satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .

by DCs Ghost 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bridgette

    Gently Feral,
    WOW!! Thank you. I've just visited the link you set me........
    Love and blessings,
    B. :)

    and to Claudia,
    Well, I'm not dc, and I'm sure his path varies slightly from mine, but I'd like to try to address some of your questions from my POV. My mother is still in the ORG, so I only allude to my beliefs. She knows that I and my daughter are much happier and stronger than we have EVER been in our lives. And that I finally got the courage to leave an abusive marriage (both to me and my daughter--guess how seriously the elders would take it? not at all) I have never made my exit from the ORG official because of her. She's not exactly a pillar of the cong and she and my dad are divorced and she would be ALL ALONE. She has no retirement, no health insurance, etc. (thanks in part to the ORG's dogma). She was very abusive to me growing up (mainly because of her "bible trained conscience") but I love her very much and the further she drifts from the ORG (she'll never leave, but she drifts) she has calmed down ALOT!
    As far as you're being burned out on spirituality and religion--can't blame you there!! If you're not feeling any pull towards a particular path, then you're right where you need to be. It's kind of nice, actually--just being, isn't it? I love spending Sunday mornings in bed with my husband (NEW), reading the paper, drinking coffee, snuggling.....instead of dashing about madly trying to get ready for another meeting.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    it is curious how similar our lives have been Bridgette, as far as the way we got in and the way we got out,
    i am currently solitary myself, the coven was a starting point which my coworker introduced me to, she knew before i did but she never pushed it on me,
    i had been reading carlos castaneda at the time and i remember reading something to the effect that the teacher comes when the student is ready, and around that time she and i would have some interesting conversations about life, and one day she asked me to go to her sisters for they were getting together for the full moon, she said i would have a good time,
    after i left miami i became solitary. . . .

    hi Claudia
    in answer to your question as to what they think, this is my stance,

    i am pagan, what i mean by that is that it is a lifestyle and not a religion for me,
    technically anyone not christian can be labeled a pagan,
    i personally don't subscribe to judeo-christian beliefs, nor any type of religious organization for that matter,
    i believe jesus walked around but his teachings were severily warped over time, by the church
    i have read up on different paths, and taken what i like from what i have read, as is usually the case with most solitaries,

    because it is not a religion, there are no rules to follow other than
    do what you will, harm no one,
    that is the code, it is quite simple and common sense dictates my life,
    i am solely responsible to the voice of my conscience, and responsible for my own actions,
    i believe that karma goes a long way and i am a firm believer that what i put out is what i get back,
    i don't need a book or a committee to give me guidelines or rules to live by,
    i also believe that we are not born sinners, that is a label that we get pinned with, by christ based religions, this is a conclusion that i have come to on my own and i could expand on this if you like. . .

    because i have chosen to walk away from the borg, i am on a need to know basis with my folks, if they can distance themselves from me because they feel i am a bad association and need to obey man made laws, then so be it, i can return the favor, in order to make their life easier

    this is the way i see things for as cold as it may sound,
    if they can choose to follow a herd of old geezers and let these goons dictate their life and cause a division between us, that is their choice and it is they who need to live by it, not i
    i respect their decision and i don't impoose my beliefs on them
    unfortunately they don't share that common respect with me,

    it is impossible to have a conversation with them without the borg coming up, that is their life they know nothing outside of it,
    i think it is sad and pathetic that adults can give up their existence to a printing company and let such dictate their life,

    when i first got out i tried to make some type of ammends with them and be the good son, and maintain a relationship,
    it didn't get far, if i did not make the effort they did not either,
    8 years have elapsed and there have been stretches of time where we have not spoken at all,
    (we went through a period of 2 years without speaking at one point)
    it sucks, but that is life on their terms,
    through the years i have decided that it is best to not speak to them as much, for they can be very draining,
    in the next life hopefully we will sort it out. . . .

    my mom knows my nature and she knows that i like books, she knows i like to read, but above all i question everything, i believe that she may know, because of some of the conversations we have had, secretly i know she believes i am doing what is right for me though she will not say it and like any witness mom she harbors the hope that i will return, though i have made it pefectly clear that pigs have a beter chance of growing wings,

    edited because i felt like editing. . . wasn;t happy with the first draft it wasn't saying what i wanted to convey
    and why am i justifying this?


  • claudia

    dc, it sounds as if she is still your mom, I cant understand letting a religion come between a parent and child, I am a mother and NO relationship in this world could be more sacred. I dont care what spiritual path my child takes, I will love and associate with them with all my heart. A good friends mother will not even pick up her beautiful granddaughter because her daughter is df'd.

  • Satanus


    The spiritual worldview discussed here is quite similar to what i have arrived at. I'm not a satanist, i use this name to bug the fundys. I was a loyal jw for 30 years. Turfed out for posing too many questions. Then 2 years of pentle type christanity, until i found out the bible was a load of crap, mostly. Off on my own, i read a bunch of nde experiences, then some eastern philosophies. Taoist energy manipulation may be similar to magic. I know it is exercise for psychic abilities. I feel a unity with nature, earth, the universe. The satanist principle of being yourself has been my goal for about 2 years. This has been tough. Basically, i lost myself in an abusive childhood and then what was left from that was lost in the wt cause. I'm still looking for myself. Ramble, ramble. I'll stop. I enjoyed reading this thread.


  • GentlyFeral


    Taoist energy manipulation may be similar to magic.

    You've noticed this too? I discovered this quite by accident when our church had a lay-led service about Tai Chi. The speaker led us in a couple of Tai Chi positions. The one called "Subduing Tiger from the Left" felt extremely powerful and I've begun to use it in "uncrossing" spells. I've been meaning to do more experimenting with Tai-Chi-as-sigil but haven't gotten to it yet. For an eclectic, I think Tai Chi might prove much more "juicy" than traditional Goetian sigils. Comments?


  • Satanus


    The book mysticism is a study of the western -basically christian- spiritual practice of getting close to 'god' or goddess -the virgin mary. My knowledge of wicca is very basic. From some reading in general about taoist, buddhist, psychic material and my involvement in the pentacostal type christian, i would further stick my neck out and say, that aside from theology, all these spiritual practices are in the same feild, so to speak. All the arguements come from the theology. If jesus were here, he could freely pass into spiritualist churches where people were loving. For my 25 cents worth, i would say that the only thing that would present a problem is spirituality based on hate or anger. This type of spirituality could well push one to the 'dark side'. My theories anyway.

    Interesting about tai-chi. I may be starting lessons this month. I'll keep in mind 'subduing the tiger'.


  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    dc, it sounds as if she is still your mom
    can you explain this?

  • claudia

    Ok I mean that it seems as if still have a mother/son relationship. She isnt shunning you.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    if you can label speaking for 20 minutes, once every 3-4 months a normal healthy mother/son relationship, then sure i guess all is fine [8>]

    Morning Satan,
    (something so soothing about saying that)
    tell me more about your history with the dubs, location and such. . .
    seems i have met a few who have come to the same conclusions on their own, kinda interesting. . . .


  • Satanus

    Hi DCG

    Okay, here’s a bit about me.
    Born in the 50’s to a disfunctional couple.
    Married couple gets sucked into joining dubs in the early 60’s.
    I missed most of the hippy movement, damnit!
    Baptised as dub in about 1966.
    Family continues to be disfunctional and gets worse.
    Continued busting my butt as a ‘happy’ jw through the 70’s.
    Canadian bethel construction work in 1980.
    Went where ‘need is great’, quebec.
    Suffered tremendous stress and depression. So ‘happy’.
    1995 – started asking questions.
    1995 – read ray franzes books, illusion is bursted, felt sick.
    Sickness passed, enlightenment, exctasy followed, may have levitated for months.(joke there)
    1996 – disfellowshipped for asking too many questions.
    To 1998 - Christian phase.
    1998 – found out bible wasn’t gods word. That hurt!
    1998 to present examine all aspects of spirituality, general history, philosophy basically everything, Whew..
    2001 – start meditation. Some taoist practice.
    Life slowly gets better, am finding myself.


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