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by SickofLies 42 Replies latest members private


    Welcome SickOfLies.. Evolution is something that I have never really considered, mostly because of my JW upbringing but also because I can not logically conclude that we (humans) came from lower life forms. Also why is DNA so specific and precise that if one chromosome is off it drastically alters that individual i.e. the various trisomy conditions such as downs syndrome? Why aren't there ever any good mutations?

    To make a co-relation take computer software it is designed for a specific purpose but a virus or worm can disable functionality or use all together. The only thing that can correct the problem is to run an antivirus program to rid the operating system of the Imperfection. Operating systems are not capable of changing to meet new environments or issues that arise and neither is the human DNA structure. The only thing that I can conclude is the reason software cant is .....because it needs a programmer to do it, even antivirus programs need new definitions from programmers on a regular basis or they stop working.

    Can our DNA self correct? I am seriously asking because I want to know. Please name 1 human mutation that has improved on the human genome recently that can be proved. I dont want a debate and I dont want to speak about the wonderful animal kingdom. Talk to me about human DNA, is my great great great great great great great great....so on grandchild going to be like wolverine from the X-Men?

    I welcome anyones opinion but please no comments about how small minded I am and still engrossed in the JW mentality I am. I want some logical answers with proof not therories. I am open to evolution but it has to make sense to me from a human viewpoint, I dont care about whales having feet.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Sickoflies , Thank so much for sharing your story . I look forward to reading more posts from you . I have always regretted not getting a college education and am so happy to hear from younger ones that have gone that route . Learning to use the brain you were given , way to go ! The journey you are now on will be bumpy ,but hey that is what makes living so interesting . You will find a listening ear here in this forum . Welcome again ,

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

  • SickofLies

    I want to reply to some of your questions and comments.
    Odrade: Yes, it is quite something when you realize what the elders are really all about, now that I'm able to listen to everything objectivly, I can't believe all the holes I'm able to see in talks, magazines, etc..

    DanTheMan: Indeed, people want something to believe in, I think most people want to be told what to do with their life and want a degree of certianty in their life, that's why they will always flock to these kind of places.

    I agree with those of you who said the best thing to do would be to fade away, I think this is the best solution. There would be nothing gained by DA'ing myself. At first I kind of wanted to go before a committee to get my case heard, hoping that reason could preval and I actually might be able to get through and cause some positive change. But looking around on this website has made me release that such hopes are frutile.

    For the intelligent individual who posted the fine article about evolution of bacteria: My view point is not one of saying that evolution disproves that God exists. But as far as bacteria is concerned, this is a subject I know a little something about. Normally I wouldn't waste my time responding to an article on creation 'science' since all their articles as far as I know only focus on critizing certain aspects of evolution, and their has never been in viable results that have come from their research or any testable predictions put forth. However, for the benfit of those genuinely interested in biology and evolution I will respond this once.

    The author of this article is quite right in stating that bacteria reproduce by a lateral transfer of genes, in fact all prokaryotes reproduce in this fashion. The author goes on to imply that the mutation that is seen which clearly produces a benfical effect in enabling the bacteria to resist many modern antibotics isn't evolution (as if he has the authority to decide this matter). He equates that the ways cells reproduce and bacteria replacate vastly different, and he is quite correct! Cells replacate using mitosis, while bacteria reproduce via fission, but the important point this gentleman missed is that as scentists we are not looking at it in this fashion. Bacteria are asexual, therefore each new cell it produces is akin to eukaryote organisms having a baby. So when we look at bacteria we are comparing its evolutionary patterns to those of eukaryotes that reproduce via sexual meiosis-fertilization cycles in plants in animals. We are not comparing the way bacteria reproduce and the way cells replcate, cells create (99% of the time) identical copies of themselves, while bacteria create unique versions of themselves each time they reproduce. Its only when eukaryotes reproduce that we would look for mutations in the ofspring but not at a cellular level as in the case of bacteria (where each cell is a new life form instead of being part of an organism). The gentelman also implies that bacteria (or prokaryotes in more general terms) could not have evolved into more complex organelles like the golgi body or nucleus, this is quite incorrect as has been demonstrated most clearly lately. Recent studies have clearly shown that the prokaryita eubacteria and archaebacteria combined to form chimaera through symbosis.

    Now if this argument is over your head, then perhaps you shouldn't take an authoritive stand on matters you know nothing about (to harsh?). Please do not rush out and find 1000 more creation (psudo)science articles and post them in this thread as I will not respond to them all. But I hope this does help to answer XBEHERE's sincear question. For more information on the evolution of human DNA, check out scientific ameria's website they put out an article recently about how humans recently developed a gene to allow them to digest milk from cows (with the last 8000 years). As far as DNA goes, it can correct itself to a certain degree, when DNA replactes through mitosis, in other words the DNA strand unwinds itself and free floating RNA attaches itself to avaible DNA recptors. Now since DNA and RNA can only combine in 4 different ways the chances for error are very low. Where errors do occur is in the exchange of chromosomes, but this is a complicated subject. Surfice to say the most mutation are not harmful or benfitial, but nutral in nature. These nutral mutation can prove benfical, look at the example of bacteria by friend brought out, the neutral mutations that would otherwise do no good prove most benfical when antibotics are introduced because it allows those forms of bacteria that are more resistant to survive.

    Thanks again everyone! I look foward to contributing to this form.
  • Scully

    Welcome, Sick of Lies!

    I was no longer allowed to go out in service anymore.

    LOL, they think this is a form of punishment? LMAO

    You may already know this, but just in case you don't or if there is anyone who doesn't know, the vast majority of the references listed in the Creation book have been misrepresented and twisted to make it appear that they support the WTS's doctrine, when in actuality, they don't do anything of the sort.

    Alan Feuerbacher wrote a fantastic exposée article about this, which is available here:

    The WTS View of Creation and Evolution (Google cached article)

    humans recently developed a gene to allow them to digest milk from cows (with the last 8000 years).

    That is is very interesting, I really wish I had gone to a university instead of wasting my time pioneering and going to bethel. What I am missing is the ability that college gives you to learn how to study and gather information that you read in a more efficient manner. Instead I developed the WT way of reading 1/2 truths and quotes taken out of context passed off as absolute fact. Anyway thanks for trying to answer my concerns Sickoflies I will look further into this subject as I have the time. Like I said I am open minded and quite frankly would love to have a decendant like Iceman or Rougue.

  • james_woods

    Outstanding post, IMHO. and WELCOME

    Did you ever read Godel,Escher,Bach by Douglas Hofstader? There is a chapter on DNA and the genome of E.Coli. The description of the attack virus that looked like a lunar lander, freaked me out way back when. You just cannot deny reality. That book helped me with the creationist stuff when I left JW about 30 years ago.

    It also made the comment that the sequence of 3 pairs can somehow fold back on itself and be reread one jump off to make other proteins! So much like the machine language of a computer...

    BTW - did you know your nickname could be taken two ways?

    Sometimes in the summer I also get sick "o" flies!


  • Brigid

    Welcome to the tribe, Sick of Lies. I have the feeling you're going to like it here and have much to teach us.


  • itsallgoodnow

    SoL, that's a really great story. I have a feeling there are not as many people leaving this religion because of "immorality" as they like to say. I am in the same situation as you are where right now I'm stuck, but I don't believe in any of the Witness stuff or any religion any more.

    It's tough, but nothing lasts forever. You'll get past it and move on.

    Welcome to JWD

  • Carmel

    Welcome sicko, great post! I too got the bums rush when I came home with a degree in zoology and biochem. My family surprisingly were quite gifted but failed to apply themselves to any rigorous academic diciplin, hence they were all "Afake" graduates. Had the same discussions re: Darwinian ideas, NS, ets. It's like talking to puppets..


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