Parlour Tricks of the Mind

by LittleToe 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peggy

    Little Toe----I'm not sure if you are just having fun or what, maybe a little of both. I am fascinated with the unconscious mind. You use the word subconscious and it seems to be a word which is interchangeable with the unconscious. Subconscious is what is in our mind without you being aware of it. Unconscious can be the result of an accident. We are unable to see, hear or otherwise sense what is going on. The subconsious seems to be one level above the unconscious. The subconscious often speaks when we least expect it. The freudian slip comes to mind. The unconscious is on a deeper level. It often plays itself out in our dreams. Either way, our mind never really sleeps. Even those in an unconscious state, such as surgery, will often be affected by what the doctors talked about in the operating room. The subconcious, unconscious mind should be listened to. There is where our true consciousness lies.


  • LittleToe


  • AlmostAtheist
    Many of the key tools of mysticism amount to parlour tricks to distract the rational mind and let intuition and potentially the avoided truth of a situation to shine through. Usually we don't want to hear it because it might not fit in with our plans.

    That's what I like about tarot reading. All the mucking around with the cards and books is a pain, but trying to figure out how the cards apply to me -- particularly the ones that don't immediately seem to -- helps me find things that I don't know I know.

    It doesn't exactly give me any new dots, but it helps me find new ways to connect them.

    I admit I haven't tried to apply my subconscious mind to understanding the cards. Or would it be, "I haven't stopped trying to apply my conscious mind to them"? At any rate, there's a whack of data lodged in me somewhere that I'm letting myself access. I'll give it a whirl tonight.

    For anyone interested, here's a spreadsheet to do a four card tarot: (You have to have Excel 97 or better to use it)


  • 2112

    There are many mysteries in this universe, big and small. Like, why do clowns make us laugh? Why do we love puppy dogs? And why, why do little blue midgets hit me with fish? See what I mean? Mysteries abound!

    Sorry, just too heavy for me right now.

  • deeskis


    So some are saying that the sub/unconscious mind has an innate sense of right............

    surely not cast in concrete. what about those diabetics who can't tell that their blood sugar is dropping, what about those who commit atrocities, are they listening to their subconscious or conscious mind.

    Dave, my sister reads the tarot cards. she's in the gulf. last week they wanted to go see the world cup (footballo/soccer), in bahrain, she was a little scared of terrorism, asked the tarot whether they should go. They were so happy to see the aussies beat bahrain. had a great time and were treated well by the bahrainies.

    On the way back to their place, they were caught up in a terrorist attack on the oil refinery next to their compound. they witnessed shooting, took refuge in the police station for two hours, their kids were terrified.

    so did the tarot's give correct information, they were not hurt physically after all. She's not fazed by it all, yet. it only happened a few days ago........

    ooh, the cards may be useful in determining new light!

  • LittleToe

    Deeskis:Some Psychologists use Tarot cards to help patients unlock their subconscious concerns or overcome irrational fears.

    As for predicting a physical explosion...

  • Rabbit


    In the case of the butt-cheek, it's not so much the sound as is important as the texture of the pants enclosing the butt cheek

    Nah...the tightness of the butt orifice is the key here. Didn't ever play a ass brass instrument in band ??

    Here' one fer ya', smarty pants: "If a man speaks in the desert where no woman can hear -- is he still wrong ?"

    I expect comments will fall along partisan lines...


  • AlmostAtheist
    so did the tarot's give correct information, they were not hurt physically after all. She's not fazed by it all, yet. it only happened a few days ago........

    I would guess that the mighty tarot -- along with tea leaves, crystal balls, and the liver of a slaughtered sheep -- is not able to predict the future. It's only purpose as far as I'm concerned is getting you past the mental walls you've built. You've decided you can't do something, and so you can't. Then the cards tell you you can succeed, but you need to be patient. Patient? How does patience apply to this? Maybe it doesn't, but in the end of the process you will have been forced into lines of thought you wouldn't have otherwise.

    Nothing mystical. It's just a book of rules, some cards, and a random element to shake them up. Could as easily be Yahtzee dice or patterns of ice cream drippings.

    Dave of the "won't even believe it when I see it" class

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Many of the key tools of mysticism amount to parlour tricks to distract the rational mind and let intuition and potentially the avoided truth of a situation to shine through. Usually we don't want to hear it because it might not fit in with our plans. It disturbs us, though we have become well practised at subduing it.

    You just hit on something, Self-Deception!

    exchanging the truth for a lie? The Concept of Self-Deception Here's a couple articles by Dr. Greg Bahnsen If you get the time to read these,could you please tell me what you think. I think this is what Paul was talking about in Romans 1:21-25 D Dog

  • deeskis

    So i just got back from dropping my kids off at the beach for a surf. Beautiful morning, it got me thinking about times when I've gone to church and had that sense of joy, but I also get that same feeling when walking along the beach.

    Nothing mystical. It's just a book of rules, some cards, and a random element to shake them up. Could as easily be Yahtzee dice or patterns of ice cream drippings.

    so, does that feeling come from within, or is there something more contributing to it.

    nothing mystical?!, is prayer interchangable with meditation?

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