JW Urban Ledgends - Fact or Fiction?

by clear2c 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joel Wideman
  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Comic books, video games, and Dungeons & Dragons.
    The idea of demonized items not burning is a variation on the witch test - tie the suspected witch up and throw them in the lake. If she floats, she's a witch.

  • clear2c

    SOOooOooo that must mean if I throw an action figure in the water and it floats it must be demonized lol ......

  • Soledad

    The Smurf thing was big in our area. My mom had bought me a smurfette ring but then she threw it away about 1 week later. It was so widespread even when we moved overseas the witnesses there knew about the smurfs. I made a sarcastic quip once about how the smurfs were better known in witness land than the latest Awake article. No one thought that was funny.

    Also, who in the world hasn't heard this one:

    The best one though of course is the one where some sister had to work by herself in service one day (this is in the 1960s) and came across a house where she started witnessing to a guy that had just murdered the Avon lady and some other unsuspecting soul. When they finally caught the guy, they asked him in court why he never murdered the Witness and he said because there were "two big guys with her",

    I have heard several variations on the same story but it always involved the 2 big men surrounding the sister in field service.

    Also there was an elder's wife in our area who told us the story of how she went out on field service alone one day and two men dragged her into an empty apartment building and tried to rape her. She screamed and then felt a huge force lifting her up off the ground. The men looked up at ther and then ran out of the building. who knows.

  • caligirl

    There was a sister in our hall growing up who (as the story goes) was at a door and the householder was aparently threatening to let her vicious dogs out if she didn't leave, and as she turned to go back to the car, her skirt fell down around her ankles. This was of course blamed on demons because the householder was so hostile that she MUST have been demonized, not the fact that it was one of those wrap around skirts that easily came untied!

    I remember the story of the woman "saved" by the muderer being scared of the big men with her, and smurfs at some point, but I had smurf lunch boxes so I don't think those rumors were a big deal in our area.

  • Confession

    It was once pointed out to me by an Hispanic man that the Hispanic culture seems particularly given to mysticism. Don't know whether you've noticed this or not, but my best friend as a JW (who happened to be from Mexico originally) once shared this experience with me.

    He said he came home from work and noticed a pool of water on his kitchen table. There was so much water that it dripped down onto his floor. He claims to have investigated every possible explanation for this--but in the end concluded that it was obviously the work of demons.

    I asked him if he didn't think there was a more plausible explanation, and didn't he think demons might be engaged in activities that are a bit more nefarious than floating into his house to take a devil-whiz on his kitchen table. His reply?

    You never know, Bro...
    I guess he was right. You never really do, do you?
  • clear2c

    hehehehe this is great :)

    Mood rings from the 70s lol they where considered windows to your soul,,, becuse the ring changed colors with your mood lol

  • Kaylen

    This is OT but this reminded me about how I got so busted in high school for playing Dungeons and Dragons it got my dad demoted from being a MS I Poor dad he didn't even know what it was.

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Oh man, do I remember JW urban legends....my mother was really demon sensitive, as far as she is concerned, everything is demonized.......Do you remember the one about the witnesses who went to the door and there was this big dog at the door, and when the JW asked what the dogs name was, the householder replied " Jehovah", and the dog supposedly turned on his owner and killed him......

    I used to know more.....I am trying to remember........

    Will post if I remember them

  • calico

    There is a pink-haired troll standing on my computer--he looks friendly to me............

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