How about a survey?

by AhHah 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seven

    hey puppylove, Who are you to tell me to lighten up for saying what was on my mind? This isn't the Kingdom Hall. I should have mentioned how much I appreciate the intimacy of a small forum rather than using the dead is better quote. This forum was more active a few months ago-you are correct. So go ahead and do something about it. You've been here for four months and I apologize for not welcoming you to the board. As far as the cult-like mindset and the explore your horizons comment, nothing could be further from the truth. The participants here that know me, know better than that.

  • Carmel

    Thanks seven.

    Don't know if its temporary insanity or feline curiosity! Don't concern yourself with Puppy's comments. With your horizons, explorations go without saying!


  • puppylove

    7, the lighten up was meant as just that, lighten up! You like things dead? You like a small intimate group? Others are not welcome, is that what you are saying? So, again, you are saying that you want to belong to a small, elitist, dead group, just like the jdubs.

    How sad.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Ummm....Puppy.....seems that it's time for YOU to lighten up.

    I've known 7 for awhile, and she has always been more than welcoming to any newcomers. But, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a comfortable, small gathering of cyberfriends more than a big cyberparty.

    Anyone is welcome. However, this board has become a nice place to settle back, kick off your shoes, and enjoy some pleasant conversation with a few good friends.

    Sometimes it's a little quiet, but that's not necessarily bad. Enjoying this kind of atmosphere doesn't make one an elitist.

  • puppylove

    I'm actually a very light hearted person. Just getting some "you're not welcome" here vibes lately and trying to figure out what's up.

    Path said that the board is dead and some are trying to pump some life into it. But, others, like 7, seem to like it dead.

    So, is it a holdover? Am I just misinterpreting?

  • Carmel

    Hey Pup,

    Relax! It's not easy to communicate on this medium without having a few misunderstandings! No body language to give you a clue! I missed your entry as I have been out and about for a few weeks. What your story? Former Witless? Sorry if its been shared before, but I'd like to hear it.


  • Simon

    It has been a bit quiet here lately and I'm sure there's just been some misunderstanding on more than one part.
    I think the survey thing is a good idea but should be done anonymously. I could do it so that it will only allow each person to vote once but not actually record how each individual voted. The results could be compiled into a graph as the votes are cast.
    How about a weekly poll ? I'm sure you've all seen similar things on other sites. It is easiest to do a single question which allows for a choice of 2 or more replies.
    BTW: It is also worth reiterating that EVERYONE is welcome - it is supposed to be an informal support site. There will always be disagreements and misunderstandings but lets forgive and forget eh?

  • RedhorseWoman

    Puppylove, I'm sorry if you've gotten the feeling that you're not welcome here.....that is definitely not true.

    People tend to get a little upset when it appears that they are being attacked.....except for Waiting....she LIKES the attention.

  • waiting


    You are Such A SH*T!!!! Again, my 'mericun words.

    I'm at my work computer, McD's my dinner - gotta work tonite - ugh. Good thing I wore loose panties, eh? (I miss Zep and his "eh")

    Pup & Ah, sorry if we haven't welcomed you enough - truly was unintentional. But boards, so I've heard, go through "spells" of quiet, arguing, intimate discussion - and stupid trivia (where I reign.)

    Pup, you've been to our board off and on for about 4 months, so a little patience? Our board may be dead - but we aren't, nor are our brains. Perhaps we do have a life other than this board of unknown persons? Well, some do.

    New persons are always welcome and I agree with Red, Seven is the most welcoming of us all - always has been. She even likes Red, which says a lot about her patience dealing with the "challenged." She's even forgiven me for making sarcastic remarks about blondes and their, perhaps, lack of thinking ability. I'm a brunette, that's why Red goads me - she's so jealous.......

    I think Seven just misses Frenchy's poetry (perhaps Ah's poetry just made her miss her French Knight even more? [please ...... save me from romantics!]). I've tried to compensate, but she just doesn't seem to "get" my poem about Christopher Robin. Red was down right rude to me when I posted it - right Red?

    But being the mature woman that I am - I was polite in my response to her rudeness - just corrected her spelling for her.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Frickin, evil woman, ARE! Good thing I just got in a new supply of Depends...LMAOPMP!!

    It's're wonderful to correct my spelling, you set me on the straight and narrow. Hell, I'll bet you could even make my coffee! Would you like to be my secretary? (hehehehe)

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