too stupid for words

by peacefulpete 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mastodon

    It's official, the Watchtower Society is scared of VIAGRA...

  • misspeaches

    Not only is that stupid it is also incredibly sad.

    We all know how the elderly in the congregation are not looked after by them. That onus falls back on the family JW or not. Yet two elderly dubbies have been victimised and denied a rare friendship.

    I swear I hope karma bites those elders in the arse!

  • luna2

    That is so sad. Maybe the elders should arrange a chaperone service. How unfair that these older folks can't enjoy some company because some people have such dirty minds.

  • jgnat

    I just finished reading an article on longevity in the National Geographic. The Okinawans and the Sardinians are both known for their high population of centenarians. I tell you, the pictures of these seniors sitting around the table or the hearth, surrounded by friends and warmed my heart. This is vitality in old age!

    By cutting off her social ties, those elders have just shortened that poor woman's life by ten years. Bloodguilty.

  • Purza
    were just counselled on the need for a chaperon! It seems someone was disturbed that the two were alone in her appartment!

    Sounds like someone was trying to IMPOSE their conscience on them. How sad.


  • banished1

    Just for the record, I used to visit the elderly sisters in a community home for the aged. They all told me how the old men and women were sleeping around! I know, unbelievable! But I guess you have to be in your 80s and 90s to appreciate they still get the hots for each other! Anyway, these sisters were still very active in the service and conducting Bible studies in the place and told me how important it was not to give the appearance of fooling around behind closed doors with the men in the place. They told me the men were after them! They all said the same thing so I had to believe them.

  • Frogleg

    The "elders" weren't trying to be stupid, they had finally run across something that they could handle. Face it, a 94 year old great gandmother probably won't put up much of a fight. They wouldn't tell the dumbass who whined about it to mind his/her own business (those kind of people are why humans evolved a middle finger) because that person obviously knows how to complain. Plus, it's the only way they can keep their feet tethered to the planet and make themselves feel like they are actually accomplishing something. I'm curious, what do you think, is it that all "elders" have no sense of shame, or is it just that only people without any concept of shame are made "elders"? Maybe they didn't want to be outdone by the Florida cops who arrested a couple of 10 year olds for drawing violent stick figures.

  • doofdaddy

    I know why the elders counselled them.

    It may have looked bad to worldly people seeing two christian people of the opposite sex alone together......................................................................................................................


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Where does common sense come in to play? Do elders have any?

    Maybe it was a slow month for the JC committee. Time to have a little rumble. Throw his weight around.

  • caligirl

    Yes, well the person that was "disturbed" was either one of the elders who "counseled" them, using someone else as a scapegoat, OR was probably, and in my opinion more likely, someone who got "in trouble" for the same thing and has taken it upon themselves to see that everyone who hangs out alone with someone of the opposite sex gets the same treatment they did. The old childish "If I can't do it, no one can" mentality.

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