Circuit Overseer Celebrities?

by Delboy222 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Delboy222

    I am a active JW, but one question I would like to know is why do these 'men' get treated as superstar celebrities when they attend the congregation?

    For as long as I can remember, there seems to be a 'buzz of excitement' when it is announced that he and his wife are due to visit. What is so special about them?

    The last three overseers to visit I must have had ONE conversation with them. To me, they have been so arrogant and self-opiniated.

    Of course, not all of them are like that. I have met many very kind overseers over the years, but the last three or four I have come across, look towards the pioneers, Elders and their wives as the only people worth bothering. Normal, run-of-the-mill publishers like me and my wife are cast aside as unimportant.

    At one time, I used to book time off work and attend every field service group the overseer was at in order to have a share, but now I boycott the meetings when he is in town. Am I the only one that feels like that?

  • slugga
    For as long as I can remember, there seems to be a 'buzz of excitement' when it is announced that he and his wife are due to visit.

    Was the same in my congregation, when it was announced that we'd have them at our book study I'm sure several sisters pee'd themselves with excitement!

    I never really saw what the excitement was about having them down the hall, I suppose their presence got everyone out on the service (which was good at the time) and because lots of faces you hadn't seen for ages would suddenly turn up again (bit like for the memorial)

    I suppose there was always the buzz that the CO would tell us from an outsiders point of view where we were lacking as a congregation (my congregation *always* had a problem with brotherly love) and we'd be able to do something about it and therefore be able to serve Jah better.

    I do find this whole GB / CO / DO / PO / celb thing a bit disturbing.


  • gumby

    Welcome Delboy! Nice to have you here.

    Since the Organisation teaches it is run theocratically and has Jehovah's blessing, many feel the C.O.'s visit has an extra sprinkle of Jehovahs spirit on it. CO's are the fine tuners of the congregation, fill you in on the latest from the society in certain aspects. Publishers feel theses guys are top notch and exemplary in every way. Publishers feel these men and women sacrifice their lifes for the Circuit work and deserve "double honor" as the bible says to give those "taking the lead".

    Your correct however in your description of these men. Every brother in the hall gets a new haircut when the CO is coming, sisters buy new clothes often, publishers make more nervous and meaninful comments, publishers who never comment will comment, publishers with loser kinda hours will show up for service ( like he doesn't see all this).

    If I were a Circuit Overseer, I'd be appauled by the phonie acts of the publishers when I showed up. I'd ask the brothers before I came to NOT get a new haircut.... and if I thought they did, I'd disfellowship their ass! ( just kiddin)


  • SallySue

    Was the same for me when I was in a long time ago. The women of the congregation would compete to be the one who had them for dinner. We thought they were just the greatest. Now that I look back on it, I have no reason for these actions.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    People get excited because they like to look to men as their leaders instead of God.

    These men have a deep conviction that the Watchtower Society is the truth. Their conviction is much more solid than those in the congregations. I've noticed the same additude displayed by them as you have described, but I feel that it is a display of how confident they are in the organization.

    With the circut assembly last week I made a special effort to watch these men, trying to see what makes them tick. Their loyalty to organization and deep conviction in the Watchtower seems to make them carry on more than your average witness.

  • Undecided

    I can remember them way back in the late 40s. They always stayed at our house when they visited. I can't remember what they were like back them, it was just part of my life as a kid. When I got married and became the PO of a new congregation we formed in our town, they stayed at our home. Some of them had a trailer they pulled around and they stayed in there. They were treated as someone special, and we would look up to them. They usually treated us well, after all, we were feeding and lodging them.

    Ken P.

  • Clam

    Welcome Del Boy !!

    Are you from the Peckham Congregation?

  • IronClaw
    People get excited because they like to look to men as their leaders instead of God

    Welcome to the forum!!!!!! You're right Drew, Most witnesses look to men. They put on heirs trying to make themselves look good. Guess they think these guys are next to Jesus visiting them. Its always a numbers game. Because these men will be looking at all the publishers cards, the R/F get nervous. Its so hypocritical.

  • kid-A

    It is pathetic isnt it? JWs idolize these dimwits. I think because COs are made out to be these self-sacrificing martyrs who essentially gave up a normal life to dedicate their lives to the borg 24-7, it plays into the guilt complex of more 'middle class' JWs who are living more 'normal' lives instead of giving themselves up whole-souled to jehoobah. Thus, the CO takes on almost a Messiah-like aura for the rank and file dubs.

    Sadly, it is really the pioneers who live the shittiest lives in the borg. All the COs I ever met had a pretty comfortable middle class quality of life, including a free apartment and a car paid for by brooklyn.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Welcome Delboy,

    Everything everybody else said.

    And, consider that JW's just don't have many other special times in their schedules. A CO's visit is an occasion, tantamount to a holiday. Of course, they are told to be excited and happy, so they are. (If someone has to tell you you're happy, that's probably a bad sign.)

    I've seen good and bad one's, too. Gary Carey was awesome, loved him. Brother Prall (David?) was great. Bob Hahn was a tad arrogant, but funny. There was this one though, can't think of his name. Richard something. HE was a jerk. So not a bad ratio overall, eh?


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