Who do they hate more--faders or DFd people?

by rebel8 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • willyloman

    It's really all about circumstances. We chose to fade because of family and business contacts that needed to be kept intact. If we were DF'd or DA'd, some of these people would feel they couldn't talk to us or, if they did talk to us, they'd feel guilty about it. The way things are now, we are largely ignored/snubbed'shunned to various degrees, but some dubs feel they can talk to us and they do.

    Just today, a guy I work with (another department and our paths don't cross much) ran into me between buildings and said, "I haven't seen you in a long time. What congregation are you in now?" We were in the same congo before we told everyone we were changing halls and moving to another one, after which we essentially disappeared.

    I told him we had moved to that congo but that we hadn't been to very many meetings there and that we weren't going anywhere right now. It just felt like the right thing to say. I wasn't sure how he'd react. He said, "I'm not getting to as many meetings as I should, either. I'm just hanging on by a thread." He started to tell me why and it looked like a really interesting conversation was about to take place, but then his boss walked by and start asking him a bunch of questions about some project they were working on so I excused myself.

    My point is, he felt free to talk to me. That may turn out to be a good thing, for his sake. We'll see.

  • Scully

    I think they hate faders more than DFd people, and DA'd people even more than faders.

    With faders, they can somehow always have hope that you might someday come back, when you are down on your luck, or have something tragic happen. They resent the hell out of the fact that you haven't been caught doing something that would get you kicked out, and that you aren't doing your fair share of the work, but still get to claim that you are a JW if you wanted to do so. They are always suspicious of you, like they know you're cheating on your partner, but they have no proof to back it up.

    With DA'd people, it's like being the dump-ee in a bad break up. They much prefer it if they can be the dump-er (DFing). It gives them a feeling of moral superiority if they can DF you. You were caught doing something BAD!! You wicked, wicked monkey!! We BANISH YOU until you come crawling back and beg forgiveness!!! If you're the one dumping THEM (DAing), they go into how-could-they-do-this-to-meeee? mode. We were such good friends!! I can't believe they would dump ME for THAT!! We don't need them anyway!! Let's just delete them from our cell phone, and our address book, and our email contacts!! Let's make them SORRY that they ever messed with us and dumped US!!

  • IronClaw

    I am a fader for right now. They are in fear of the apostate. The reason my wife and kids wont talk about anything scriptural with me is because the elders told them that my views are not in harmony with the ORG.( the reason they know this is because my wife tells them practically everything I do ). Ask me if I care? They don't! Thats why they have made no attempts to rescue me from the grips of Satan. Getting close to 2yrs now, and STILL no sheperding calls. Where are they? I have so much to talk about. FEAR is the correct word.

  • Effervescent

    JWs hate anything they can't control and doesn't fit into their mold. As someone else said, fear also has a lot to do with it.

    As far as one group feeling more hate than the other, my opinion would be that it depends on your personal situation and outlook. After reading hundreds of stories on this board for (I think) over a year now, it seems like there has been A LOT of pretty nasty treatment, regardless of being DFd, DAd or Faded. Not only that, but one person might take it to heart more than the other, depending on their expectations. When youre DFd, you EXPECT to be treated like crap, wheras if you're faded, you might still carry the hope that you'll be treated with respect. Makes it a little more shocking when you're treated with their version of "Christian Love".

    JW's can't even love each other, much less a common "enemy", no matter what the situation.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I agree that it's all about fear. They don't fear the DF'd people too much, because they are just people who gave in to fleshly desires (or so the R&F dub believes.) Faders may be just weak individuals who don't understand the importance of going to meetings or lazy people who can't be bothered. But DA'd people, those who have left the WT on purpose They are dangerous.

    The WT uses fear to keep the dubs in line. I'm sure that the generic announcement that ''xxx is no longer one of JWs'' was instituted so that the R&F wouldn't realize how many dubs were DAing themselves. And the fear of apostates that the WTS fuels is further proof of how scared they are.

    Long live apostates!


  • Honesty
    Disassociated - you are downright evil. The spawn of the devil. You have turned completely on Jehovah and his beautiful organisation... There is no hope for you. I refuse to acknowledge your existance. misspeaches

    Just ask any WT loyalist in the Walland, Seymour, Loudon or 8 Knoxville, TN. Kingdom Halls about me and you will find out they hate the ones who publicly reject the teachings of the 'faithful slave' so much that if the laws of the land allowed such I would be taken outside the city limits and stoned to death by these lovers of righteousness.

  • nvrgnbk


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