Something I have noticed

by MuadDib 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MuadDib

    The last few district conventions I've been to, I haven't really been paying attention. At lunchtime I'd kind of just keep to myself and wander around. And I started picking up on something. Young Jehovah's Witness guys, at least in my corner of the world, are pretty much a bunch of duds. They look right at home in the shirt/tie/handbag combo and you just can't picture them lounging around with a brew playing cards and telling dirty jokes, or dancing at the bar, or whatever. And all these guys are walking around with these GORGEOUS girls on their arms! The kind of girls where you get nervous just thinking about what it might be like to consider maybe talking to them. It's unbelievable.

    So what's the deal? Is it some kind of cruel joke on the part of the universe, sequestering all these amazing women in this sadistically repressed religion? Do these unattainable young beauties just swoon over the prospect of landing the guy working the amp Wednesday nights at the Hall? Is there some kind of correlation between penis size and number of hours spent in service? Or are these guys just the only option open to these girls so they take what they can get? It's really kind of weird. Makes me wonder if I should shave, drop out of school, and start door-knocking again... might be worth it to wake up next to one of these ladies every day. Don't think I haven't thought this over.

  • Gretchen956

    Can't help you on your post, but is your name a reference to Dune? We have a couple Dune fans here!

    Welcome, by the way.


  • serendipity

    Hi Muaddib, Men in general are less inclined to continue in or join a restrictive religion. That means that the ratio of single women to men is something like 2:1. So the guys have their pick of chicks and get far better looking girls than they might have if the playing field were level.

  • myself
    Or are these guys just the only option open to these girls so they take what they can get? It's really kind of weird. Makes me wonder if I should shave, drop out of school, and start door-knocking again... might be worth it to wake up next to one of these ladies every day. Don't think I haven't thought this over.

    I think most of these girls pretty much are just settling for what they can find within their realm, taking what they can get as you put it. It doesn't mean they are happy with what they end up with. I also think sometimes it is to escape an unhappy home life with their parents.

  • Odrade

    Pretty much no selection. You have to get a guy early, or they're all taken, and any guy who is "good" enough for the sisters to look at, has his pick of the sisters.
    When I was a teen, the hot guys were not the "good association" guys, and though they got attention, it wasn't nearly the attention that the "good" servant-track brothers got. So yeah, it was pretty lopsided. But I think you'll see that in most repressive religions.

  • Jeffro

    Muad'Dib, if memory serves, is the name given to the mouse shadow on the second moon of Arrakis, which becomes Paul Atreides' Fremen name.

    But back to the topic... I think your observation is simply a matter of availability. If the 'unattainable young beauties' don't want to be shunned by their family and friends, they'll probably tow the line and take an interest in one of the lucky 'young ones' in 'good standing'.

  • Mysterious

    Yeah most of the guys here were pretty much pursued from the time they were teenagers. And girls are very protective of any guy they think has an interest in them, some even going overboard and calling them their boyfriends when there is no real commitment there. And of course a single brother in his 20's is subject to every amateur matchmaker from leagues around.

  • sass_my_frass

    Witness girls aren't prettier hon, it's only that the district convention is the only place they get to dress up at.

  • sass_my_frass
    Men in general are less inclined to continue in or join a restrictive religion. That means that the ratio of single women to men is something like 2:1. So the guys have their pick of chicks and get far better looking girls than they might have if the playing field were level.

    Oh yeah the ratio thing. I once calculated that in my area it was 4:5 men:women, which still meant that one in five gals had to choose between staying single or marrying outside The Truth. I got sick of being a nun...

    And I'm pretty hot you know!

  • dinah

    I remember those days too. All the teens were out walking and looking, maybe getting an address or two. Yep, the height of the social season as a Dub. Not only did the young people in question have to be in good standing, they also had to pass background checks from the elders in the home congregations of the kids. I just opted out and married a worldly guy. (Which was a disaster btw--he was an ass). Second hubby is MUCH better--been married to him for 10 years--he's worldly and how I love him! Me, I'm not worldly in their eyes, I'm just dead.

    I remember that the witness boys never, how would you say it---"turned me on". Who wants to sleep with a dork for the rest of their lives. And just as was mentioned above, if a guy was HOT he was on his way OUT.

    Another thing that bothers me, they seem to marry the first one who shows an interest. No dating, no meeting different men and getting to know them. It's too dangerous to get to know them---fornication lurks everywhere just waiting to through us in the fire. I've seen too many 17 and 18 yr olds get married and be miserable. Sad, so sad.

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