Sexual Abuse Memories are implanted by Satan, so Forget & Endure Them

by Gerard 53 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • delilah

    Bluesbrother said,"Pass it to the authorities - you are out of your depth. At least encourage the victim to seek professional help and see if the truth can be established, the victim helped and if appropriate, the perpetrator nailed"

    I agree whole-heartedly with you on this. The elders have no training what-so-ever, on how to handle these types of situations. They should be reporting them to the "worldly" authorities, who will delve right into it and dig for clues, they just won't sweep the information under the proverbial rug because there were not 2 or 3 witnesses to the crime. They really are out of their league when it comes to dealing with child abuse situations. I think all persons reporting such like cases should go immediately to the police, not the elders, with no fear of repercussions or threats from the elders.

    And i know how it feels to be told, that I didn't need to seek therapy, all i needed to do was get out to ALL the meetings, and out in the service more often, and Jehovah would take care of my problems....not once did they ever offer their friendship, or send a sister over for much for their special, "agape" love for their fellow witnesses.What a bunch of morons!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Maybe -- just maybe if someone had called the police instead of the elders my aunt would still be alive instead of committing suiside after being sexually abused

    and maybe -- just maybe my sister who committed suicide last week would have gotten the help she needed instead of becoming a drug addict for the last 30 years until she could no longer stand the pain of all the hurts that piled one on top of the other after she was sexually abused by the same man who abused my aunt and me.

  • Gerard

    ((((((Lady Lee))))))

  • blindersoff

    Lady Lee


  • sir82
    They should be reporting them to the "worldly" authorities, who will delve right into it and dig for clues, they just won't sweep the information under the proverbial rug because there were not 2 or 3 witnesses to the crime.

    Sorry to be a pain, but I'm still stuck on my example (for personal reasons).

    And I'm asking because I honestly don't know: Would the "worldly" authorities investigate anything in a case where a grown woman walks up to them and says "I have no proof other than my suddenly-recovered memories, but 25 years ago my father abused me"?

    Obviously the accuser needs professional therapy, but as far as prosecuting the accused, would/could the authorities do anything?

    Does anyone have any experience related to police / Social services investigating cases that occurred 20, 25, 30 years ago?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have worked with sexual abuse survivors for the last 20 years. And YES there have been cases where the police and courts have pursued the accusations and CONVICTED the accused. There is a satute of limitations. Usually it is a certain amount of time after the victim begins to recall the abuse.

  • sir82


    Lady Lee, do you know how the courts were able to get a conviction on such a "cold case"?

  • gumby
    Maybe -- just maybe if someone had called the police instead of the elders my aunt would still be alive instead of committing suiside after being sexually abused

    and maybe -- just maybe my sister who committed suicide last week would have gotten the help she needed instead of becoming a drug addict for the last 30 years until she could no longer stand the pain of all the hurts that piled one on top of the other after she was sexually abused by the same man who abused my aunt and me.

    LL{{{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}} It's a wonder a family member who knows of this doesn't figure a way to put the son-of-a-bitch 6 feet under. Gumby

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Lady Lee, do you know how the courts were able to get a conviction on such a "cold case"?

    In one case it turned out that about 20 other victims came forward regarding the same man and his abuse of them all. First one person laid charges against her father and it hit the news. Then the rest of them followed suit. Very few of them even knew about the others so there wound up being a far too many victims for anyone to ignore. Victims won and he went to jail for the rest of his life (which probably not long because he was in his 80's when they finally nailed him.

    For some of the others there were actual medical records of pregnancies or STDs. And some were simply one person's word against the other.

    But at least they were investigated.

    Now if the elders had a clue what they were dealing with the evidence could have been collected att the time. You might also want to look at the BEST OF section of the board regarding sexual abuse. There have been a couple of cases that were posted about A LOT.


    It's a wonder a family member who knows of this doesn't figure a way to put the son-of-a-bitch 6 feet under
    He's already there
  • steve2

    Hey thanks Gerard, HL and others for helping me locate the link.

    It seems convenient that the Watchtower has just archived the on-line article.

    I agree with others' comments that it is a vain attempt to cover all the legal bases with only token regard paid to victims of abuse.

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