My Brother Counsels My Mother About Her Sister & Me

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I appreciate all your comments!!! Samilee's wife (sp), I feel so bad reading that story. It can happen and when it does, it can be too late......Blondie, you are 10000% correct in your assessment of my family! My brother still thinks he's an elder counseling my mother while the Pharisee won't even lift his finger to help. My aunt was always trying to tell my mom how to live her life. Now my mother has recently said that she does miss her sister but not her trying to control her.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Min,

    Your brother's an idiot. Tell him to take off his dunce cap. He'll be able to clear his mind.

    He should leave your mom alone. Unreal!


  • minimus

    Dis, I'm DISGUSTED with my brother! He still thinks he's an elder.

  • minimus

    Update---My mom's in the hospital with apparent internal bleeding. My brother and SIL asked about her about me again, while visiting her. He asked, "Why do you think he left and do you think he'll come back???" She said, "I pray everyday tht he comes back but right now, I think he wants to enjoy the pleasures of this world". At that point I said, "That's not the reason!". Then she said, "Let me finish". She then said, my brother said, No, it's a lot more serious than that. He left Jehovah and His Organization". She said, "He still believes in Jehovah". His response: "You CAN'T believe in Jehovah if you don't accept His Organization".

  • garybuss

    Sorry about your mother Min. I hope she makes a quick and full recovery. Please forward my best wishes to her.

  • minimus

    Thanks Gary! I'll find out more on her condition this afternoon. But can you believe my brother??

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Min,

    I know how worrying it can be having your mother in hospital, mine's been in for over 2 weeks, though she may be out this week. I wish your's a very speedy recovery.

    As for your brother, he sounds so far brainwashed as to be beyond redemption.


  • minimus

    FODN, thanks for your sentiments! Yes, I think my brother's a bit on the thick side. He'd be the guy that felt he should stay on the Titanic just because.

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