satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .

by DCs Ghost 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    I must admit to a certain curiosity and fear on these subjects. I have read books written by witches that scared the hell out of me. Maybe they were sensationalising their experiences but it certainly wasn't about getting at one with mother nature. I'll have to visit the library and get them out again to refresh my memory.

    I've never met a Satanist (apart from one or two on the service years ago) but a friend of mine went out with one for a while. She says he used to nip out a lot late at night and leave her on her own so she pleaded to go with him. He took her to some dark secluded spot in the countryside and she waited at a distance while they acted pretty weird and was so terrefied she never asked to go again. A close friend of his told her to be careful cos he had done some awful things and she decided the romance had got too weird and broke it off. She says he took it well but freaked her out by saying he would always know where she was and would look out for her. Do you think he was having her on?
    I don't know what to think really.
    I'd like to believe these seemingly harmless definitions but my biblical upbringing is hard to shake off.
    If Satanism is just selfishism isn't that the type of hedonistic spirit Satan would be delighted to see?

    Still confused.


  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    hey free
    it is understandable why understanding the nature of the beast (no pun intended) would cause hesitation,
    lets see if this helps. . .

    satanism is not about selfishism as you mentioned
    instead it is about being true to yourself, and looking out for yourself, and not letting others walk all over you. . . .

    there is a difference,
    you can be true to yourself and look out for your well being without being selfish,
    there is nothing evil about having your best interests in mind,

    it is about self empowerment as opposed to waiting on something to be resolved from above, it is about action instead of faith,
    very simply it is about being human,
    i am simply exposing it for what it truly is and not for what it is mistaken for. . .

    granted that as AMAZING put it, there are groups that can be quite unhealthy, but the reality is that none of anton's books ask or even insinuate animal sacrifice, true story

    those that hide under the mask of satanism in order to excuse bloodshed and sacrifice, are doing the same as the church has done for centuries,
    they are simply blaming the devil,

    i know this is totally backwards from what you probably are used to hearing and have heard, but don't take my word for it do the research, anton layed the law those that deviate from it aren't doing what he preached. . .

    like all religions there are rules, these are the "rules" if you want to call them that. . .

    the 9 satanic statements as stated by Anton LaVey

    1.satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinance
    2. satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams
    3.satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self deceipt
    4. satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates
    5. satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek
    6. satan represents responsability to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires
    7. satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, but more often worse than those who walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development" has become the most vicious animal of all
    8. satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification
    9. satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

  • claudia

    Amazing I feel like you do. Also, as a mother i hate the "me first" mentality. Thats why families today are falling into shit! I hate selfish mothers and fathers. They need a kick in the ass. Although I see many in christianity I think its wrong to condone it. i have never seen a family with selfish parents be anything but disfunctional. My children are before me or anyone else.

  • GentlyFeral
    4. satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates

    I've blown off this principle for years, assuming that it meant that Satanists had no respect for the Golden Rule -- which would make it mighty hard to respect them. But when I read this list again, it occurred to me that "those who deserve" kindness might not be "those who have earned it" but rather "those who have not forfeited it."

    Gently Feral
    lookin' mighty cute in these horns

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    hi Feral

    that is one of the points i am getting at with this thread,
    that there is a difference betweeen a Satanist and a Satan/Devil worshipper,

    of the three that i mentioned the only one i would be weary about would be a Devil worshipper, who calls himself a satanist,
    usually these types are looking for attention and a scapegoat for their actions,

    Satanism is a total mockery of the church, and that is why it goes by that name, it does so to distance itself from the man made rules and hypocracy of christianity. . .

    personally i get a kick out of #9
    satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!

    what would the witnesses do without him?
    take him away and there is no one to blame and no one to fear,

    having lived in a small town for a while i was accused of such by the locals, (of being a satan worshipper)
    when the witnesses would come to my door it would confuse them royally,
    being a small town the rumors circulated and they assumed the worst of me, because of my appearance,
    in their minds i was the anti-christ who needed to be saved, yet i could chat with them about the bible, without burning up
    and challenge their thoughts, which would cause them to leave bewildered,
    gotta tell you, it didn't take long for them to stop knocking at my door, would have loved to hear the comments as they passed by my house, or to have read their comments on their door to door reports. . . .
    and they never knew my history with the dubs

    granted that the rumor was sparked because i mostly wore black and one of my friends, (she) wore a pink mohawk,
    so obviously
    it would amuse us,
    the locals, not just the dubs, would be so quick to assume and judge us because of media programming and false assumptions, it was cheap entertainment for us. . .
    gotta love it i tell you,


  • Bridgette

    <<they never knew my history with the dubs>>

    What was your history with the dubs?
    As I'd mused earlier in this thread, I wonder if there are others like me? That is, born and raised in the Borg, but being a child of nature? It seems most go onto other confining judeo-christian beliefs, or total skepticism (which, skepticism is VERY good and useful--we must question EVERYTHING-ALWAYS in order to progress individually and collectively). But my "beliefs" are anything BUT judeo-christian, and I always wonder if there are others.
    B. :)

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost

    hi Bridgette

    in a nutshell my history. . .
    i was born in 70
    my mom accepted studies back in 72,
    she fell victim to door to door tactics, for she had just seperated from my dad and wasn't much of a catholic, so my take is that in her low she was scooped up,
    she was baptized in 74 and has been a dub since,
    in 76 she married a dub undergoing studies, which of course she got slack for cuz he wasn't baptized yet, he was dunked shortly after,
    so from the age of 2 i went to meetings with my mom, and after she married, i was locked in
    i would have probably bailed out at a younger age had it been her and i alone, but those are the breaks,

    at 13 i started raising havoc and royally pissing off the elders, they managed to get me in line for a while or should i say i conformed because it was the wise thing to do,
    in 86 we moved from NJ to FL and i found my break, not really knowing anyone there it was easier to miss meetings and i really didn't care what the "brothers" thought of me
    it took me a few years but by the age of 23 i was fully out and never returned . . .

    i always believed in a higher power, but i could not relate to their god,
    there were things that i experienced growing up that went against what i was learning from the bible,
    i was torn between curiosity and fear,
    curiostiy prevailed, there were things that just came to me naturally, things i would just know,
    and i found these more intriguing
    but i knew to not talk about such, at least not to witnesses

    shortly after i jumped boat i found a coven through one of my coworkers and learned a few things from them,

    my first gathering though, i was a little concerned as to what i would be experiencing, having all the witness prejudices going off in the back of my mind during the ritual, but when i saw the truth for myself i realized there was nothing to be scared of, and since then have felt more in tune with myself and my surroundings,

    i guess in way i was lucky, i found a group that really understood the craft for what it is and not for what it is hyped up to be. . .

    no regrets

    what's your story?


  • Bridgette

    My story: the novel...
    will try to be brief
    I, too was born in 1970, and my mother, at a real low, lonely spot in her life was snagged in the door to door work when I was 1. My dad soon converted from atheism and even did a brief stint as an elder, but always a free thinker, and an engineer with a formal education, shortly after 1975, said "thanks but, no more." The only thing he would say, is that he saw too much.
    When I was 28 I moved away from a small town chock full of dubs in Southern NM and landed here in Denver--aaaahhhh, civilization! I just left. I didn't necessarily leave mad, I just left. Nothing resonated. I had always been taught (by the FDS) to judge those who hold themselves out as THE ONLY SPOKESPERSONS OF GOD, very harshly--and "mene, mene tekel parson" --they had been weighed with the scales they gave me, and guess what?
    Having inherited my father's logic, I assumed there is no god, and still say no one really knows more about the unknown than anyone else. I started reading a lot! I read "women who run with the wolves" (Don't laugh--ok, chuckle) But it really resonated with me. I started to get back some of my suppressed intuition/psychic abilities. One day I was talking to a co-worker and I just got this blurb in my head: Merry Meet/Blessed Be. I blurted out: do you do ritual? She said "why would you ask me that?" Yep, she's a witch. She has really helped me in my path. She never knocked on my door, prosyletized, or informal witnessed--didn't need to. I have never been initiated. I steer away from Covens--too formal for my liking. I opt for a solitary path. But I REALLY connect with the feminine energy of the universe. Ritual and Magick are cool, and have done a lot for me, but I dig the DEEPLY spiritual side of it all. When I actually "feel" and see the presence of Goddess I am more alive than I've ever been. It is PURE LOVE/ PURE ENERGY.
    Oh, sorry for the novel. Just one more thing, how's this for irony: my mother's spiritual birthday is October 31 (as in she was baptized). Guess what my first Sabbat was? hehehehehe.....
    B. :) hoping there are others like us.....

  • claudia

    Dc, I am VERY curious as to what your family thinks of your beliefs? I am just way too burned out on spirituality to ever take on another religion (for lack of better word)

  • GentlyFeral

    Bridgette said:

    I wonder if there are others like me? That is, born and raised in the Borg, but being a child of nature? ... my "beliefs" are anything BUT judeo-christian

    Yeah, sure there are. My daughter's one. We didn't un-jaydub until she was twelve, and as soon as we had done so she told me she'd believed in reincarnation all her life. She also remembers deciding, at the age of eight, "Nothing this boring (like meetings)could possibly be true."

    You'll find other "children of nature" at

    Gently Feral

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