God not only condoned mass murder, he ordered it

by Kent 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla

    bboy is inadvertently helping my case, and helping me explain where i was coming from in the first place.

    You cannot disocunt his argument because he dosent beleive in the bible. just as you have every right to critisize the laws that another country issues even though you are not bound by them.

    -exactly. and i never said that no1you didnt have the right to critisize the bible teachings, i said he/she shouldnt be telling someone they shouldnt be acting a certain way (like christ), if they he/she didnt believe that christ existed. now your example is perfect bboy. youre right, i have the right to critisize those laws even though i am not bound by them. but would i tell someone they SHOULD live by those laws, when i myself do not believe in them? absolutely not.

    really the point is mute now, for no1 is claiming thats not what he/she meant in the first place. he was just "pointing out that" someone "was indeed following in his masters footsteps" by acting the same way as his master, jesus. this is fine, and no1 is right, i was inadvertently starting a new topic instead of commenting on his. you see, i was WAY off base here, ASSUMING that his/her comments were meant to be SARCASTIC. i had no idea he/she was serious.


    p.s., just a tip for bboy.....

    jdubla, you are ignoring REM's argument which is very valid. You cannot disocunt his argument..

    i wasnt ever commenting on REM's argument, i was responding to no1youknow. next time you want to jump into a conversation, you might want to read all the posts first and get it straight.

  • dubla


    lol, thanks for the laugh. i enjoy all your posts. (this isnt sarcastic, and im not a grinchian).


  • rem


    Of course anyone can say someone SHOULD live by certain laws or standards if the person they are referring to CLAIMS to be a follower of those laws or standards. Christians CLAIM to follow the counsel of Jesus (who may or may not exist) as recorded in the bible. Since they CLAIM to follow those teachings, it is perfectly acceptable for an outsider to say such a person SHOULD live by them. If the Christian is not living by those standards, then they are a hypocrite and the outsider is just making an observation. The Christian's lifestyle SHOULD reflect the writings in the bible, otherwise he is a hypocrite and an unbeliever has every right to call such a hypocrite out.

    I'm not sure why you are trying to be so slippery here. I was not speaking of criticizing bible teachings, I am speaking about people's actions and how they relate to the books they claim to follow, just as you were. For some reason you believe this to be ridiculous, but you have not really shown why.


    "Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so."
    ..........Bertrand Russell

  • dubla


    it is not my intent to be slippery, and i did not say you were speaking of critisizing bible teachings. THAT WAS IN REPLY TO BBOY, go back and read it, youll see what i was replying to.

    Of course anyone can say someone SHOULD live by certain laws or standards....

    as i said in my last post, this is not what no1 was saying in the first place, so my initial point on this is mute. you can keep discussing it if youd like, but its really pointless.


  • Julie

    The point of the original post in this thread is that the God portrayed in the bible is into mass murder. I have seen a whole lot of squabbling but I haven't seen anyone refute this.

    Whether one believes the bible is holy or not does not affect their ability to read. If anything I would think it would improve their objectivity.

    I would be delighted to see some valiant believer explain to me how the bible doesn't portray as a murderous, venegful maniac.

    Thanks in advance,

  • dubla


    The point of the original post in this thread is that the God portrayed in the bible is into mass murder. I have seen a whole lot of squabbling but I haven't seen anyone refute this.

    -i agree that the post is way off target now, and i agree that this fact is indisputable. its stupid to argue against it.


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Like many other ex-JWs, you contine to believe the slander about REAL Christianity yet you accept the fact that they lie about everything else. What is it, the old "I will never go anywhere except the Kingdom Hall" syndrome? And BTW, what is wrong with a vigorous defense of the faith and God?
    I don't accept your rules you are not painting me into a 'no win' with your tactics and theatrics. I will go after you as hard as needed to make my point. 'Dubs need to wake up and realize just how little they really know about valid theology.
    I admit that there are things we'd like clarified but we have the example of Jesus Christ and His life on earth to show us what God is really like. He is the 'exact representation of God'.
    The original point I was making was speculation about God's intent, the veracity of those who wrote the accounts and the fact that the Amalekites....and mankind, have brought their own judgement about. Your, nor any other created being can judge your creator and His actions.
    I don't know you but I have seen numerous other examples of ex-JWs turned atheist and the mantra is always the same, "Why does God allow or do, this and that"? It's all a moot point since He determines each of our life spans and WHO He calls to salvation.
    It's also a moot point since Jesus Christ lived, was killed, resurrected and confirmed His deity. Therefore any objection or scientific claim against scripture is already in error.
    The miraculous advent in the outermost fringe of the Roman Empire would not have stirred up humanity without being true. He would have been forgotten, just as several other Jewish 'messiahs' were!
    The soul is eternal and you are only here for a short time. At least open your mind up and experience real worship and Biblical teaching before you decide that the Bible is not the word of God.....just because you can't explain it all.

  • Andee

    Rex B13,

    This quote intrigued me:

    [q]It's all a moot point since He determines each of our life spans and WHO He calls to salvation.[/q]

    Can you answer me this? Yes or No?

    If EVERYONES life span is predestined by God, from your prespective, when a child is murdered by an adult, especially a parent, that was all planned in advance by God?

    It just brings to my mind the woman in Texas that chased down each one of her five kids and killed them. So, if I am to understand you correctly, she was just carrying out gods predetermined plan?

    Has the makings of a interesting defense.


  • bajarama


    Why does God allow or do, this and that"? It's all a moot point since He determines each of our life spans and WHO He calls to salvation.

    If God has already predetermined who He will call to be saved, why would it matter what you say or do to help us "poor worthless uncalled unbelievers". It must make feel special to have been called by God.


  • Tina

    Excellent arguement!
    There's no getting around it. If someone professes to be a christian, having christ as their exemplar,then one would expect their behavior to follow suit.They joined that club and use that rulebook(bible).
    It's the height of hypocrisy for them to do otherwise.
    One expects to see the instructions and admonitions LIVED,talk is cheap. Once somebody professes that,it puts a serious responsiblity on them to adhere to the guideline of their so-called 'life manual' All the 'righteous posturings' in the world doesn't relieve them from (bread and wine partaking etc) this. That's why most of us are so disgusted with the WTS. I guess we expect that those who have left due to their awareness of such hypocisy,and remain on the judeao-christian road, would be a little more circumspect about practicing what they preach.
    Most of the time what I see ,is moral high horse riding. Most are phonies.
    Bottom line is folks would rather 'see a sermon' than hear one. Just my thoughts.
    Hi Julie!
    How can they refute what is in black and white in their manual?
    All the mental and liguistic gyrations can't change that.
    So with no explanations at hand they simply ignore the glaringly 'nasty bit's....I'd love to see this explained as well.
    luv to all,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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