Who do they hate more--faders or DFd people?

by rebel8 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    What do you think? I personally am hated quite a bit. I've concluded it was because I rejected them personally. I quit associating with them because I realized they were hateful individuals with serious mean streaks and other personality problems. I quit going to meetings because I realized the religion is a lie and a depressing way of life.

    They didn't reject me; I rejected them. I think this was a wound to their egos. For the most part, they shun and avoid me as though I'm DFd.......but I suspect they don't regard me with the pity and carry with them the "hope" that I'll "repent", that they do the DFd people. They cannot rationalize that I'm MIA because of some "weakness", "inability to abstain from immorality", or "Satan's temptation". I'm worse in their minds because "I know it's the truth" and I freely choose to go against it. I seriously believe they'd be disappointed if I showed up at the KH again. (A few yrs after leaving, I had to attend a family wedding at my old KH and no one even bothered to say hello or encourage me to come back. They were downright rude, in fact. They even refused to get out of the way when I tried to take pictures at the reception, saying no to my polite request to let me get through. It was my relative's wedding, not theirs. I pushed my way in front of them as gently as possible and told them they were rude. )

    What do you think? In general, do JWs hate faders more than they hate DFd people?

  • slugga

    Df'd people. Faders are just spiritually week and theres always hope they will get a rocket up their arses and come back. Df'd and you are a willful sinner in opposition to jehovah and thats a no no

    Matt with the rocket proof arse

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    your right they hate faders more, because they cant understand how anyone can leave the confines of their 'paradise' here on earth. Also I think it plants a seed of doubt when someone willingly leaves.

  • misspeaches

    In my area it goes like this...

    Disassociated - you are downright evil. The spawn of the devil. You have turned completely on Jehovah and his beautiful organisation... There is no hope for you. I refuse to acknowledge your existance.

    Disphellowshipped - you unrepentant sod. How dare you come into the congragation and sin and then not be repentant. Oh well according to your Judicial committee of course. Anyway I won't talk to you either. There may be some hope for you however. As long as you come to meetings for months on end and be completely ignored.

    Faded - you spiritually weak person. You are dangerous association. You have stopped attending meetings and could bring my own personal faith down if I had anything to do with you. However there has been no announcement made to say you are no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses so this gives me the right to yell at you for your lack of faith and berate you in public places. You brought this on yourself. However if I judge that you are bad anyway I will shun you regardless.

  • elliej

    Faders. They don't like to see anyone get away. Look at the example taken from the JW websight where the sister bragged about hunting down her study who was hiding from her for, like, four months or something. Can anyone say "stalker"? Its the same with the visits that faders get. They either want you to come back, no matter how they have to bully or coerce you into doing it, or they want you to admit that you don't believe in the Society so they can DF you because then they can write you off as an apostate. They force you to take a stand so you either crumble and come back or they demolish your reputation. There is no getting away clean if they can help it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I'm not even sure hate is the right word. I think fear is more appropriate.

    They assume those who got DFed did something bad bad bad, They can smugly consider themselves above them.

    Those who walk away, yes some would be considered weak. But we have read here how some people have sent letters to explain why they are leaving. That has got to be the scariest thing. Those who leave make a choice that to the JW is a death sentence. And since JW life is so incredibly boring and busy they have got to wonder what made a fader leave. And THAT curiosity can get them into a lot of trouble.

    Years ago one of my uncles and a brother in the cong were DFed for apostasy!!! Whoa! this was late 70s. As family we were terrified to talk to them in case they told us something, anything, that would weaken our faith.

    The really stupid thing about this particular fear was that if we did actually have the Truthâ„¢ there should have been no reason to fear what they said.

  • Finally-Free

    I think they hate me a lot. Many of them did before I even left because I wouldn't take their crap. First I tried to fade, but I lacked the patience for it. I couldn't keep my mouth shut about my opinion of them either, so I DA'd and told them in no uncertain terms where they stood with me. Two and a half years later they still gossip about me. They probably think Satan is holy compared to me.


  • slugga
    As family we were terrified to talk to them in case they told us something, anything, that would weaken our faith.

    I remember as a kid we weren't even allowed to look in the direction of apostates outside the district assemblies, it was like Medusa was there, one look and we'd turn to stone

  • metatron

    The greatest and best revenge is personal success. If you're doing well after fading, show up for a Sunday meeting as materialistically

    endowed as possible and proclaim 'how Wonderful Life Is!!!!' If I win the lottery, I'm gonna buy the gaudiest sports car I can find and park

    it in the lot closest to the Hall and tell them all about the success of my investments!



  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    If your disfellowshipped then the GB has mandated that you be shunned. This is to be adhered to as if the command was uttered from the lips of almighty God. Pretty serious stuff.

    If you have faded then there has never been a formal announcement, therefore, one can still associate without the fear of angering God.

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