What has "Unintelligent Design" been observed to make?

by hooberus 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daystar

    I haven't yet read through all four pages of this yet, so forgive if this has been mentioned.

    Actually, you can find a discussion of some of these these issues. (For example the book "The Biotic Message" by ID theorist Walter ReMine, discusses scientific evidence as supporting the claim that life was specifically created to be evidence of a single designer. http://www1.minn.net/~science/about.htm)

    This is the second time so far in this thread that I've seen you tell someone to go read such-and-such book for a response to their questions rather than addressing it yourself.

    You could at least refer to and quote specific items from the books, with commentary, rather than just telling someone to "go read a book". Rather uncompelling of you.

  • hooberus
    This is the second time so far in this thread that I've seen you tell someone to go read such-and-such book for a response to their questions rather than addressing it yourself.

    You could at least refer to and quote specific items from the books, with commentary, rather than just telling someone to "go read a book". Rather uncompelling of you.

    I simply don't have the time to personally deal with every issue raised on these types of threads by the different posters, therfore I sometimes recommend sources for these points. Furthermore on other threads I have discussed some of the points in the afore mentioned book.

  • DanTheMan
    I simply don't have the time to personally deal with every issue raised on these types of threads by the different posters,

    Nobody says you have to. Replying with a reference to a book or another thread is a cop-out.

  • daystar


    I simply don't have the time to personally deal with every issue raised on these types of threads by the different posters, therfore I sometimes recommend sources for these points. Furthermore on other threads I have discussed some of the points in the afore mentioned book.

    Hmm, then I will quote something my mother used to say - "Don't start something you can't finish."

    You have to know this sort of thread will gain a large amount of attention. If you're not up to the challenge, why begin it in the first place?

  • hooberus
    Hmm, then I will quote something my mother used to say - "Don't start something you can't finish."

    You have to know this sort of thread will gain a large amount of attention. If you're not up to the challenge, why begin it in the first place?

    So do you expect me to respond directly to every point raised by every poster on threads that I start? Do you hold this same standard for yourself and for others on here?

  • daystar
    So do you expect me to respond directly to every point raised by every poster on threads that I start? Do you hold this same standard for yourself and for others on here?

    *sigh* You could try. But that is not the point I'm making here. And I will take the blame for causing it to go in a slightly different direction.

    My point was that it is not very useful for a person to respond to an argument with "go read Such-and-Such book", etc. Give these people more respect than that at least. They have provided useful argument (granted that there are more of them), but you have rather sputtered out now. C'mon Rex! Shining One! Help out here!

    daystar (of the "instigator of fights" class)

  • hooberus
    My point was that it is not very useful for a person to respond to an argument with "go read Such-and-Such book", etc. Give these people more respect than that at least.

    There was no lack of respect in my book recommendation to Leolaia. Furthermore, I seee no need to discuss this issue further. Perhaps you should consider participating in something such as the recent logic discussion here (see lower posts on previous page).

  • daystar
    Perhaps you should consider participating in something such as the recent logic discussion here

    Hah! No thank you. This entire line of debate seems rather futile to me. I might address specific methods for argument, but not this particular argument itself.

    Your entire premise is based upon the faith that there is a God to begin with. If your team and the other team can't see eye to eye on that, one way or the other, then the rest of the debate is useless, IMHO.

  • Abaddon


    Its not "special pleading" nor a "a logical fallacy" to make a statements to the effect that "something that has always been there doesn't require a designer".

    Hooberus, if one states "complex designs require an intelligent designer" and then cannot show how the designer came about, you are making a self-refuting hypothesis. If you add "... but the intelligent designer doesn't need a designer" you are, by definiton, using special pleading. If you additonally claim "... because it has always been there", you additonally add a postulation that cannot be proved.

    It doesn't matter whether you, or Joe-Bob YeeeHaaa's website claim other wise. Each description is applied using standard definitons to part of what you say.

    You might not like it, but it is of no more relevance than someone not liking having his cow described as a cow when he has a conceit it is a Unicorn. If you don't like having your cow described as a cow, sell the cow.

    As Dan points out, you're repeating yourself, adding nothing new, either NOT understanding your cow is a cow even if you think it is a Unicorn, or ignoring it is a cow because it is so important to you it is a Unicorn.

    I simply don't have the time to personally deal with every issue raised on these types of threads by the different posters, therfore I sometimes recommend sources for these points. Furthermore on other threads I have discussed some of the points in the afore mentioned book.

    If you aren't willing to take the time to repsond to people's posts as you will note most do (providing condensed explanation), but instead c&p or refer people to books, why bother pretending to make a worthwhile contribution to these discussions. What point is there replying to you if a post time and effort is expended on, that raises problems with your claims, is just ignored at your whim because you don't have enough respect to start what you finish?

    If you can't condense ReMine's stance into 150 words you are either

    1. incapable of doing it,
    2. too lazy to do it, or
    3. it isn't worth condensing.

    Possibly you genuinely think it is a good book, but because it has tickled your ears, not because it contains one or two brilliant points that are easily consensed.

    So do you expect me to respond directly to every point raised by every poster on threads that I start? Do you hold this same standard for yourself and for others on here?

    Not every; but I think you need to take morte responsibility for threads you start, for example.

    If you claimed 'Chocolate is made from ear wax' in a thread and then didn't respond to people pointing out no, it isn't.... and then a few weeks later you claim 'Chocolate is made from ear wax' without ever addressing all the point people made about it NOT being earwax... is this going to make you credible in anyway?

    Or are you just playing to the gallary, quite possibly ONLY occupied by you?

    When a poster perpetually doesn't finish off what he starts, doesn't respond to questions on a pretext, flips people off with a book reference they don't expand on to get out off dealing with major problems with their argument... and contiunes to claim that they and a bunch of rather unlikely candidates are right, and everyone else is wrong...

    Say I thought swallows buried themselves in the mud for the winter (as people once did), and you and almost every expert in the world thought they migrated. I would quote old books that SAID this was so, even ones that reported SEEING it happen. I would point out HOW could such an unbelivable thing happen?, as 'intelligent travelling planning requires an intelligent travel planner'. I might say "Oh, well, look at this book this proves I am right". But you and the majority of the experts in the world would be right. No matter what I thought.

    Just as in that scenario my claims, my conduct and the evidence I used would give me zero credibility, so to in the actual scenario we have at hand, do you have zero credibility.

    Furthermore, I seee no need to discuss this issue further.

    No? Saddam Hussain doesn't think he has anything to answer to. What you think or do not think is not relevent. You hoist your battle standard and then run when it suits you, and have the amasing gall to think people are stupid enough not to see your avoidance and disengagement for what it is.

  • seattleniceguy

    This has been an interesting debate. I've enjoyed reading Abaddon's posts - I always feel like my powers of logic are subtly refined after seeing someone's argument get pruned down to the essentials by this sharp thinker.

    One comment to Daystar.
    >> Your entire premise is based upon the faith that there is a God to begin with. If your team and the other team can't see eye to eye on that, one way or the other, then the rest of the debate is useless, IMHO.
    I understand where you are coming from, but you make it sound as if belief/non-belief in God is the dichotomy that separates creationists from evolutionists. This is simply not the case. There are a great deal of people who believe in God AND accept evolution. It is true that very few, if any, non-theists would be in the creationist camp, but there are many theists in the evolutionist camp. Hey, I guess that means the evolutionist camp is more encompassing. Or, it has better s'mores. Or something. :-)

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