Do we really know each other?

by Billygoat 27 Replies latest members private

  • trevor


    Beautifully written. Profound and true.

  • greendawn

    We all put up a personna and the best way to see through it is to associate with someone for a period of time and observe their behaviour, with time the real face will come through.

  • rocketman
    Every morning, I wake up, take a shower, put on makeup, wear a cute outfit, style my hair

    First of all, I'm glad you do that basic stuff. At least you don't leave the house looking like you just rolled out of bed...

    To be honest, if you and I worked at the same place, for example, the above info is all I'd probably care about.

    If we came to be friends, I'd be looking below the surface, but to me that's just a natural consequence of trying to be friends. Or vice versa. What makes you 'tick' as it were, might then become relevent. Only then, to be fair, should people be able to make judgements about you, other than unimportant little judgements like how nice your hair style is. The problem is, like you said, people sometimes judge based on such unimportant issues.

    I expect people to treat me in the same manner. And I agree with what LDH wrote about personal matters. I think it's important not to reveal too much. Unless we're talking about clothing. Then reveal all you want, if you're sexy.

    Btw, I like The Office too. See, I already know all the important stuff.

  • prophecor

    Anyone familiar with the 60's hit cartoon, The Flintstones, might remember a specific episode when the Rubbles were outed from there home because of a plumbing leak that flooded them out. Barney Rubble was quick to take Fred up on coming to his home to stay, his wife, Betty tried to dissuade him from going that route because of an old saying that she'd learned from her mother, which was:

    " You Never Know People Until You Live With Them "

    That being said, we would do better to not get so up close and personal with some people. It's just not to the advantage of you or anyone else for others to have absolute knowledge about our most intimate portions of our lives. I can only describe it as respectful distance. Some folks don't know how to handle some of our most precious and privileged moments. They do not know how to take the brutality of our honesty. If we were to allow others to see as we truly are, in transparent absoluteness, we would be left to being run out of town on a rail, stoned or shot to death or worse. To lay bare your soul can come to be a betrayal of self, with the knowledge of our true selves in the hand, heart and minds of the wrong person.

    There are, however, those moments for which we can share our most intimate of selves. That should be with our mates, first, and only our closest of friends afterwards, all others, casual acquaintances and otherwise, need not apply. Though there does exist the space for when you're forging new territory in the life of relations with folks, where you may be required to feed them a little more about yourself, in an attempt to break new ground with them. Your wanting to allow the relationship a chance to reach a higher plane. When that moment comes, just be careful not to nail your own self to the cross. People will always be more than willing to nail you to the cross at any given moment, let's not give them any more help than is necessary. There will come those times, however, when you'll just have show the other party exactly the hand that's been dealt to you.

  • sass_my_frass

    Lose the front, it's too much maintenance and it swallows some people whole, when they put one up so big that they lose themselves! That 'perfect life' that people want sounds like a yawn to me. It's just prescribed stuff crowding out the good things of life.

  • poppers

    Very few people even know who they really are, and hide from that knowledge by becoming lost in a maze of ideas of who they think they are. People, by and large, are living their lives lost in a waking dream, sustained and nurtured by the mental conditioning foisted upon them by their family, educational system, religion, and culture - the sleeping leading the sleeping.

  • jojochan
    My experience with the WTS and its tendency to snoop into one personal life, and then use this information to control and punish, instilled in me an over developed sense of privacy.

    I'm guilty of doing this on the few times I would start talking to someone. It's funny, my guard was always up higher when I was in the collective in regards to watching what I say and think around them. Stupid huh? But now...I'm actually noticing a change in my thinking, my actions that are different than the man I used to be, and I'm liking it. But imo, in getting to know a person would take time, being a good listener, and caring for that person to the extent that you would allow. Hey I did that, and noticed a WHOLE LOT about people.


  • Sparkplug

    Every morning, I wake up, take a shower, put on makeup, wear a cute outfit, style my hair, walk out of my cute suburban home, drive my sporty little car to a "cool" job, come home to a gorgeous husband, sit in our stylish living room and watch "in" shows like Lost and The Office. So many people make judgements on me based on those very things I listed. But they have no idea who I am, what I believe in, what I represent, what impassions me, or what issues I struggle with on a daily basis.

    I put up a really great front.

    How many of us do this?

    What do you do to scratch below someone's surface?

    I think I have your number Billy G.! Yep, I am on the right trail.

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