What's Your Pet Peeve At The Meetings?

by Golf 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confession

    I agree with Finally-Free's comment...

    The guys who gave the closing prayers were not talking to God, they were talking to the audience.

    That used to bug me a bit. It hit me that prayers were supposed to be imploring God for His help, asking for His blessing, thanking Him from the heart. But instead we would so often receive a brother's personal posturing...

    "...And of course we know, Jehovah, that our only hope for survival is to work with our congregation elders..."

    "...And help us always remember to (insert whatever points you can remember from the meeting just held.)"

    Lots of "and we knows." And we know this system is soooo close to ending. And we know we have a great work to do. And we know that we have to spend every nanosecond possible in the field ministry. And we know that God's spirit is only with the Faithful and Discreet Slave. And we know that oral and anal sex are cursed, homosexual obscenities. And we know that John the Baptist prefigured Elijah in the antediluvian, pre-Messianic, post-pubescent timeframe.

  • calico

    It seems like coming to the meeting sick proved that you were faithful! I remember being in the bathroom at the KH and a sister was throwing-up! She went back out and sat down as if nothing was wrong! She may have been on some meds that were making her sick--I don't know for sure. Anyway, plenty of people go to the meetings sick and I wonder how they can consider themselves loving brothers and sisters! What if an elderly one caught their illness and then later died?! I always worried about that!

  • hamsterbait

    prayers that icorporate lies.

    "We thank you for the warm loving christian brotherhood. We know heavenly father the world grows increasingly cold and selfish. "


  • jeanniebeanz
    seeing brothers taking the lead when they clearly are not capable or scripturally qualified.

    I find myself strangely in agreement with... *gulp* defd.... <que Twilight Zone music>


  • Plummet

    "Brothers, would you like to send your warm Christian Greetings to XYZ Congregation?"



  • undercover

    Back in the day, going overtime was irritating to me as well. Then there was Brother Add-His-Opinion to every point brought out during the WT study. And let's not forget Brother Too-Old-To-Do-Anything-Else-But-Pray who prayed for an eternity to close the meeting. One prayer was longer than the last part on the meeting one time.

    I haven't been to a meeting in several months, but the last few along with the one convention session I went to the thing that bugged me the most was prayer. Any prayer. They all start the same..."Our Father in heaven, Jehovah, we thank you for this.....blah blah blah" and always closed one of two ways...."In Jesus' name, Amen" or something like, "through our sovreign, reigning King, Christ Jesus, Amen". I can't stand there and listen to someone talk to some invisible man that isn't there. Bugs the shit outa me.

  • RichieRich


    I have very nice suits. And it seems like every meeting, some little kid throws up on me, or some sister wipes her lipstick on me, or the mud splashes up outside, or my mother is wearing an angora sweater. It really pisses me off.

    That, and

    When I go to sleep (often), and my mother wakes me up by like pinching me, or doing something to attract attention to her...

  • PoppyR

    Oh the warm christian love thing.. what a farce!!! And I really hated this new thing of clapping after a convention finished.. who the hell started that?? I never did it, I just got my things together, it was so FALSE. And didn't we enjoy that brothers.. well actually no.. I didn't, and I doubt 99% of the people here would rather be here than in a comfy chair at home watching tv but nobody would actually say it!

    Poppy xxx

  • Golf

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Here's another one, this speaker was presenting his public talk beautifully until he came to his conclusion,I thought he was going to end with a big bang, but no. He must have had at least five conclusions to his talk and it ended in overtime. Needless to say what condition I was in.


  • Honesty
    seeing brothers taking the lead when they clearly are not capable or scripturally qualified. D

    I agree with you, defd.

    I doubt they'd know the Holy Spirit even if He is still trying to draw them to Jesus. As for that 'cultivating the fruits of the Spirit' thing the JW's always talk about.... There's no cultivating going on. Either you have the Holy Spirit in you to lead or you don't have it. So, no matter how hard a person tries to 'work' on one of the fruits it is all futile. Another piece of evidence the JW cult does not have God's stamp of approval.

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