JW fads

by Cellist 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker4

    Yes, Blondie, that's exactly what I mean. Brothers who did that - oh come on! I hated that canned "expected" applause thing as well.


  • Cellist

    I tended to not clap, too. I always found clapping to be somewhat idiotic unless it was at the end of a talk. Then I could view it as appreciation for someone's hard work.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I stopped clapping at this year's dc, and quite a few others joined me. I haven't applauded much at public talks lately either, except in relief when the talk finished. I have been at dcs when the audience didn't clap when they were supposed to, and it was kind of odd, those speakers really love to milk the applause though.

  • Spectre

    Grrrrr....you guys are making me want to go check out an assembly now to see how things have changed. I hated the canned clapping part and I hate it still on late night talk shows. "Ohhhh, he made a funny, I guess I'll clap now instead of laugh."

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Don't bother spectre, very little has changed really, and it's still the same old recycled bs coming from the platform.

  • Spectre

    Of course I wouldn't bother, I would feel the need to infiltrate and wouldn't want to get my hair cut now or shave off my goatee. I did go to the memorial a couple of years ago just for the hell of it and was kinda freaked out by it all. Never again will I step into a kingdom hall.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    .....Never again will I step into a kingdom hall.

    No, neither will I. That's one mistake I won't repeat.

  • freedom96

    I thought it was funny at the assemblies how many people were half asleep and got startled when the clapping started, and they then joined in with it, though they had no idea what it was for.

  • theinfamousone

    i kinda love how they wont say "LUCKY", but its completely ok to say "FORTUNATE"... isnt it the same thing??

    the infamous one

  • Virgogirl

    Oh, the memories! The hot, humid afternoon sessions after lunch, fanning myself with the songbook. Dozing off, dreaming. Then, the startling clapping! Mother cracking me on the shoulder with her songbook. "Sit up!" I clap luke warmly till the suck-ups stop it and I go back to sleep.

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