Disfellowshipped Numbers ?

by Clam 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Clam

    Do the WTS release statistics for those disfellowshipped from the Organisation.

    I understood that they published the numbers of newly baptised and those attending the memorial, but what about the other side of the balance sheet? I'm assuming they don't for PR reasons.

  • Shazard

    ofcourse no, coz then each one of us could calculate their growth/decline ratio and whatever it is I am sure WT does not wants us... and more... their misguided slaves to know

  • Clam

    Shazard thanks. Thought as much. Surely it wouldnt be too tough to estimate? If you took the total number of kingdom halls and then came up with say one DF per hall per year, do you think that sounds about right?

  • jwfacts

    Watchtower January 1 1986 p. 13, January 1 1987 p.13 both gave statistics of around 40,000 d/f per year when there was only 3 million jws. That is 1.3%, so Clam you are about right when you say one per hall per year.

    With 6 million there would probably be 80000 d/f per year.

    Since the difference between baptisms and the net increase was 175,000 people it means there are an additional 95,000 that have either died or become inactive.

  • Clam

    Jwfacts thanks. Phew that's a lot of apostates.

  • blondie

    Of course, you realize that the WTS does not classify every DF'd person as an apostate, just those who verbally and otherwise attack the WT doctrines. Committing adultery, fornication, murder, smoking, using drugs, molesting children would not classify you as an apostate.


  • TopHat
    Committing adultery, fornication, murder, smoking, using drugs, molesting children would not classify you as an apostate.


    LMAO....How true!

  • garybuss

    I was recently told by an active Witness that the circuit overseer told them that disfellowshipped for last year was 85k.

  • acquittal

    Hi clam,

    good question.

    It is annoying for instance when you read the annual j.w. report where it says "decrease/increase" 0%. 0% can mean -0,4% or +0,4%. You can make your choice. Officially it is 0%. They don't show you the exact numbers. Otherwise you could see their shrinking system, especially in the European countries, the former cash cow of donations.



  • Clam

    Hi aquittal - and welcome

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