got my stopwatch.............

by BlackSwan of Memphis 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daystar


    As I said up above, Dave: It's the determination to be doing God's will that shows that a religion is "true".

    Any questions?

    You're kidding us, right? There has to be some qualifier you've not expressed here. You're saying that merely the determination to be doing God's will shows that a religion is "true"?

    Aren't you assuming that everyone shares the same idea of what God's Will is, and what is entailed in being considered "true".

    I mean, even with my very, very, very different viewpoints on religion, God, etc., I can say with no doubt that I have the determination to be doing God's Will, yet many Christians might accuse me of being a Satanist were certain subjects to be discussed.

  • mdb


    Would you consider yourself saved?

  • RodentBoy

    Schizm wrote:

    The truth of the matter is they sit on their lazy butts, except when they're standing before their pew-warming flock tickling their ears.

    I don't think you know a damn thing about what many priests and ministers do. The priest who used to be at the Catholic church my wife goes to had to leave due to stress. He was visiting many of the sick, having to deal with various issues with parishoners and all the other issues of dealing with a busy church that had a large membership.

    And just to contrast that with the local JW congregation. My elderly grandmother, widowed for nearly fifteen years, hasn't seen any of the elders for months. Other than calls from old friends (also housebound) and a single Witness who lives nearby and is also a close friend, she doesn't see anyone from the Congregation. One of the Elders, in fact, lives less than a fifteen minute walk away, and has been to her house maybe twice in the last four years.

    Meanwhile my wife's priest is expected to regularly visit the sick, and in a local church that has an enormous number of elderly members, that is a significant task. And yet he does it, one man, and all the Elders of my grandmother's congregation, where she went loyally until age left her housebound, doesn't see anybody. But I do know that the elders at that congregation have been busy, apparently removign privileges from a number of people, DFing others and "fixing" things, or so I here.

    And that isn't just the Catholic church where I live. I know that the Anglican, Orthodox and United church all have a very busy schedule, and that pastoral duties are a 24 hour a day, 365 day a year calling.

  • 2112

    Well it is obvious the Schizm, that you have nothing to offer other than personal attacks. We have asked you qustions that you avoid. Yet you want to attack the clergy, and I doubt if there are any clergy members here. I guess that makes it real easy for you though. Anyway, the WT elders park in the clergy spaces at hospitals and elsewhere and by your own admition you do to, so that must make you an ass. (Sorry but I'm only following your logic)

  • jgnat

    .................. Camel Features

    parking spaces ................... as long as we're determined it doesn't matter if we're delusional.

  • gumby

    Poor ol' Schizm. He's so disgusted the WTBTS ain't what they claimed and he wishes it wasn't so. Ain't know way in hell he's gonna ever give bad, nasty, corrupted, demonised, whorebitch Babylon the Great any credit for nuttin! No sir Eee! The Watchtower had it ALL right and screwed up and it left our Schizm without a mom out in the cold. He can't be a dub and he don't like those who profane their honorable name. Wtf's a guy gonna do?


  • Schizm
    He can't be a dub and he don't like those who profane their honorable name. Wtf's a guy gonna do?


    I've probably been a "dub" since even before you were born, Gumass. And if you're gonna insist on

    using the " Wtf " expression don't be so bashful about it. Just spit it out there unashamably, and say

    "What the fuck" . Okay?

    Anyway, the WT elders park in the clergy spaces at hospitals and elsewhere and by your own admition you do to, so that must make you an ass. (Sorry but I'm only following your logic) -- 2112.

    No it doesn't, for the simple reason that the hospital's parking signs don't say "Assholes Park Here". At most, all that you can call me is "Clergy" because that's what the signs specify. LMAO at poster 2112!

    I don't think you know a damn thing about what many priests and ministers do. -- RodentBoy.

    Don't you be cussing me, RodentBoy. You might hurt my feelings. LMAO!

    Thanks for all your replies.


  • Schizm


    Would you consider yourself saved? -- mdb.

    Simple question, simple answer. No.


  • Schizm
    I can say with no doubt that I have the determination to be doing God's Will .... -- daystar.

    Do you know what actually proves whether or not a person is truly determined to do God's will? The real test is based upon a person's willingness to go wherever people are to be found, and share the Bible's hope with them, face-to-face. A person really can't claim that they're "determined" if all they do is go warm a seat at the Kingdom Hall, or a pew in some church, and/or donate some of their money.

    Most JWs, as well as ex-JWs, are well aware of the self-sacrifice involved in going out to meet people and attempt to share their faith with them. Doing God's "will" in this manner is not the easiest thing in the world to do for a lot of people. Some people have to overcome being shy, while others have to overcome feeling inadequate, etc. But by being determined they are finally able to overcome all such obstacles.

    The thing about all this is that the members of Christendom's churches aren't informed of the need to go "preach" by their pastors/priests/preachers. And so what do all such parishioners wind up doing? For the most part they merely keep the pews warm at the church they attend. Oh, yes, they will probably visit those who fall sick and try to comfort them, but insofar as having a REGULAR share in the public ministry--a ministry where a person deliberately tries to share his/her hope with strangers--they aren't motivated to do that. Like I said, though, they aren't even taught that this is what they should be doing. But what if they were properly taught in this regard, then what would they do about it. Whether they are willing to follow through with what they know is Biblically required of them is what would actually prove whether or not they are truly determined to do God's will.


  • gumby

    Schitzo bastard,

    Ain't no way yer older in dubville than me. When I was in my moms womb I heard the "good news". I came out of the birth canal ( the vaginal area) singing Kingdom Melodies( cept it was in the pretty little pink songbook which you don't remember)

    I'd like to know YOUR take on WHAT truth is, and WHERE it is. You seem to have trouble admitting you still feel somehow the WTBTS are the only ones who come/came close to pleasing the almighty. You hate churches, you hate the clergy. What DO you like in the religious arena? Is it ALL bad to you? Is there no truth to be found? If there is,....where is it?


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