by You Know 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    I agree with Logical on this one.


    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford


    My dear brother You Know

    Rather Ahaa Ahaa! The cat seems to be out of the bag is it?

    No No you do not have my "I told you so attitutde"
    For me to laugh at Israels demise would mean my spiritual detriment.
    I have pity and sorrow for them. They have been warned as Israel always had been before.

    If ONLY the WTBS would 'cop up' and stop hiding behind their lies and deceit, then and only then could there be room for foregiveness.
    It is always someone else who has rafters and truly not them.
    Why o why have they continued in this course of misleading and being misled? You know the answer. At least from prophecy that is. The problem is you always apply it to the wrong people.

    But they will continue in their error, for Jah has allowed them to continue to be stumbled because "they want to be".....

    Til then my brother
    May you pray for spiritual eyesight please

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

  • larc


    I asked a question, which I will raise again. Are not people like Bowen and Anderson the ones following Christ's example. Are not the leaders at the top and elders who blindly follow orders the true apostates from rightiousness?

  • You Know
    You Know


    Could it be that the org is off by almost 100 years on the prophecy about the death of the two witnesses. Maybe the events we are about to witness is the real fulfillment instead of what happened in 1914-1918?

    Could be. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    To BJC 2012:

    What is your basis for applying these words to Jesus? When did Jesus' errors overtake him and what errors were these? The bible speaks of him as being error-free.
    That's the point, when Jesus was on the earth that Psalm could not have applied to him. But, as I explained, Christ lives vicariously through his disciples. Many of the Psalms are written that way, whereby, the holy spirit speaks for Christ, and moves seemlessly from when he was on the earth, to events yet to occur at Jesus' return. It's up to the reader to discern the distinction.

    Then you glibbly transfer these words to your so-called anointed brothers. If Romans 6:18 applies to anointed ones, then this verse cannot apply to them. It reads: "Yes, since you were set free from sin, you became slaves to righteousness." If they were set free from sin, how can they commit so many errors that these overtake? They certainly could not be considered to be getting any help from holy spirit if this is true.
    That's really false reasoning on your part. You have made the fatal assumption that the faithful and discreet slave is infalliable. That sort of unreasonable, unscriptural, expectation is what sets people up to stumble in the first place. Being set free from sin, in that context, means that we are no longer slaves to the sort of sins of the flesh that once enslaved us. It doesn't however mean that we are free from errors do to lack of judgment and that sort of thing.

    And yes I know that Paul quoted from the Septuagint, but my question is why the difference in wording.
    The apostles didn't always make exact word-for-word quotations. At times they paraphrased, or they combined thoughts from several different verses. At times they quoted from footnoted material, as appears to be the case at Hebrews 10:6

    / You Know

    / You Know

  • dubla

    To all (especially you know who):

    quote (to bjc2012): But, as I explained, Christ lives vicariously through his disciples. Many of the Psalms are written that way, whereby, the holy spirit speaks for Christ, and moves seemlessly from when he was on the earth, to events yet to occur at Jesus' return. It's up to the reader to discern the distinction. -YK

    -did you all get that? as "I" explained......does this guy have just a HUGE head concerning his bible knowledge or what? oh thank you YK, im glad YOU explained christ living vicariously to all of us who wouldnt have known any better. now that i know "its up to the reader to discern the distiction", that makes everything easier. so in other words, unless we have direct holy spirit like you, or listen to and follow someone with direct holy spirit, like you, then we probably cant discern shit for ourselves, hey? and here ive been wandering around in the dark, and now my eye has been opened! i shall dedicate my life to following YK and his vast bible knowledge in order to acquire the proper discernment!! this is a glorious day of realization!!

    you dont know jack.


  • joelbear

    You Know,

    Hi. How old are you? someone said 25? Is that right?

    I think its neat you enjoy reading the Bible. I just think you emphasize the wrong parts.

    Help people live now buddy.



  • You Know
    You Know
    does this guy have just a HUGE head concerning his bible knowledge or what?

    My hat size is hardly what's important.

    so in other words, unless we have direct holy spirit like you, or listen to and follow someone with direct holy spirit, like you, then we probably cant discern shit for ourselves, hey?
    That is evidently true. In fact, Proverbs 30:12 says that you can't discern for yourself that you haven't even been washed from your own excrement. So, yes, I think you are right on the mark with that observation. It comes down to this: You basically have two choices--You can listen to the faithful slave of Christ, or you can listen to the evil slave. Apostates, one and all, have chosen to follow the evil slave. Let's face it: you have no insights other than what have been handed you by the ringleaders of the apostasy, who were originally themselves anointed by holy spirit. If you did have something of value you would post something other than childish ridicule. /You Know
  • Jigrigger


    Are Jehovah’s Witnesses really Jehovah’s witnesses? Or, perhaps worded differently: Is the Watchtower really the voice of Christ’s appointed faithful and discreet slave of prophecy? Those are the so-called bottom-line debated questions and as-of-yet-unresolved issues.
    Unresolved issues?
    Not for me, it isn't. And for many others who see the WT organization for what it really is - just simply one more denomination of Christendom, no more or no less connected to "God" than any other - the issue IS resolved.
    Perhaps it isn't resolved for you because you have doubts of your own?


  • You Know
    You Know
    Perhaps it isn't resolved for you because you have doubts of your own?

    I have no doubts about my faith. The reason the issues are still unresolved is because Jehovah has not taken up our legal case yet. That's what the Psalm was actually pointing forward to. / You Know

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