Another Newbie

by FadingAway 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadingAway

    Hi everyone,

    I've been reading this forum for a while and I felt it was time to post my experience. I am very comforted when I read others experiences and how similar they are to mine, I don't feel alone.

    Anyway, I learned the truth in 97, got baptized in 98. All of sudden I was getting prvileges, parts on the CA and DC and had friends that seemed to care about me and I cared for them. Eventually the love started to cool off, the meetings felt like watching reruns of a bland tv show. I got married to a "spiritual" sister in 2000 and I thought by having a mate would help my spirituality. Still my feelings hadn't improved and I eventually gave up my privleges and started to decline in my time in the ministry. One issue I always had touble with was with my parents who are not JWs. The begged and pleaded with me not to become a JW, but I was so blinded by the love of the congregation and the promise of living on paradise, that I just felt satan was testing me and I was going to let God reply to satan by keeping my integrity. However, I could never get over the fact that my parents would be destroyed at Armegeddon if they did not become JWs. They did all they could for me to get me where I am today, and for that I am very greatful. I love them with all my heart, and could not understand why God would do that. I spilled my heart to an ELder about this and all I was told is to rely on Jehovah and he will take care of matters. That answer didn't satisfy me.

    I started to have serious doubts about the org 3 years ago. I would question the literature with how they were written: quoting secular sources without crediting the source, incomplete quotes that looked like they were taken out of context. Bible prophecies that always seemed to have fulfillment to the JWs only. Stories about how JWs are persecuted..... I also felt that most JWs were not any different from worldy people outside the KH.

    Just recently I was able to openly talk with my parents and told them of my doubts and feelings. I wholeheartedly apologized to them for the hurt I caused them. I love them that they always kept in touch with me and never shunned me for my decision. They wanted me to be happy and always kept me in their hearts. I told them that I don't want to be a JW anymore, I am unhappy and it is taking a toll on my health. I put on over 120 pounds because of feeling depressed because I felt I was never good enough to be like Brother Spiritual. Being able to have that conversation with my family lifted a heavy load off my chest and I finally feel I can move forward in a positive direction. I had to tell my wife about my feelings and how I did not want to go to the meetings or service anymore. My main fear of not telling her earlier was that I was afraid she and her family would shun me. She is upset, but she tells me that she is glad that I was honest because she was confused about what I wanted to do with my life. We'll see what happens in the future. I'm afraid there will be pressure from the congregation because of my course of action, but I will deal with it when it comes around. I am going to do whatever I can to support her and not impede her involement in the WTS, I am not her enemy but a source of refreshment to her. I want to be a good husband, but not under the constraints of the WTS.

    Like I said, I feel like I can get my life back on track. One thing I gave up was martial arts when I became a JW. I threw away 100s of dollars of books and other material related to it. I was clearing my house of the "demons." I regret doing that to this day. I have found a school and am eager to get going again. I weigh 320 pounds due to the "spirtual" food served at the KH. 1 year from now I plan to be 205 again and be happy about who I am.

    JWs like to use the word "encourging" a lot. I never knew what it meant and its application. I do now when I read about other peoples experiences on this forum. Thank you to all who open up and share your experiences with others, it gives me the confidence and courage of what yet may come in my decision to get away from the wts.

  • lonelysheep

    Welcome to JWD, FadingAway!!

    You're definately not alone here.

  • AuldSoul

    Welcome! I wish you success in your fade. Since your family are not Witnesses, you should have an easier time doing it than many, and your attitude toward your wife seems to hold great promise of keeping her happy (ergo, keeping you happy ).

    Looking forward to your posts.


  • schne_belly


    I wish you the best of luck with your future decisions.... and hope your wife will join you eventually. Give her time. I, like your wife, was very upset to hear of my husbands decision to stop attending meetings and question the WT. After only a few months, I opened my eyes too....we are now united.

    You have the best attitude ever.... The power of positive thinking is very strong!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.....

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Bravo and welcome to the forum.

    You are on the right track, and I know you see that. Thanx for relating the experience to us.

    The best 'witness' against the religion of JW's will be your example to your wife. Perhaps in time she will too see the need to flee.

    Tell us - what is your assessment of the 'spirit' in the organization these days? Has the passing of 5 years now since 2000 had any effect on the morale in your view?

    Thanx again for sharing and I look forward to many posts in the future. There will be some repurcussions for your decision - they will seek to punish you in some way most likely - but we will be ready to help where we can.


  • stopthepain

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • stopthepain

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • stopthepain

    Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Bryan

    Nice to have you here Fading!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • YoursChelbie

    Hi, I like your name and avatar.

    Isn't great to know that your parents welcomed you right back?

    There's more love shown by the Non-JW relatives than the JW's (their's is conditional on a lot of things) at least that has been my experience.

    Welcome to the forum!


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