Comments You Will Not Hear at the 2-5-06 WT Study (Trust)

by blondie 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-0o5-06 WT Study (January 1, 2006 issue, pp. 20-24)(TRUST) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom."-MATTHEW 6:33.

    Opening Comments

    How firm is your trust in the WTS? It took me 30 years to finally wake up and 10 more to physically leave. If I had had access to the computer sooner, who knows? But it is not enough to leave the WTS, it is important to put our trust in someone or something, even if we just start with ourselves. Life is precious folks, irreplaceable. Got problems, talk to me; talk to us.


    A YOUNG man wanted to be more useful in his congregation. The problem was that his secular work interfered with his regular meeting attendance. How did he address the situation? He simplified his life, resigned from his job, and in time found employment that did not interfere with his Christian activities.
    Today, he earns much less than before, but he still cares for his family's needs and is much better able to support the congregation.

    more useful in his congregation--is more important than being "more useful" in his family.

    Secular work interfered with his regular meeting attendance
    "simplified" his life,
    resigned, found employment that did not interfere with his Christian activities

    How many JW men do you know that have jobs that mean that they miss meetings? I can think of 10 without trying, men who work out of town on weekends, men who work Monday through Friday day on the road as salesmen, men who drive truck and are out of town Tuesday and/or Thursday every week, men who work 2nd shift and were only at the Sunday meetings, men who worked 72 hours on and 72 hours off as EMTs and firefighters, and these were elders.

    Earns much less than before, but he still cares for his family's needs

    Not a one of those elders were willing to take a cut in pay; the rule is, once you are an elder your work schedule no longer matters, but younger men have to pay their dues for the privilege of missing meetings.

    2 Do you understand why that young man took such a step? Can you see yourself
    taking a similar step if you were in circumstances like his? Commendably, many
    Christians have, and their actions demonstrate their confidence in Jesus'
    promise: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and
    all these other things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) They trust in
    Jehovah for security rather than in the secular world.-Proverbs 3:23, 26.

    Do you understand why that young man took such a step?

    Yes, because unless he did, he wouldn't be considered qualified to even handle the microphones.

    Many Christians--only JWs

    They trust in Jehovah for security rather than in the secular world

    Than why have life insurance, health insurance, savings accounts, investment portfolios--all things that the WTS has and makes sure the congregations pay for the COs and DOs.

    3 In view of the difficult times we are living in, some may wonder whether that young man made a wise decision. Today, one section of humanity lives in the deepest poverty while another enjoys the highest standard of living in history. Most in poor lands would eagerly seize any opportunity to make their life a
    little easier. On the other hand, many in wealthier lands feel the pressure of maintaining their standard of living in the face of faltering economies, changing job markets, and ever more demanding employers. In view of the pressure involved in making a living, some may wonder, `Is it still practical to seek the Kingdom first?' To help answer that question, consider the audience that Jesus was addressing.

    pressure of maintaining their standard of living

    How many people in the US walk to the meetings? What is the WTS saying when the give experiences about JWs walking to the meetings? Hmmm?

    *** w04 8/15 p. 11 Mexico's Indigenous Peoples Hear the Good News ***

    "Once I observed some who had walked for six hours just to hear a 20-minute talk in Totonac, even though the rest of the meeting was in Spanish, which they could not understand.

    *** w03 4/15 p. 11 When Preaching Is Especially Memorable ***

    . For instance, a young lady walks alone three-and-a-half hours to attend Christian meetings, not missing any of them. Despite having problems with her knees, an elderly interested woman traveled two hours in order to receive instruction from the Bible during the visit of the traveling overseer.

    seek the Kingdom first--seek the WTS first?

    *** w96 6/1 p. 17 Flight to Safety Before the "Great Tribulation" ***

    Thus they assigned to a human organization the role of the Kingdom of God

    "Stop Being Anxious"

    4 Jesus was in Galilee, speaking to a large crowd of people from many places.(Matthew 4:25) Few if any of those people were wealthy. Likely, most were poor. Yet, Jesus urged them to give priority, not to the gaining of material wealth, but to the storing up of something far more valuable-spiritual treasure. (Matthew 6:19-21, 24) He said: "Stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not the soul mean more than food and the body than clothing?"-Matthew 6:25.

    Likely--the WTS will now add to the Bible account.

    To to the gaining of material wealth--yet many COs, DOs, and Bethelites expect the working rank and file to donate to them because of their "sacrifice."

    spiritual treasure--WT style, give donations to the CO and you will get privileges such as appointments as MS or elder or talks on the assemblies/conventions.

    5 To many of those listening, Jesus' words might have sounded impractical. They knew that if they did not work hard, their families would suffer. However, Jesus reminded them about the birds. Birds live from one day to the next, yet Jehovah cares for them. Jesus also pointed to the way Jehovah provides for wildflowers, the beauty of which surpasses that of Solomon in all his glory. If Jehovah cares for birds and flowers, how much more so will he care for us? (Matthew 6:26-30) As Jesus said, our lives (souls) and bodies are far more important than the food we buy to sustain our lives and the clothing we obtain to cover our bodies. If we devote all our efforts merely to feed and cover ourselves, with nothing substantial left for serving Jehovah, we miss the very purpose of living.-Ecclesiastes 12:13.

    Sounded impractical...knew if they did not work hard, their families would suffer--and today's rank and file know that the congregation will not help them if they are poor, telling them to get welfare from the government instead.

    *** w86 10/15 p. 18 Do More Than Say: "Keep Warm and Well Fed" ***

    In recent times, too, some congregations have aided especially needy ones in their midst. However, most lands now have tax-supported programs for the aged, infirm, or those willing but unable to find work. Christian elders may want to help in another way though. Some who are in genuine need and who fully qualify for public benefits are not receiving such because they do not know how to apply or are too timid to ask. Thus elders may inquire of governmental agencies or contact Witnesses who are experienced in these matters. They then may arrange for a capable brother or sister to help the needy person to receive the available benefits

    Blurb on page 21: Many who heard Jesus' words were poor

    If we devote all our efforts to feed and cover ourselves, with nothing substantial left for serving Jehovah, we miss the very purpose of living.

    So people are supposed to starve and go naked to the meetings?

    Nothing substantial left for the WTS

    A Balanced Viewpoint

    6 Of course, Jesus did not encourage his listeners to stop working and wait for
    God somehow to provide for their families. Even the birds have to search for
    food for themselves and their young. Thus, Christians had to work if they wanted
    to eat. They had to care for family responsibilities. Christian servants and
    slaves had to work diligently for their masters. (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12; 1
    Timothy 5:8; 1 Peter 2:18) The apostle Paul often worked as a tentmaker to
    support himself. (Acts 18:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 2:9) Still, those Christians did
    not look to secular work for security. They trusted in Jehovah. As a result,
    they enjoyed an inner peace unknown to others. The psalmist said: "Those
    trusting in Jehovah are like Mount Zion, which cannot be made to totter, but
    dwells even to time indefinite."-Psalm 125:1.

    Of course, Jesus did not encourage his listeners to stop working and wait for God somehow to provide for their families....birds have to search...had to for family diligently for their masters

    *** w04 6/1 p. 23 Do Your Circumstances Control Your Life? ***

    Are you having difficulties caring for your family because of your economic situation? Waiting on Jehovah includes avoiding questionable or illegal activities to try to obtain money. (Psalm 37:25; Hebrews 13:18) Yes, all of us must work hard to make the best of our circumstances and put forth effort to give Jehovah something to bless. As we do so, let us be determined to wait on Jehovah for the perfect solution.

    7 Anyone who does not trust firmly in Jehovah might think differently. The
    majority of humans view material wealth as a major key to security. Hence,
    parents have encouraged their offspring to invest much of their young adulthood
    in higher education, hoping that it will prepare them for well-paying careers.
    Sadly, some Christian families have found the cost of such an investment to be
    very high, as their children have lost their spiritual focus and turned to
    pursuing materialistic goals.

    majority of humans--once again the WTS demonize all humans.

    invest much of their young adulthood in higher education....well-paying careers--
    education takes a hit again from the WTS. College education or trade education? Did you know that it takes 3 to 6 years to qualify to be a union plumber, electrician, carpenter?

    Most apprenticeship training programs are three to six years in length. Apprentices work on-the-job in their trade under the supervision of qualified journeymen. They take courses in math, science and other technical subjects related to their craft. Most related classroom instruction takes place at the local vocational education colleges.

    Christian families--only JWs

    Children have lost their spiritual focus--lost the WTS focus

    materialistic goals--not giving their money to the WTS

    8 Hence, wise Christians realize that Jesus' counsel applies as much today as it did in the first century, and they try to keep a balance. Even if they have to spend long hours in secular work in order to care for Scriptural responsibilities, they never allow the need to earn money to blind them to the more important spiritual matters.-Ecclesiastes 7:12.

    Wise Christians--only JWs

    Even if they have to spend long hours in secular work.--this is advice from people at Bethel who have their food, clothing, lodging, transportation, medical care provided for them.

    Blind them to the more important spiritual matters--like attending 5 boring meetings each week and riding around in a car 2 hours a week calling on people who are never home.

    "Never Be Anxious"

    9 In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus urged his listeners: "Never be anxious and
    say, `What are we to eat?' or, `What are we to drink?' or, 'What are we to put
    on?' For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. For your
    heavenly Father knows you need all these things." (Matthew 6:31, 32) What
    encouraging words! If we trust fully in Jehovah, he will always be there to
    support us. However, Jesus' words are also sobering. They remind us that if we
    "eagerly" pursue material things, our thinking is like that of "the nations,"
    people who are not true Christians.

    Trust in Jehovah--not the WTS

    The WTS motto is:

    (James 2:16) . . ."Go in peace, keep warm and well fed," . . .

    (but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?)

    He will always be there to support us--but don't depend on the WTS to be there unless you are a JW in "good standing."

    "the nations," people who are not true Christians--all non-JWs

    10 On one occasion, a very wealthy young man asked Jesus what he should do to
    gain everlasting life. Jesus reminded him of the requirements of the Law, which
    was still in operation at the time. The young man assured Jesus: "I have kept
    all these; what yet am I lacking?" Jesus' reply might have sounded impractical
    to many. He said: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give
    to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower."
    (Matthew 19:16-21) The young man went away sad, unable to contemplate losing his wealth. However much he loved Jehovah, he loved his possessions more.

    what he should do to gain everlasting life--CARROT

    Go sell your belongings--how many JWs do you know that would sell all their possessions? Hmmmm?

    11 That event led Jesus to say something unexpected: "It will be a difficult
    thing for a rich man to get into the kingdom of the heavens. ... It is easier
    for a camel to get through a needle's eye than for a rich man to get into the
    kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:23, 24) Did Jesus mean that no wealthy person will
    inherit the Kingdom? No, for he went on to say: "With God all things are
    possible." (Matthew 19:25, 26) Indeed, with Jehovah's help some wealthy people
    back then did become anointed Christians. (1 Timothy 6:17) Nevertheless, Jesus
    said those surprising words for good reason. He was giving a warning.

    Did Jesus mean that no wealthy person will inherit the Kingdom?

    No, because there are many wealthy JWs, none of whom had elders suggest that the sell all their belongings before they would be considered for any "privileges." Wealthy JWs know whose pockets to line.

    12 If a person becomes attached to his possessions as that wealthy young man
    did, they could become a barrier to his serving Jehovah wholeheartedly. That
    could be true both of one who is already wealthy and of one who is "determined
    to be rich." (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) Trusting too much in material things can lead a
    person to be less `conscious of his spiritual need.' (Matthew 5:3) As a result,
    he might not feel the same need for Jehovah's support. (Deuteronomy 6:10-12) He
    might come to expect special treatment in the congregation. (James 2:1-4) And he
    could spend most of his time enjoying his wealth rather than serving Jehovah.

    If a person becomes attached to his possessions...barrier to his serving--unless he gives some of his possesions to the elders and the CO and the WTS.

    Might not feel the same need for Jehovah's support--the WTS support

    Spend most of his time enjoying his wealth rather than--unless he let the elders and the CO spend most of their time enjoying his wealth.

    Cultivate the Right Viewpoint

    13 One group with a wrong view of possessions was the first-century congregation
    in Laodicea. Jesus said to them: "You say: `I am rich and have acquired riches
    and do not need anything at all,' but you do not know you are miserable and
    pitiable and poor and blind and naked." It was not their wealth that brought the
    Laodiceans to such a pitiable spiritual situation. It was the fact that they
    trusted in wealth rather than in Jehovah. As a result, they were spiritually
    lukewarm, near to being `vomited out of' Jesus' mouth.-Revelation 3:14-17.

    It was not their was the fact that they trusted in their wealth rather than in Jehovah--see this is the out for the wealthy JWs, they can be wealthy, just not trust in it (and be sure to give some to the WTS)..

    14 On the other hand, Paul commended the Hebrew Christians for their attitude
    during an earlier time of persecution. He said: "You both expressed sympathy for
    those in prison and joyfully took the plundering of your belongings, knowing you
    yourselves have a better and an abiding possession." (Hebrews 10:34) Those
    Christians were not devastated by the loss of their possessions. They retained
    their joy because they kept hold of their most valuable possession, their
    "better and ... abiding possession." Like the merchant of Jesus' parable who
    sacrificed everything for one valuable pearl, they were determined not to loosen
    their grip on the Kingdom hope, whatever the cost. (Matthew 13:45, 46) What a
    fine attitude!

    joyfully took the plundering of your belongings--I wonder if the Christian congregation put that in a general fund and only used some for those who were being persecuted?

    Blurb on page 23: The merchant in Jesus' parable sacrificed everything for one
    valuable pearl; The wealthy young man loved his possessions more than he loved

    15 Many today have cultivated a similar fine attitude. In Liberia, for example,
    a young Christian woman was offered the opportunity to study at the university.
    In that country, such an offer is viewed as a way to a secure future. However,
    she was a pioneer, a full-time evangelizer, and had received an invitation to
    serve as a temporary special pioneer. She chose to seek first the Kingdom and
    remain in full-time service. She went to her assignment and started 21 Bible
    studies in three months. This young sister and thousands like her seek first the
    Kingdom, even at the cost of possible material advantages. How do they maintain
    such an attitude in this materialistic world? They have cultivated a number of
    fine qualities. Let us discuss some of these.

    opportunity to study at the university....way to a secure future--another hit to "higher" education

    Seek first the kingdom--full-time service...started 21 Bible studies in three months--doorstep ones that last only 3 weeks, 15 minutes each?


    16 Modesty: The Bible says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not
    lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he
    himself will make your paths straight. Do not become wise in your own eyes."
    (Proverbs 3:5-7) Sometimes, a certain course might seem practical from a secular
    point of view. (Jeremiah 17:9) Still, a sincere Christian looks to Jehovah for
    guidance. (Psalm 48:14) `In all his ways'-in congregation matters, education or
    secular work, relaxation, or anything else-he modestly seeks Jehovah's
    counsel.-Psalm 73:24.

    Seem practical from a secular point of view

    sincere Christian--only JW

    looks to Jehovah for guidance--looks to the WTS

    seeks Jehovah's counsel--seeks the elders (WTS) counsel

    17 Confidence in Jehovah's promises: Paul said: "He that approaches God must
    believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking
    him." (Hebrews 11:6) If we doubt that Jehovah will fulfill his promises, it
    might seem logical to `use this world to the full.' (1 Corinthians 7:31) On the
    other hand, if our belief is strong, we will be determined to seek the Kingdom
    first. How can a strong belief be developed? By drawing close to Jehovah in
    constant, heartfelt prayer and through regular personal study. (Psalm 1: 1-3;
    Philippians 4:6, 7; James 4:8) Like King David, we can pray: "In you I have put
    my trust, O Jehovah. I have said: `You are my God.' How abundant your goodness
    is!" -Psalm 31:14,19.

    Confidence in Jehovah's promises--but not the WTS, 1914, 1915, 1920, 1925, 1975....all prophecies that failed.

    Drawing close to Jehovah--Where's Jesus?

    Regular personal study--but not without using the WTS publications

    Blurb on page 24: If we are busy in Jehovah's service, he will support us

    18 Diligence in Jehovah's service: Paul linked confidence in Jehovah's promises
    with industriousness when he wrote: "We desire each one of you to show the same
    industriousness so as to have the full assurance of the hope down to the end."
    (Hebrews 6:11) If we are busy in Jehovah's service, he will support us. Each
    time we experience that support, our trust in him gets stronger, we become
    "steadfast, unmovable." (1 Corinthians 15: 58) Our faith is renewed, and our
    hope confirmed.-Ephesians 3:16-19.

    If we are busy in Jehovah's service, he will support us--and if we are not, he won't? What constitutes "busy"? Who judges? God or the elders?

    19 Willingness to make sacrifices: Paul sacrificed a promising career in order
    to follow Jesus. He clearly made the right choice, although his life was
    sometimes hard from a material standpoint. (1 Corinthians 4:11-13) Jehovah does
    not promise a life of luxury, and sometimes his servants endure hardships. Our
    willingness to simplify our lifestyle and make sacrifices proves the strength of
    our determination to serve Jehovah.-1 Timothy 6:6-8.

    Make sacrifices--and give the money to the WTS.

    Promising career--not much future being a Pharisee if you're a Christian.

    Does not promise a life of luxury--so many JWs are living the hiigh life, right?

    Simplify our lifestyle--and give our money to the WTS.

    20 Patience: The disciple James urged fellow Christians: "Exercise patience,
    therefore, brothers, until the presence of the Lord." (James 5:7) In this
    fast-moving world, it is difficult to be patient. We want things to happen
    quickly. But Paul urges us to imitate those who "through faith and patience
    inherit the promises." (Hebrews 6:12) Be willing to wait on Jehovah. Everlasting
    life on a paradise earth-surely that is worth waiting for!

    Difficult to be patient--yes since JWs have been waiting since 1879 for 1914, then 1915, then 1920, then 1925, then 1940's, then 1975, 1984, 1994, until the rug was pulled out in 1995 with the end of the 1914 generation teaching.

    We want things to happen quickly--I have been waiting 50 years. The Christians in 33 CE only waited until 70 CE, 37 years.

    Wait on Jehovah--wait on the WTS

    CARROT 2--Everlasting life on a paradise earth (what happened to the heavenly hope, aren't there about 8,000 still alive on earth?)

    21 Yes, Jesus' counsel to seek first the Kingdom is practical. When we do so, we
    demonstrate that we really trust in Jehovah and choose the only safe way for a
    Christian to live. However, Jesus also counseled us to keep on "seeking first
    ... [God's] righteousness." In the following article, we will see why that
    encouragement is especially needed today.

    Demonstrate that we really trust in Jehovah--trust in the WTS.

    Christian--only JWs

    Concluding Comments

    There are so many reasons not to trust the WTS. They have lied and lied and lied to the rank and file. What lie affected you first or the most?

    While reading the Studies in the Scriptures, I read this statement in the current WT and wondered how they could this since they had taught until 1943 that Christ's presence began in 1874.

    *** w93 1/15 p. 5 'Caught Away to Meet the Lord'-How? ***

    The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914. Events since that year testify to Jesus' invisible presence.

    Yet in another WT publication published in 1993

    ***Proclaimers chap. 28 pp. 631-632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***

    Calculations based on this cycle of years led to the conclusion that perhaps a greater Jubilee for all the earth had begun in the autumn of 1874, that evidently the Lord had returned in that year and was invisibly present, and that "the times of restitution of all things" had arrived.-Acts 3:19-21, KJ.

    Next week, 2 points will be The Trap of Immorality and Beware of an Independent Spirit.

    Spring will come early according to the local groundhog. Is that pagan?

    Love, Blondie

    Can You Explain?

    - With regard to material things, what balance did Jesus encourage us to have?
    - What do we learn from Jesus' illustration of the camel and the needle's eye?
    - What Christian qualities help us to seek first God's Kingdom?


    1, 2. What step as to employment did a young man take, and why?
    3. Why may some wonder whether it is practical today to put God's Kingdom first?
    4, 5. How did Jesus illustrate that it was reasonable for God's people not to be
    overly anxious about everyday concerns?
    6. (a) For what are Christians responsible? (b) Where do Christians place their
    complete trust?
    7. What might be the viewpoint of one who does not trust firmly in Jehovah?
    8. What balance do Christians maintain?
    9. How does Jesus reassure those who fully trust in Jehovah?
    10. When a young man approached Jesus for counsel, how did Jesus reveal what the young man loved most?
    11, 12. (a) What sobering words did Jesus utter regarding wealth? (b) How can
    possessions be a barrier to serving Jehovah?
    13. What wrong viewpoint did the Laodiceans have?
    14. Why did the Hebrew Christians merit Paul's commendation?
    15. How did a Christian woman in Liberia put Kingdom interests first?
    16, 17. (a) Why is modesty important if we are to trust in Jehovah? (b) Why
    should we cultivate confidence in God's promises?
    18, 19. (a) How does industriousness strengthen our trust in Jehovah? (b) Why
    should a Christian be willing to make sacrifices?
    20. Why is patience vital for one who puts Kingdom interests first?
    21. (a) What do we demonstrate when we put Kingdom interests first? (b) What
    will be discussed in the following article?

  • Atlantis

    Thank you so very much Blondie for your superb postings and all your hard work! Truly a delightful read as always!

  • unclebruce

    No, because there are many wealthy JWs, none of whom had elders suggest that the sell all their belongings before they would be considered for any "privileges." Wealthy JWs know whose pockets to line.

    G'day Blondie,

    Nice commentary. Along similar lines, I am particularly galled by the "Johnny come late lies", many of whom are well off through spending their youth getting a good education, job etc.. Whilst the poor sods who 'pioneered in their youth" are now (20 or so years on) living in poverty. And Just to add insult to injury they're looked down on and practically despised by the new boys and their manipulative women (excuse me .. I recently had a run in with several "Elders Wives" .. you know the type - IQ of a duck, dripping with diamonds and aloof mannerisms)

    cheers, unc

    PS: the comments you'd get from me at a Watchtower Study would be loud and heavily interlaced with foul slang-usage - bloody f^#\@#'n mongrel bull$hit time indefinite.

  • SallySue
    many Christians have, and their actions demonstrate their confidence in Jesus' promise

    So, in other words, if you don't you have no confidence in Jesus' promise???

    Once again the article is full of deception and lies which is a hallmark of the WT society.

    Thanks so much for all your hard work, Blondie. It is so helpful to know the kind of trash my Mother is being fed week after week so I can better understand why she acts the way she does.

    Thanks again. SallySue

  • jgnat

    I didn't get past the eigth paragraph this week. But the manipulative language really struck me. I started a thread on it, because I didn't want to lose my train of thought. In the very second paragraph, the reader is asked to come up with reasons why it is commendable to leave a well-paying job in order to make all the meetings.

    Very good point, Blondie, about the amount of training required in the trades.

  • ezra

    attending the meetings is a command.the reason that a brother has to attend all meetings with the exception of illness and emergencies is that in order to qualify you must have exemplary conduct.without if a brother was appointed to be a ministerial servant and was not attending meetings then others would say why should we have to go.the meetings were put in place as a protection for of the reasons christendom has lost credibility is the fact that they dont even adhere to their manmade doctrines.if you cant be true to your faith then how would others recognize that tyour faith represented true worship.jehovah has always had guidelines this is not something far as the brother quitting his job and finding other employment that let him attend the meetings ,look if some man in the secular world reaches out for a secular goal and makes sacrifices for it and attains that goal well people just fall all over that person,tell him hes great ,good for you,but why is reaching out for a spiritual goal and making sacrifices looked at in a negative way?its the same scenerio.the longterm sand short term benefits are better.what seems to be the problem.the man had a family he was required to provide for his family and he is required whether he is a ministerial servant or not to attend meetings by god.when you post these things you make it sound like a hardship.maybe it was for you,but those brothers that only can make one meeting stiil havent given up they are still trying

  • BizzyBee
    attending the meetings is a command.the reason that a brother has to attend all meetings with the exception of illness and emergencies is that in order to qualify you must have exemplary conduct.without reproach


    A command from whom? God? Please show us that from the scriptures. Be sure you find the one that mentions the Kingdum Hall.

    Qualify for what? Jesus redemption? Again, please show us that scripture - you know, the one that mentions the book study, service meetings, KH, etc. Being the Bible scholar that you are, I know you can find it.

    ez-baby, I do believe that if you can ndo this, I am near about ready to come back to the fold!

  • willyloman
    Blind them to the more important spiritual matters--like attending 5 boring meetings each week and riding around in a car 2 hours a week calling on people who are never home.

    Exactly! Dubs equate spirituality with mundane things. They have as much grasp on real spirituality as a dumb-as-a-rock actress on a TV talk show with a drug habit and three illegitimate children proclaiming she's "really spiritual."

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Dear years to wake up and 10 years to get out. I know what you mean....I was in the org for 26 years......I came in @ 26 years old. I was God that gave me the courage to leave. I could've never done it on my own. Brother Franz helped to as well as another man. I really liked what you wrote... thanks for it.. Star

  • starstuff

    I don't know if you get tired of hearing "thank you", but your weekly WT Study commentaries are invaluable.

    Thanks, Blondie!

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