Exploring new options for the first time

by SickofLies 42 Replies latest members private

  • daystar


    In some ways, I'm sorry for what you are having to deal with. But in other ways I am overjoyed that another brother has opened his eyes!

    You will fit in here quite nicely. Welcome!

  • jojochan

    Welcome sickof lies!

    I totally went through this as well:

    In any case they told me not to talk to anyone about my view points and that I was no longer allowed to go out in service anymore. They said that they were going to have a study with me to help me correct my erring view point

    It's like they would still believe the earth is flat if the faithful slave told them it was.

    Hang in there, these are the rough but enlightening times.


  • Finally-Free


    Typical uneducated elders going through life wallowing in their own stupidity and loving every minute of it. Wouldn't you just love to hit 'em with a ball peen hammer?


  • jaredg

    Hey SOL i'm right there with ya man. I also graduated from a university, NC State, and had my beliefs challenged while taking classes there espicially my history of technology class. I actually wrote a report on Darwin and evolution and ran into many of the same debates as you mentioned. Needless to say the WT publications were not able to asnwer my questions. I ended up getting DFd and this is how I coped....I made a lot of non-JW friends while in college. LIVE IT UP MAN. College was the best and most challenging time of my life. Make friends, get a new roommate and FADE away. You don't have to DA yourself. Just create a new life for yourself. If you get asked to meet with the elders DON'T. If they say that they are going to DF you anyway, threaten to sue each of them individually for defamation of charatcer. You can find more info about that by searching this message board. Man if I could just go back in time that is what I would do. So what school are you going to?


  • SickofLies

    Wow, thankyou all so much. I can't belive I only wrote my rant a couple of hours ago and I got such a large reply. It really is nice to know there are other people out there that care and have gone through similar things. I see more love here than I ever did in my congregation.

    You'll like this, one of the things the elders said to me that made me realise this was not the truth that it claimed to be was "you have to accept these things on faith. We have no proof for anything we believe, you cannot prove any of the maricles ever happened or that Jesus was raised from the dead. Jehovah only gives the truth to ordary people, not wise and intellictual ones, so you have to accept it like a child."

    I would never accept anything on blind faith, I don't believe that God would have us follow a teaching that has no proof and would encourage ignorance as a way of life.

    Thanks again everyone!

  • greendawn

    Welcome to the forum, you will find many friends here there are many ppl that had the same experiences as you and can readily identify. The JWs are a very authoritarian religion that has zero tolerence for any kind of dissent, indeed that intolerence is a pillar of their policies. That's why many left because of the totalitarian nature of the JW leaders who are inept rulers to say the least. Why be governed by your inferiors?

  • Odrade

    :::Jehovah only gives the truth to ordary people, not wise and intellictual ones, so you have to accept it like a child.
    meh, whatever it takes to make ya feel better about that 2nd grade education, Brother Elder. LOL!
    I'll bet you were biting back words after that lovely piece of advice. Welcome, btw. It's a strange thing when you wake up and start really hearing the words they are speaking, isn't it?

  • DanTheMan

    Welcome SickofLies :)

    When I read experiences like yours, it makes me so embarrassed that I was ever part of that nonsense! G0d!

    You'll find that there's a few ex-jw's on this board that have gone from the JW frying pan straight to the Christian fundamentalist fire, and are even more strident and entrenched with their baseless creationist claims. It's sad.

  • rebel8

    sick of lies, welcome and congratulations on your courage!!! I was so interested in your post and the science you taught the elders.


    "if humans evolved, why is it that we only use 1% of our brains?"

    I think I read that the WT reversed their position on this issue in recent years .... I believe they came out and said that the 1% thing is untrue. If you could find that and show the elders, it would be interesting to see their reactions....not that it would do much good but it might be fun.

    Onward and upward.....now your real life begins!

  • inbyathread

    If any of the elders corner you, just say that you are following what the society wants us to do if we have difficulty with something we've read in the magazines or books. 'I am waiting on Jehovah to clarify or correct the matter" and just walk away.

    And by the way, Welcome. We're glad you're here.

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