How about a survey?

by AhHah 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    That was nice of you to share that AhHah. Thanks for sticking around btw. You seemed to have helped get things back on track, content-wise around here.

    I'm perhaps like yourself a bit in that the price paid was well worth it despite the losses. I think I would have lost more had I remained a fool and spent my whole life believing a pipe dream.

    There's only so much time we have. The sooner you make up your mind, the more time remains for you to see your loved ones see the light.

    Wasn't there some american dude that said "Give me liberty or Give me death"?

    - That is the value of freedom.


  • AhHah

    Thanks Path.

    I was wondering if most here really wanted to discuss weighty or even controversial matters about God and religion. Latley, it seems that some do after all.

    I really enjoy hearing others comments and I like it when others make me really reason on a matter and perhaps expand my thinking. I believe that it is vital to our growth.

    Some time ago, Frenchy posted an excellent discussion about the very important need that a forum like this can fill in our lives, as a spiritual fellowship. For that to be the case, we obviously cannot shy away from discussing important matters.

    I am glad that you also feel positive about the changes in your life. It is not easy at first.

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