scale?

    Opening Comments

    Every year the WTS has this article, showing how the previous year's increases are proof that God is on their side. Any increases in other religions of course is the result of Satan's efforts whom they say transforms himself into an angel of light.

    Has the WTS always posted increases worldwide? If not, did that mean that God was no longer with them?

    *** Proclaimers book chap. 22 pp. 424-425 Part 2-Witnesses to the Most Distant Part of the Earth ***

    Nevertheless, according to available records, the number of Bible Students reported as having some share in preaching the good news to others during 1918 decreased by 20 percent worldwide when compared with the report for 1914.

    1925 Effect (at a time when all WTS members were anointed)

    32,661 in 1922
    42,000 in 1923
    62,694 in 1924
    90,434 in 1925 (I bet that number surprises you)
    89,278 in 1926
    88,544 in 1927
    23, 988 (44,080) in 1928
    52,465 (63,416) in 1935
    39,225 in 1938

    *** Proclaimers book chap. 33 p. 717 Continuing to Keep on the Watch ***

    Memorial Attendance and Partakers

    Before 1932, available figures for Memorial attendance are often incomplete. At times, only groups of 15, 20, 30, or more were being included in totals published. Interestingly, most years for which any figures are available show that at least some of the attenders were not partakers. By 1933 the difference was about 3,000.

    ***Proclaimers book chap. 9 p. 110 Jehovah's Word Keeps Moving Speedily (1976-1992) ***

    For example, the worldwide report of the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses for 1977/78 reflected a decrease in the number sharing in the preaching work. Was the decrease at least partly due to disappointed expectations concerning 1975? Perhaps. But there were other influencing factors.

    Notice how the WTS blames it on the rank and file.

    *** yb88 p. 190 Korea ***

    Thus, in just three years' time 19,600 were baptized. Well over half of the Korean Witnesses had been in the truth for less than three years.
    However, the first few months of the 1976 service year began with a marked decrease in publishers and home Bible studies. This downward trend was to continue for over three years, bottoming out in a 26-percent decrease in publishers, from 32,693 in August 1975 to 24,285 in November 1978. Memorial attendance dropped too, from over 68,000 in 1975 to 49,545 in 1978. The brothers at the branch were perplexed. Would the trend be reversed?

    Of course, neither they nor the Society were just letting it slide by. The Society's letter of April 4, 1977, stated:

    "We hope the brothers are careful in their teaching. Evidently some were very strong on the 1975 date, and so a good foundation was not laid. The foundation, of course, should be faith in Christ Jesus and the ransom sacrifice, and the dedication should be with understanding."
    A very candid observation indeed! Too much emphasis was placed on a date by some Bible teachers. Many newly baptized ones took up the truth on a wave of emotion. Even some elders had their hopes pinned to 1975. In addition, materialism seeped into the land as a result of the rapid economic growth in Korea, and nationalism was on the rise. The effect: apathy among the brothers.

    And there is always the convenient "materialism" and "immigration to a new country" or even God's plan in the first place.

    *** yb82 p. 104 Chile ***

    Apparently a sifting work was being accomplished among Jehovah's people, for even though many new ones were being baptized, there were no numerical increases.

    In 1975, 9.7% increase
    In 1976, 3.7% increase (drop of 6%)
    In 1977, 1% drop worldwide in average publishers
    In 1978, 1.4% drop worldwide in average publishers
    In 1979, 0.5% increase


    JESUS' words recorded at Matthew 24:14 are so familiar that many of us know them by heart. And what a truly remarkable prophecy it is! Imagine what the disciples must have thought when they first heard it! The year was 33 C.E. The disciples had been with Jesus for about three years, and now they had come with him to Jerusalem. They had seen his miracles and had listened to his teachings. Though they delighted in the precious truths that Jesus had taught them, they were well-aware that not all shared their delight. Jesus had powerful and influential enemies.

    JESUS' words recorded at Matthew 24:14 are so familiar that many of us know them by heart.

    No peeking; do you know them by heart?

    (Matthew 24:14) 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

    (3,278 times on the 2004 WT-CD)

    Has this prophecy been fulfilled per the WTS?

    *** w02 1/1 p. 10 All True Christians Are Evangelizers ***

    " (Matthew 24:14) In the first-century fulfillment of those words, the good news was widely preached before Roman armies destroyed the Jewish religious and political system. (Colossians 1:23)

    precious truths

    *** w04 10/1 p. 13 Who Are Giving God Glory Today? ***

    For well over a century, only one group has faithfully been teaching such precious truths-Jehovah's Witnesses!

    *** w73 4/1 p. 207 "Happy Is He Who Reads Aloud" ***

    Jehovah through his Son and the operation of the holy spirit has poured out upon his faithful servants on earth a superabundance of blessings and he has opened the minds and hearts of his "faithful and discreet slave" class to understand the true meaning of his Word. In turn, that faithful slave class passes on the precious truths to persons everywhere who will avail themselves of the treasures of truth.

    2 On the Mount of Olives, four disciples sat with Jesus, listening intently as he spoke of the coming dangers and challenges that they would face. Earlier, Jesus had told them that he would be killed. (Matthew 16:21) Now he made it clear that they too would experience brutal opposition. "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you," he said. "And you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name." That was not all. False prophets would mislead many. Others would be stumbled and would betray and hate one another. Still others, in fact "the greater number," would allow their love for God and for his Word to cool off.-Matthew 24:9-12.

    Jesus...on account of my name

    Then why are the members of the WTS called "Jehovah's Witnesses" without a mention of "Jesus" or "Christ"?

    they too would experience brutal opposition

    Does the WTS teach that ALL JWs will experience "brutal opposition" or persecution?

    (2 Timothy 3:12) 12 In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.

    *** w04 8/15 p. 12 Hated Without Cause ***

    . Jesus said that his followers would be "objects of hatred by all people" on account of his name. (Matthew 10:22) Further, the apostle Paul wrote that all of God's servants-including each one of us-should expect to be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)

    *** w03 5/1 p. 18 Where Can True Comfort Be Found? ***

    All who are devoted to Jehovah and who are loyal to him experience persecution of some sort. (2 Timothy 3:12)

    False prophets

    1874, 1878, 1881, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975..........

    All prophetic dates of the WTS that proved false.

    Others would be stumbled

    After 1925, 3/4 of the WTS members left; notice the decrease in 1978 and 1979 after 1975 shown in my opening comments.

    Betray and hate one another

    Those of you who ever attended a congregation of JWs know the climate of betrayal and fear that exists.

    Greater number will cool off (Matthew 24:12)

    Does this apply to the Christian congregation then according to the WTS or to the JW congregation today?

    *** w85 10/15 p. 22 How True Faith Can Help You ***

    Reports from around the world indicate that faith in organized religion has indeed declined over the last few years.
    This, however, does not surprise students of the Bible. Jesus prophesied that "because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off." (Matthew 24:12) As a result of this 'cooling off,' relatively few allow religion to have much influence in their lives, even if they do make an occasional trip to church for a wedding or a funeral.-Compare Luke 18:8.

    *** w84 12/15 p. 30 Do You Remember? ***

    When, at Matthew 24:12, Jesus said that "the love of the greater number will cool off," was he predicting this to happen to true worshipers now?
    Jesus' words were part of a prophecy about 'the sign of his presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.' (Matthew 24:3) These words found an application in the first century among Jews claiming to worship God. With their lack of love they did not heed Jesus' warning, and they suffered the consequences when the Roman armies invaded Jerusalem. Comparably, among professing Christians today not only is neighbor love diminishing but so is love for God. This is the principal application of Jesus' words, yet they should act as a warning for all true Christians as well.-10/1, page 31.

    3 It was against such a negative backdrop that Jesus made a statement that must have caused the disciples to marvel. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Yes, the work that Jesus began in Israel-to "bear witness to the truth"-would continue and expand to global proportions. (John 18:37) What a truly stunning prophecy! To extend that work to "all the nations" would be challenging; to do so in the face of "hatred by all the nations" would be nothing short of miraculous. he accomplishment of this immense task would magnify not only Jehovah's supremacy and power but also his love, mercy, and patience. In addition, it would give his servants an opportunity to show their faith and devotion.

    must have--a phrase that indicates that the WTS is adding to the Bible proportions...stunning...challenging...miraculous...immense

    It is no accident that the WTS has strung together all these words in one paragraph.

    his servants--only JWs

    an opportunity to SHOW their faith and devotion

    But only through the WTS organization

    *** w01 6/15 p. 20 Remain Steadfast as Seeing the Invisible One! ***

    Faith helps us to see Jehovah as the one directing his earthly organization. We thus avoid having a critical attitude toward those shouldering responsibility in the congregation.

    4 Jesus left his disciples in no doubt that they had on their hands a monumental work. Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared to them and said: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth." (Acts 1:8) Of course, others would soon join them. Still, the disciples were few in number. How comforting it must have been to know that God's powerful holy spirit would empower them to accomplish this divine assignment!

    Jesus...witnesses of me

    But why then are they known as "Jehovah's Witnesses" and not "Jesus' Witnesses" or at least "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses"? Did you notice that one of the WTS corporations is the "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses"? And that on the signs at the district convention sites use that instead of "Watchtower"? Did you know that the WTS used the phrase "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses" in its publications until 1984 and the it disappears from the publications. Also, if they are Christians why do their meeting places still say "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses" and not "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses"?

    most distant part of the earth

    but not everyone will get a personal witness but they will die forever at Armageddon in spite of that.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah's satisfaction. Then the end will come.

    5 The disciples knew that they were to preach the good news and "make disciplesof people of all the nations." (Matthew 28:19, 20) But they did not know howthorough a witness would be given, and they did not know when the end wouldcome. Neither do we. These are matters for Jehovah alone to determine. (Matthew24:36) When the witness is given to Jehovah's satisfaction, he will bring an endto this wicked system of things. Only then will Christians discern that thepreaching work has been accomplished to the extent Jehovah purposed. Those early disciples could hardly have envisioned the magnitude of the witness that would be given in this time of the end.

    They did not know how thorough a witness would give given

    Not like the WTS today (see above)

    They did not know when the end would come

    Not like the WTS today (see above)

    Neither do we

    Not after predicting 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975, and the end of the 1914 generation

    When the witness is given to Jehovah's satisfaction

    Not Jesus? Isn't he the reigning king since 1878 1914 per the WTS?

    He will bring an end to this wicked system of things

    and all 6 billion plus non-JW men, women, children and little babies to die forever without any hope of a resurrection

    Christians--only JWs

    The Witness in the First Century

    6 In the first century, the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work produced astounding results. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., about 120 disciples were in an upper room in Jerusalem. God's holy spirit was poured out upon them, the apostle Peter gave a stirring talk explaining the meaning of this miracle, and some 3,000 became believers and were baptized. That was only the beginning. Despite the determined efforts by religious leaders to crush the preaching of the good news, "Jehovah continued to join to [the disciples] daily those being saved." Soon, "the number of the men became about five thousand." After that, "believers in the Lord kept on being added, multitudes both of men and of
    women."-Acts 2:1-4, 8, 14, 41, 47; 4:4; 5:14.

    first century...astounding results

    ABOUT 120 disciples (can you imagine the attendant today recording that only about 110 people attended?)

    3,000...were baptized (note that no time slips were gathered and recorded)
    five thousand (note that no time slips)
    after that...multitudes (note that no longer was even an approximate number recorded)

    But the WTS is careful to say that not all the 144,000 were found between 33 and 100 AD. In the 20th century, as many as 90,000 members of the WTS were partaking. Does that mean that from 33 CE to 1925 that only 54,000 anointed were chosen?

    *** w52 1/15 p. 62 Questions from Readers ***

    According to the article "Hated for His Name" in the September 1, 1951, Watchtower, hundreds of thousands of Christians died in the "ten persecutions" starting in Nero's time, 144,000 dying in Egypt alone during one of the persecutions. How can this be harmonized with the Scriptural limitation of 144,000 placed on the number being in Christ's body, and which position was the only one open to Christians during those centuries?-J.A., Dominican Republic.
    The article did not class with any finality the individuals that died during these persecutions, but spoke of the results in a general way. Note that a key qualification was made in the case referred to in the question: "In the province of Egypt alone, 144,000 such professed Christians died by violence in the course of this persecution, in addition to another 700,000 who died as a result of fatigues encountered in banishment or under enforced public works." The victims are identified as "professed Christians", not Christians in fact. Many of those persons might have been caught in the wave of persecution, but may never have actually preached the truth or followed in Jesus' footsteps, being only professed Christians. They knew the world they lived in was rotten and they were listening to the message of the Christians and willing to die for it even though not in line for the high calling in Christ Jesus. Many professed Christians today might be willing to die for their faith, but still not be Jesus' footstep followers and meeting the Scriptural requirements for such.


    *** w72 7/1 p. 415 Questions from Readers ***

    Large numbers of Christians are said to have been put to death during the Roman persecution in the first few centuries of the Common Era. How, then, is it possible for thousands in this century to have been called to become part of the body of Christ composed of only 144,000 persons?-U.S.A.
    There are historical indications that many Christians were bitterly persecuted, even killed, in the first few centuries. However, it should be remembered that, in itself, a martyr's death did not give a person merit before Jehovah God nor did it guarantee membership in the heavenly kingdom. Many persons, even in recent times, have been willing to die for a cause, religious or otherwise. A person's claiming to be a Christian and even dying for his belief does not in itself mean that he is an approved servant of Jehovah God. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "If I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all." (1 Cor. 13:3) It is not death, but faithfulness to the very death, that determines whether an individual will receive "the crown of life."-Rev. 2:10.
    Thus the fact that today there is still a remnant of the 144,000 on earth would show that down to this twentieth century fewer than 144,000 finished their earthly course in faithfulness.

    7 The year 36 C.E. saw another significant development--the conversion and baptism of Cornelius, a Gentile. In directing the apostle Peter to this God-fearing man, Jehovah indicated that Jesus' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations" was not limited to Jews in various lands. (Acts
    10:44, 45) What was the reaction of those taking the lead? When the apostles and older men in Judaea discerned that the good news was also to be taken to those of the nations--non Jews--they glorified God. (Acts 11:1, 18) Meanwhile, the preaching work continued to bear fruit among the Jews. Some years later, possibly about 58 C.E., there were in addition to Gentile believers "many thousands of [Jewish] believers." -Acts 21:20.

    Cornelius, a Gentile

    Notice how they leave out that he was an army officer and received the holy spirit while still in that type of employment.

    apostles and older men in Judaea discerned (Acts 11:1,18)

    How did they "discern" this? Does the GB "discern" things the same way? Are their decisions unanimous? Do they call in other members outside to give testimony?

    8 Though numerical increase among firstcentury Christians is impressive, never should we forget the individuals whom the figures represent. The Biblical message they heard was powerful. (Hebrews 4:12) It dramatically changed the lives of those embracing it. Individuals cleaned up their lives, put on the new
    personality, and became reconciled to God. (Ephesians 4:22, 23) The same is true today. And those accepting the good news all have the marvelous prospect of living eternally. John 3:16.

    Numerical increase...impressive...never should we forget the individuals

    Remember at this time all Christians were anointed and made up part of the literal 144,000 the WTS preaches. How many anointed Christians were there? 10,000, 20,000, 30,000...and after 100 CE were there any more anointed Christians chosen until 1879?

    CARROT--marvelous prospect of living eternally

    Fellow Workers With God

    9 The early Christians did not take credit for what was being accomplished. They recognized that their work as ministers was supported by "power of holy spirit." (Romans 15:13, 19) Jehovah was the one responsible for spiritual growth. At the same time, those Christians knew that they had the privilege and responsibility of being "God's fellow workers." (1 Corinthians 3:6-9) Consequently, in harmony
    with Jesus' admonition, they exerted themselves vigorously in the work they were assigned to do.-Luke 13:24.

    early Christians did not take credit...Jehovah was the one responsible for spiritual growth

    privilege and responsibility...God's fellow workers

    Not Jesus?

    *** Rbi8 Matthew 11:29 ***

    "Get under my yoke with me."

    10 As "an apostle to the nations," Paul journeyed thousands of miles on land and sea, establishing many congregations in the Roman province of Asia and in Greece. (Romans 11:13) He also traveled to Rome and possibly even to Spain. Meanwhile, the apostle Peter, entrusted with "the good news...for those who [were] circumcised," traveled in the other direction to serve in Babylon, an important center of Judaism at that time. (Galatians 2:7-9; 1 Peter 5:13) Among the many others who labored in the work of the Lord were such women as Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Another woman, named Persis, is said to have "performed many labors in the Lord."-Romans 16:12.

    apostle to the nations...Paul

    Was Matthias, chosen by lot, or Paul, chosen by Christ himself, the 12th and replacement apostle for Judas?

    many others who labored in the work of the Lord were such women

    But today could not handle the microphones, sound, set up the stage, hand out talk slips, time the talks, count the money, give out publications at the counter, assign territory cards, give a public talk, conduct a book study (but can conduct a Bible study with a non-JW).

    Blurb on page 24: Jehovah directed Peter to witness to Cornelius and his family

    11 Jehovah richly blessed the efforts of those and other zealous workers. Less than 30 years after Jesus foretold that there would be a witness to all the nations, Paul wrote that the "good news" had been "preached in all creation that is under heaven." (Colossians 1:23) Did the end then come? In a sense, yes. It came upon the Jewish system of things in the year 70 C.E. when Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem along with the temple. Yet, Jehovah had determined that a far greater witness would be given before he would bring an end to Satan's global system of things.

    Jehovah richly blessed--where is Jesus in the preaching work?

    "good news" had been "preached in all creation that is under heaven." (Colossians 1:23) Did the end then come? In a sense, yes.

    *** w04 12/15 p. 14 Jehovah Is Our Helper ***

    throughout the then known world

    *** w01 3/15 p. 3 Jesus' Resurrection on Trial ***

    Jesus Christ that moved his disciples to preach the gospel throughout the Greco-Roman world-"in all creation that is under heaven." (Colossians 1:23

    Has the WTS preached through then now known world? Remember the WTS says that not every individual has to be reached to fulfill their prophecies.

    The Witness Given Today

    12 During the latter part of the 19th century, after a long period when religious apostasy prevailed, pure worship was reestablished. The Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known, well understood the command to make disciples in all the earth. (Matthew 28:19, 20) By the year 1914, there were about 5,100 who actively participated in the preaching activity, and the good news had reached some 68 lands. However, those early Bible Students did not grasp the full significance of Matthew 24:14. By the late 19th century, the Bible, which contains the good news, or gospel, had been translated and printed by Bible societies in many languages and distributed around the world. Thus, for some decades, the Bible Students reasoned that a witness to the nations had already been given.

    Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known

    This phrase is designed to make you think that the Bible Students were absorbed into the JW WT organization. Actually they are several groups, but not organized like the WTS. They have many of the early WTS publications by Russell online.

    Here are some links:

    Well understood the command to make disciples in all the 1914...5,100 who actively participated

    Now first, understand that the Bible Students were gathering in the "wheat" those of the anointed in other religions. They anticipated that they would soon be going to heaven to rule with Christ. They were not trying to find other sheep.

    Did not grasp the full significance of Matthew 24:14.

    For some decades, the Bible Students reasoned that a witness to the nations had already been given.

    Did you notice that there are not quotes from the WTS own publications on this. After all the Bible Students then are the JWs of today per the WTS.

    Blurb on page 25: Paul traveled thousands of miles on land and sea to preach the
    good news

    13 Gradually, Jehovah gave his people a clearer understanding of his will and purpose. (Proverbs 4:18) The Watch Tower of December 1, 1928, said: "Can we say that [the] circulation of the Bible Accomplished the foretold preaching of the gospel of the kingdom? Decidedly no! In spite of this Bible distribution it is still necessary for God's little band of witnesses in the earth to print literature explaining God's [purpose] and to call upon the homes where these Bibles have been placed. Otherwise the people would be left in ignorance as to the setting up of the Messianic government in our day."

    Jehovah gave his people (only JWs)--Rutherford gave his people

    a clearer understanding of his will and purpose (Proverbs 4:18)

    Still print literature...and to call upon the homes...where these Bibles have been placed (not by the WTS but the dreaded Christendom)

    BTW, Rutherford never called upon any homes himself. Where in the Bible are Christians encouraged to print literature, and if so, anything other than the Bible?

    Without the WTS "people would be left in ignorance"

    Yes, the Bible cannot be understood without the WTS.

    Left in ignorance as to the setting up of the Messianic government--1878 or 1914 both dates given by the WTS.

    14 That issue of The Watch Tower further stated: "In 1920, ... Bible Students came to a correct understanding of our Lord's prophecy contained in Matthew 24:14. They then realized that `this gospel' which was to be preached in all the world for a testimony to the Gentiles or all nations, was not a gospel of a kingdom yet to come but a gospel to the effect that the Messianic King has begun
    his reign over earth."

    In 1920...correct understanding

    Yet this was the same time they believed that the end was coming in 1925 and the ancient worthies would be resurrected to live on earth and rule in Jerusalem.

    1920...a gospel to the effect that the Messianic King has begun his reign.

    So from 1879 to 1920 the WTS did not know that Christ was already reigning over the earth?

    15 That "little band of witnesses" in the 1920's did not remain little. In the decades to come, "a great crowd" of "other sheep" was identified and began to be gathered. (Revelation 7:9; John 10:16) Today, there are 6,613,829 proclaimers of the good news in 235 lands of the earth. What a marvelous fulfillment of prophecy! Never before has "this good news of the kingdom" been preached on such a large scale. Never before have there been so many faithful servants of Jehovah on earth.

    great crowd, other sheep

    Yes throw in 2 scriptures but do not explain a very complicated WTS doctrine.

    6,613,829 proclaimers

    At least they aren't called "publishers." Notice none of this "about 120," 3,000, five thousand approximate counts.

    Never before have there been so many faithful servants of Jehovah on earth.

    servants of Jehovah--only JWs or what about the Israelites? Does the WTS know something about the population of the nation of Israel that we don't?

    16 Together, this vast throng of Witnesses have been busy during the 2005 service year. Over a billion hours were spent in proclaiming the good news in 235 lands. Millions of return visits were made, and millions of Bible studies were conducted. This work has been accomplished by Jehovah's Witnesses, who have freely given of their time and resources to share God's Word with others. (Matthew 10:8) By means of his powerful holy spirit, Jehovah continues to empower his servants to accomplish his will.-Zechariah 4:6.

    Over a billion hours

    Most spent riding around in cars, walking to and from houses, taking hour many actually talking to a person.

    I wonder how many hours the Mormons spend, return visits, Bible studies...and if God's holy spirit has empowered them?

    His servants--only JWs

    Do numerical increases prove God's blessing?

    Working Hard to Give a Witness

    17 Though nearly 2,000 years have passed since Jesus said that the good news would be preached, the zeal that God's people have for the work has not diminished. We know that by our endurance in doing what is fine, we reflect Jehovah's qualities of love, mercy, and patience. Like him, we do not desire any
    to be destroyed but desire that people repent and become reconciled to Jehovah.(2 Corinthians 5:18-20; 2 Peter 3:9) Aglow with God's spirit, Jehovah's Witnesses zealously continue to proclaim the good news to the ends of the earth. (Romans 12:11) As a result, people everywhere are accepting the truth and
    conforming to Jehovah's loving direction. Consider a few examples.

    God's people--only JWs

    Only JWs are the same as the early Christians too per the WTS.

    We reflect Jehovah's qualities...not anyone else?

    We do not desire any to be destroyed...but they have to be JWs to survive.

    *** w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium ***

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4) They will make up the "flesh" that Jesus Christ said would be saved through the worst tribulation of all human history.

    People everywhere are accepting the truth (WT doctrine) and conforming to Jehovah's loving direction (only through the WTS organization).

    18 Charles was a farmer in western Kenya. In 1998 he sold over 18,000 pounds of tobacco and was awarded a certificate that named him the Best Tobacco Farmer. At that time, he began to study the Bible. Soon he came to realize that a person involved in tobacco production violates Jesus' command to love one's neighbor. (Matthew 22:39) Upon concluding that `the best tobacco farmer' was really `the
    best killer,' Charles sprayed his tobacco plants with poison. He progressed toward dedication and baptism and is now a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant.

    That a person involved in tobacco production violates Jesus' command....

    But I wonder if he knew that the WTS owns stock in a tobacco company?

    HM Riley Trust

    These stories always end in the person becoming a regular pioneer and being an elder or a MS, or their children, or their wives.

    19 There is no doubt that Jehovah is rocking the nations by means of the global witness being given, and the desirable things-people-are coming in. (Haggai 2:7) Pedro, who lives in Portugal, entered a seminary when he was 13 years old. His goal was to become a missionary and to teach the Bible. After a short time, however, he left the seminary because the Bible received so little attention in his classes. Six years later found him studying psychology at a university in Lisbon. He lived with his aunt, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, who encouraged him to study the Bible. At that point, Pedro was not sure that God existed, nor could he decide whether to have a Bible study or not. He spoke to his psychology
    professor about indecisiveness. The professor said that psychology teaches that people who cannot make decisions tend to be self-destructive. At that, Pedro resolved to have a Bible study. He was recently baptized and is now conducting Bible studies of his own.

    Desirable things--people

    Only into the WT organization and becoming a JW. Not a JW, not desirable and slated for destruction.

    Seminary...Bible received so little attention...studying psychology at a university

    Asked his professor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Recently baptized........not a baptized's toast for you

    20 We still do not know to what extent a witness will be given to the nations, nor do we know the day and hour when the end will come. We only know that it will be soon. We rejoice that the preaching of the good news on such a vast scale is but one of the many indications that the time is near for God's Kingdom to replace human governments. (Daniel 2:44) With each passing year, millions are
    being given an opportunity to respond to the good news, and this glorifies our God, Jehovah. May it be our determination to remain faithful and along with our brothers worldwide to keep busy in the work of bearing witness to all the nations. By doing so, we will save both ourselves and those who listen to us.-1
    Timothy 4:16.

    We still do not know to what extent a witness

    But you already said not everyone has to get a personal witness

    Nor do we know the day and hour when the end will come--but you did say the YEAR 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1940's, 1975, end of 1914 generation


    The time is near for God's Kingdom to replace human governments

    And destroy all the 6 billion plus non-JW men, women, children, and babies, straight to Gehenna, eternal destruction with them.

    By going door to door JWs will save themselves....................and those who listen to them IF and ONLY IF they become dedicated, baptized JWS.

    CARROT--Save ourselves

    Concluding Comments

    Well, do you think this article will motivate the 6,390,061 peak publishers for 2005 to get out there and spend more than 10 hours a month placing WTS publications. Do you think they will ask for donations? Do you think they will go back to place more publications with these people. Do you think the 10,000,000 more people who show up once a year at the Memorial will get off their bottoms and get baptized or come back if inactive (not me). There was a decrease from 2% more JWs to only 1.3% in 2005. The number baptized went down, average auxiliary and regular pioneers went down, memorial attendance is down and based on my calculations there are 166,000 JWs missing in action, an increase of 30,000.

    For an organization that says it is interested in individuals, not numbers, this article says it all.

    Love, Blondie (spring is near)(In the northern hemisphere anyway)

  • jgnat

    Very true:

    For an organization that says it is interested in individuals, not numbers, this article says it all.

    One of the most successful preaching efforts ever:

    890 Languages, Viewership of 6 Billion, One Message of Hope

    ORLANDO—It is the most widely-distributed film in history. It has been translated into more than 890 languages and has been shown in every country of the world. It continues to revolutionize countless lives from America’s inner cities to Sub-Saharan Africa to the Far East.

    It’s called the JESUS film.

    You'd never know spring was here looking out MY window.

  • SickofLies

    Thanks for the write up, I'm printing these off and taking them to the meetings with me. lol

  • Honesty


    - In considering the activity of Jehovah's people in the past service year, what impresses you?

    The decline in weekly sales meetings attendance.

  • willyloman

    I thought I'd read everything the WTS has said about 1975, but then this pops up in your study:

    Too much emphasis was placed on a date by some Bible teachers. Many newly baptized ones took up the truth on a wave of emotion. Even some elders had their hopes pinned to 1975.

    "Even some elders..."? The word "especially" fits better.

  • Hellrider

    Great review.

    Large numbers of Christians are said to have been put to death during the Roman persecution in the first few centuries of the Common Era. How, then, is it possible for thousands in this century to have been called to become part of the body of Christ composed of only 144,000 persons?-U.S.A.
    There are historical indications that many Christians were bitterly persecuted, even killed, in the first few centuries. However, it should be remembered that, in itself, a martyr's death did not give a person merit before Jehovah God nor did it guarantee membership in the heavenly kingdom. Many persons, even in recent times, have been willing to die for a cause, religious or otherwise. A person's claiming to be a Christian and even dying for his belief does not in itself mean that he is an approved servant of Jehovah God. As the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "If I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all." (1 Cor. 13:3) It is not death, but faithfulness to the very death, that determines whether an individual will receive "the crown of life."-Rev. 2:10.

    ...I think the WTS-writers need a Bible study 101...or, you know, maybe just open up a Bible and read it:

    Revelation 6:9 Now when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been violently killed because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given. 6:10 They cried out with a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Master, holy and true, before you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood?” 6:11 Each of them was given a long white robe and they were told to rest for a little longer, until the full number was reached of both their fellow servants and their brothers who were going to be killed just as they had been.

    Or are they saying that the christians in the first couple of centuries were "apostates"? I was under the impression that the "great apostacy" didn`t happen until the 4th century? And it was before the 4th century that the christians were persecuted, beheaded, burnt alive, martyred for their faith.

    The WTS-writers wouldn`t know what true christianity is if it hit them in the face.

  • anewme

    I was a very impressionable, naive, depressed and somewhat unstable 17 year old in 1972 when I chanced to meet a very spirit charged aggressive zealous witness pioneer. I was no match for her and her absolute confidence in 1975.

    Yes it is true the congregations were abuzz with zeal and excitement in those days. We were all whipped up to save as many as possible because the end was so very close.

    I dont blame myself for falling for it. It was a super powerful wave of Christian zeal at that time.

  • zagor

    90,434 in 1925 (I bet that number surprises you)

    Which means for about 2000 years prior to that there would have been hardly 50000 of anointed ones,

    Not counting those of Russell’s class that died before year 1925 but would have also been true anointed Christians so this figure would have been even lower. Plus lets not forget leaving the room for our modern day claimers of the prize. Which would all mean that in all of the human history since Christ including many Christians all over the Roman Empire, there were hardly about 30.000 - 40.000 of them or even less

  • Will Power
  • blondie

    will power, I can't see your comment and I know it will be good.

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