jehovah witnesses is not a religon it is a cult

by dude 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You could be right Willy. I just got a PM from him wondering if I was a JW??!!??

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Welcome! Maybe you could share your story with us? Why do you think it will only last 10 more years? I figure it will at least continue until the next big failed prophecy. I'm sure they'll have to make another soon, as they are heading towards negative growth, but I think they'll wait until at least 2020 to give the average Dub time to forget the last one.

  • bull01lay

    Hey dude - don't hold back... tell it how ya see it.. no need to mince your words, we can take it..

    An angry entrance like that says you've got some issues with the JW's.. well you're in the right place to rant !!! Most of us have / do at some point or another!!

    Cheers from sunny Britain,


  • kls

    Hey Dude from Wisconsin Yes it is a cult and it is not only money but power and the control it has over it's followers.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Dude, and welcome, I like your opening comments, most of us on here will hope that they come true!

  • Seeker4

    The money comment is probably way off base. I knew a ton of JWs over a lot of decades, and money was NOT the main reason they were members. The thought that it is a cult is a bit closer to reality. Calm down and explain yourself. Got to think and express yourself a bit more clearly than that post to not get cut to ribbons here!


  • heathen

    I'm sure most dubbies would agree with the prediction as well , They believe world conditions are ripe for the end of the world even .

  • Abaddon

    Hi dude

    i agree that it will take more years then predicted but when it does fall the world will be a better place

    Step away from the screen and get some perspective. Yeah, the JW's can s**k the s**t right out of my a*s and are evil and destructive. But misogyny damages more people everyday than JW's do in a decade. There will always be some lame-brain cult out there... one day maybe misogyny will be far rarer, and THEN the world will be a better place... Abaddon (of the 'watching a kid eat a 'Happy Meal' sat next to a mum who was obviously beaten in the past few days really puts things into perspective class')

  • Flash

    Don't be too hard on him, it does say:

    "Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum"

    Welcome Dude...Vent away, we all know it helps.

  • Axelspeed

    They will still be herer in some form...but the idealistic view they have of themselves and the happiness of the r&f is rapidly approaching delusion.

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