Killed by a Shark!

by simplesally 17 Replies latest social current

  • simplesally

    Oh my! What a way to go! Ugh!!!!!!! Woman killed in shark attack Last Modified: 8 Jan 2006

    Sarah Whiley died of severe injuries after being attacked near North Stradbroke Island, east of the Queensland state capital, Brisbane.
    Senior Sergeant Ray Rohweder of Queensland Police said the girl, who was swimming with a group of friends from a church group and was approximately 15 metres offshore when she was attacked. She was pulled underwater for about five seconds then emerged and called out "Shark!". Initially some people thought she was joking but realised it was an attack when they saw her blood. Whiley was airlifted to a Brisbane hospital where she had to have both arms amputated just below the elbow, according to a Queensland Rescue Helicopter spokesperson.

    She also suffered deep wounds to her legs and torso, the spokesperson said. The spokesperson added that the severity of Whiley's injuries indicated she may have been attacked by a group of bull sharks, a species known for aggressive behaviour this time of year. One woman described how she and her husband at first believed she was drowning before they realised she was being attacked by sharks. She said she tried to help the woman out of the water but her arm had already been severed and she ended up grabbing at the bone.

    Police officers were searching for the sharks and had closed several nearby beaches.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I think this would be the worst way to die. Can you imagine what it must feel like to have a cold mouth full of daggers with strength like a Mack Truck close down on you? I used to think tht death by mauling by a grizzly bear would be the worst and most terrifying way to go, but thinking about being in the open water with death coming from below compounded by the fact that you can't see your attacker until it's too late.......ugh.

    -Breck (of the doesn't swim in the ocean class.)

  • misspeaches

    And get this...

    the lady was killed on a beach called Amity Bay (on stradbroke island). Jaws the movie was set in Amity a town in Long Island... Weird hey.

    Also yesterday a little girl died in far north Queensland, Australia after being stung by a box jellyfish.


    That's horrible!!! I used to scuba dive and on one occasion went on a shark dive (not in a cage). We had to sit next to the coral and they threw chum all in the water...dozens of sharks appeared out of nowhere! After the dive I thought that was a crazy thing for me to do and vowed that I wouldn't sign up for another one. I did occasionally see sharks on dives but they never even paid us any attention. It seems they are attracted to swimmers more than scuba divers.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    We just had two Great White attacks on the Northern Oregon Coast within two weeks of each other with one fatality. What's up with the sharks these days?

  • doofdaddy

    Tragic story

    I have been swimming in the ocean just about all of my life and have been circled by large sharks many times.

    That feeling is like nothing else. Absolute vulnerability.

    This poor young woman seems to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Makes me think of my kids who both live in Brisbane.

  • MegaDude

    Australia is not my number one destination for swimming. Especially after reading the story that the film "Open Water" was based on.

    What's up with the sharks these days?

    If humans swim where sharks are known to feed, they are going to get bitten.

  • upside/down

    Just another "sign of the end".....ugh!

    Remember....70% of the globe ISN'T ruled by man.


  • mkr32208

    Bull sharks are scary little bastards too! I scuba a lot. I treasure hunt and spear fish from shore sometimes near the mouth of the saint johns river where bullsharks are known to feed (they like a fresh water saltwater mix and can actually live for a long time in fresh water...) They are ALWAYS on my mind!

    Scary stuff...

  • skyman

    I say it time to go fishing

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